Waterfall. Is the hairstyle romantic or casual?

Braids have long been considered the most beautiful way of styling hair. One or two, regular or French ... A braid is an evening hairstyle or everyday hair styling. Traditional or original, but always fashionable and stylish. Stylists constantly offer us more and more new options for weaving based on ordinary braids. And one of the latest trends is the waterfall. The hairstyle is truly universal and very spectacular. How to braid it and what you need to remember?

Waterfall. Hairstyle for any hair

Waterfall hairstyle
This styling is quite simple in execution, but it looks spectacular and unusual. It is distinguished by originality and romanticism. Any woman whose hair length reaches her shoulders can afford such a braid. The longer the strands, the more spectacular the final result looks. Although on short and curly hair, such a hairstyle looks just as magnificent and romantic. Because of the cascade of strands, this styling was called the β€œwaterfall”. Hairstyle requires clean and carefully combed hair to create. How to put them to get such a beauty?

Creating Hairstyles Waterfall

In order to get the expected effect, it is necessary to thoroughly comb washed and dried hair. If you plan to create a romantic image, then you can wind the strands on the curling iron, thus forming curls. They should not be combed, you can simply take it apart after cooling it into separate locks. But don't overdo it! Next, we begin to weave the braid. If you have experience in creating a French braid - great! So it will be much easier for you. Take a strand from the temple and share it, as

Hairstyles Waterfall
when weaving a traditional braid, in three parts. Then we make one or two crosses, as usual. And then begins the highlight of the hairstyle. The lower strand before each next cross is left free. You just release it from weaving down onto the bulk of the hair. Instead, pick up a new one from below. Such loose strands create the effect of a voluminous mane flowing along the shoulders and back, depending on the length of the hair. Hairstyle waterfall, the photo of which you see, is a clear confirmation of what was said. This styling looks good even on thin hair. They can be added with a curling iron, or they can be left smooth and straight.

Waterfall. Romantic or evening hairstyle

Hairstyle waterfall photo

Learning to weave such a braid, you will become the owner of several different hairstyles for any occasion. In everyday life, you can wear a braid just from
smooth hair, to meet with a loved one to do it using curls. If you want to give a romantic touch to styling, then do not tighten the weave. Let the braid be soft and fluffy. But a tighter and tightened one is perfect for creating a business or stylish student image. For a gala event, wedding or other celebration, it is worth putting your hair in an evening hairstyle based on a waterfall. To do this, you need to braid the braid to the end, slightly stretch the strands from the outside and wrap the free end in an imitation of a flower. Fasten with studs and invisible, fix with varnish and decorate with a decorative hairpin or live bud. Everything, a magnificent and refined hairstyle is ready!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C31797/

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