How to make eyebrows thick: ways and tips. Eyebrow Mask

The time of thin eyebrows has long been in the past, in the modern beauty industry, natural beauty still remains in a leading position. Therefore, now the girls, who at one time overdid it with plucking, long and hard tried to grow such desired thick eyebrows.

And no matter how daunting the task of growing thick eyebrows may seem, it is quite simple to do this, if you follow the advice of specialists and do not forget about regular procedures.

Makeup artists, like no one else, know that even the smallest detail on the face can significantly transform a person. The most noticeable and expressive area on the face is the eyebrows. If you choose the right shape and correctly paint them, you can achieve an amazing effect. And if some can happily clap their hands, rejoicing in the density of their eyebrows, then others will have a hard time.

Plucking eyebrows

The most important thing that is needed in order to grow a wide eyebrow is patience, time and diligence. Of course, you can turn to cosmetic services and simply increase your eyebrows, in the modern world even such services are popular.

If you introduce a set of certain rules into your life and adhere to them on a regular basis, then problems with the growth of eyebrows will forever remain in the past, without the intervention of cosmetologists.

Where to begin?

The key to success in the process of growing eyebrows is daily and regular care. The first and main rule is a thorough cleansing of makeup. Beauticians do not get tired of repeating that a dream with cosmetics on the face accelerates the aging process and withering of the skin. As for the eyebrows, a variety of gels, pencils and other correctors can destroy the structure of the hair. It is best to wash off eyebrow makeup with oil-based products or use olive oil for these purposes. This method not only perfectly removes makeup, but also nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

The second important factor is combing the eyebrows. We comb our hair daily, and eyebrows need the same procedure. This is necessary so that the blood flow to the already grown hairs does not stop, and regular combing provokes the growth of new hairs.

Eyebrow shape

Basic care

Standard care does not require the purchase of any expensive oils or eyebrow growth products. Hair care can be similar to eyebrow care. During shampooing, rub a drop of hair balm into the eyebrows. This procedure protects the hairs from outside influences, moisturizes and nourishes. The next step is massage. To do this, you need a regular brush to comb the eyebrows and a drop of burdock oil. And judging by the reviews, the result is noticeable after 2 weeks.

For a while, you will need to refuse tweezers. And no matter how annoying the small regrown hairs, saying goodbye to them is prohibited, even if they do not fit into the form at all. Do not forget about vitamins for hair and nail growth. After taking the vitamin complex, not only the condition of the eyebrows, but also the hair, skin and nails will improve.

Causes of Poor Eyebrow Growth

Before answering the question of how to make eyebrows wider and thicker, the root cause of why they do not grow should be identified.

In fact, there are not many reasons, so dealing with this will not be difficult:

  1. The main reason is the plucking of hairs in the same place on an ongoing basis. This leads to the fact that the hair follicles weaken, and the hairs cease to grow, as a result of which the eyebrows become less frequent.
  2. The second most popular reason is chemical exposure. Any paint can destroy the structure of the hair, so breaks should be made between trips to the browst. During the so-called treatment, you should use a pencil or eyebrow shadow, and refrain from staining for a while.
  3. And the last reason that is virtually untreatable is genetics. In this case, natural thick eyebrows can not be grown naturally. If the first two reasons can be easily corrected, then there is no arguing with genetic features. In this case, cosmetologists are advised to use a service such as eyebrow tattooing. Do not be scared and think that it is ugly and unnatural. The modern beauty industry knows so many techniques that the โ€œdrawnโ€ eyebrows will not differ at all from the real ones.
Wide eyebrows

How to grow eyebrows?

From the number of cosmetic procedures and products aimed at the rapid growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, eyes run up. Serums, balms, oils, creams - you can choose any product that includes vitamins, minerals and useful components. But no matter how cosmetology evolves, no matter what ways to make eyebrows thick or invented, many are of the opinion that it is home remedies that help best.

