Attack powder: reviews, review, specifications, manufacturer

Life is a part of the life of any person. To make it comfortable is the task of those who produce household goods, and those who choose these goods to solve certain domestic problems. For example, washing clothes is a regularly repeated procedure that you can never do without. And the means to solve this particular problem are sold so diverse that it is sometimes difficult to choose one product. Here, for example, Attak washing powder, reviews of which are recommended. Who produces it? How does he happen? What erases? The answers to these questions are presented in the article.

Japanese quality

Japan is a special country. Advances in technical development, which this closed country has achieved until recently, have made it possible to become one of the leading world powers. If the label of any product has the inscription M ade in Japan , then there is no doubt about the quality of the product. This also applies to household chemicals used, including for washing clothes. Among the sought-after household chemical goods from Japan is Attak washing powder. Reviews about it remain only positive, however, as one would expect from a product made in Japan.

attack powder reviews

Attack brand from KAO

A company called KAO, which manufactures chemical and cosmetic products, was founded in 1887 as a home-made soap industry. A century later, the company gained worldwide fame due to the release of a huge list of consumer goods - from decorative and care cosmetics to floppy disks and baby diapers. Attack branded products are household chemicals for cleanliness: washing powders and gels, cleaning products for various applications. All these products are in great demand in importing countries, including in Russia. Japanese Attak powder is a frequently purchased product among similar products in specialized stores and household cleaning departments.

washing powder Attak


All Attack brand products are distinguished by several features. One of them is practicality. This also applies to the operation of the products themselves and their packaging. For example, Attak washing powder.

Reviews left by both women and men often mention convenient practical packaging. Unlike usual plastic bags or narrow small-sized boxes, Attak washing powder is packed 1 kilogram each in cardboard boxes of sufficient area so that the powder can be scooped out of it with a measuring spoon.

The used packaging should not be thrown away, because KAO prudently produces spare blocks that are easy to fit in the box and do not require powder pouring. This is a very practical solution that saves not so much time as the hostess’s health, since inhaling particles of washing powder flying away during the pouring does not have a beneficial effect on the body. Each package of powder from KAO has a measuring spoon for the economical use of funds.

attack powder Price


Using Attak washing powder, everyone notes its highest quality. Modern detergents always advertise as something unique. But not all of them meet expectations. But it is this powder that can easily cope even with the most persistent and complex contaminants.

You just need to choose the right tool. It is available in two forms - Attak Multi Action and Attak Bio CEN. Both washing powders actively cope with the solution of the task set before them to wash dirty laundry.

Attack Bio Powder


Saving money is a good help to the family budget. And since a streak is a regular necessity, the costs of it make up a fairly substantial part of the budget of any family. So, if the detergent allows you to spend it economically, then preference is given to him. And Attack powder also belongs to economical ones. Although the packaging price is higher than that of conventional powders, it justifies itself from the very first purchase. After all, one box of 0.9 or 1 kg of the product, depending on the type, allows washing 23 or 29 sets of linen.

For each wash - its own powder

All household appliances should be used as directed. Attack, a concentrated washing powder, is available in two forms. They are different in composition and, as a result, can easily cope with certain types of pollution. Combines washing powder brand "Attak" from the company KAO high quality.

Japanese Attack Powder

Attack Multi-Action

Laundry detergent "Attack Multi" ( Attack Multi-Action ) the main working component is oxygen bleach. It allows you to preserve the whiteness of the laundry, excluding the yellowish tint that can appear after washing. Also, this tool has one more feature - all the laundry that they have washed will not have a specific smell of dampness that appears during the long drying process.

This effect is achieved due to the conditioner included in the composition of the powder. The bleach complements all functions, it is able to remove persistent pollution and many pathogenic bacteria. It is noteworthy that with this powder you can wash both white and colored linen, it will not spoil the color, but, on the contrary, will give shades freshness and brightness. This powder is sold both in cardboard packs and in spare blocks.

Attack Multi Powder

Attack Bio EX

Many housewives know how difficult it is to remove stains of organic origin. But bio-powder Attak can easily solve such a difficult task as removing stains of blood, sweat, oils, cosmetics and so on. The enzymes that work in this detergent break down protein compounds, washing out not only from the surface of the fabric, but also from the inside of the fibers.

This allows Attack Bio EX Laundry Detergent to be a highly effective product in demand. A distinctive feature of this household product is the absence of chlorine and phosphates in its composition - components often used to remove stains.

According to the manufacturer, all the ingredients that work in Attack powder are easily rinsed out without irritating the skin while using the laundry. You can also buy this tool in the box and in the spare unit.

Attack Concentrated Laundry Detergent

Product Reviews

Laundry detergent "Attak" is a sought-after Japanese household chemicals, allowing you to save money on constant household chores - washing clothes. Both types of powder have only recommendatory, very often admired reviews.

“I did not expect such an effect - no stains at all!”, “Miracle powder - everything was removed without a trace after the first wash!” - Such reviews are found constantly.

There is nothing surprising in this - Japanese quality even affects everyday household chemical goods. Allowing you to wash dirty laundry to perfect condition, Attak powder receives constantly positive reviews, because it helps to save money both on the tool itself and on the purchase of new things.

Many mothers use this product to wash baby clothes stained after walking, during games with paints, or when the baby learns to eat independently. The only thing that many mothers recommend is to once again start the rinse process after washing, to be absolutely sure that there are no chemical components on the baby’s clothes.

attack powder reviews

Where to buy and how much?

An effective detergent for both white and colored linen is Attack powder. Its price varies depending on the store from 300 to 600 rubles per package. You can buy household chemicals from the KAO company, including washing powders, both in retail stores and on the Internet. Today, these funds are in demand products regularly sold in Russia.

washing powder Attak

If you are planning to buy a laundry detergent again, you should consider buying Attack laundry detergent packed in a practical box instead of the usual bag. Reviews about it are received only positive and are advisory in nature. These are high-quality products made in Japan, allowing you to get perfectly clean clothes and underwear, and significantly saving the money of the family budget. In addition, all the powders were tested for environmental safety and were found to be almost 90% safe.


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