Home recipes

If you donโ€™t want to spend money on cosmetic products, and natural products cause more confidence, then you can use masks and scrubs from natural ingredients. The most popular folk recipe and the answer to the question of how to make eyebrows wider and thicker, which our grandmothers loved very much, is castor oil. If you regularly lubricate the eyebrows before bedtime with 2 drops of castor oil, the result will be noticeable after 14 days. Peach seed oil will be an excellent analogue to castor oil, which not only promotes the growth and strengthening of hairs, but also gives them a dark shade.

beautiful eyebrows

Herbal infusions

The answer to the question of how to make eyebrows very thick is simple: infusions of mint and chamomile have a miraculous effect. With regular use, these herbs do an excellent job of strengthening, restoring and growing hairs. And also make them shiny, perfectly moisturize and soothe the skin. For the procedure, you need two tablespoons of mint or chamomile and a glass of boiling water. After the composition is infused, moisten the cotton pads in it and attach to the eyebrows for 10-15 minutes.

Carrot juice

Excellent influence on the growth of eyebrows masks, which include carrot juice. Such a tool can be prepared independently. You just need to mix a few tablespoons of carrot juice with a couple of drops of vitamin A. After the mixture is ready, you need to soak cotton pads in it and lay them on your eyebrows. Keep the mask for 20-30 minutes, then rinse off the residue.

Oil mixture

Still wondering how to make eyebrows thicker at home? Use a mixture of oils that will trigger hair growth. It should be stocked with castor (10 drops), camphor (2 drops) and linseed oil (half a teaspoon). They need to be thoroughly mixed and lubricated with a mixture of eyebrows at night, and in the morning cleaned with shampoo. You can use a mask of oils only at night.

How to make hairs darker?

Many girls are faced with the fact that they want to make the eyebrows not only thicker, but also a little darker. To do this, you can use natural methods, and not chemical dyes:

  • Brew strong green tea in which moisten a cotton pad and wipe the eyebrow line. The procedure takes 15 minutes daily.
  • The real natural dye is sage leaves. The recipe is as follows: boil 3 tablespoons of sage leaves in 250 ml of water for 3 minutes. The resulting broth should be infused for 6 hours. It is applied on the eyebrows and left to dry completely.
  • Calendula flowers (2 tbsp.) Provide hair growth, which should be filled with water (250 ml) and insisted during the day. The infusion should be applied to the eyebrows with a compress and kept on the face for at least an hour. Use 3 times a week.
  • An equally effective ingredient is fig. You should boil 50 grams of figs in 250 ml of milk until a mushy state. Then the mixture needs to be cooled, wrapped in gauze and put a kind of bag with figs on the eyebrows.
  • In addition to masks, you should purchase the right tweezers and do not neglect the massage. The tweezers should be with beveled ends. A massage of the eyebrows should be done with your fingertips, movements are made in the direction from the nose to the temples along the line of growth of the eyebrows. Massage should be done daily for 5 minutes.
Eyebrow care

What affects eyebrow growth?

If neither home nor cosmetics help, you should delve into the problem and find out what prevents hair growth. It can even depend on nutrition. If the diet is dominated by junk food, then this will primarily affect the health of the hair.

The phrase โ€œwe are what we eatโ€ is not an empty phrase. If none of the above methods help in the fight for thick eyebrows, you should reconsider your diet. Some products can significantly slow down the growth of not only eyebrows, but also nails, eyelashes and hair. If you care about health, then you should forget not only about junk food, but also about strict diets. The question of how to make eyebrows thicker at home can be resolved thanks to proper and balanced nutrition.

Eyebrow comb

What to add to your diet?

Beautiful and thick hair and eyebrows require a sufficient amount of protein in the daily diet. What to do to make eyebrows thicker? Eat meat, fish, dairy products. Be sure to add foods containing B and A vitamins (kefir, cottage cheese, eggs, liver, milk, butter) to the diet.

To grow luxurious eyebrows is a difficult task, but doable. Be patient - and thick eyebrows will be grateful for the work.


In order for the thick and wide eyebrows to grow back as quickly as possible, you should take note of the following tips from professional cosmetologists and makeup artists:

  • The key to success is the regularity of procedures. Eyebrows grow very slowly, so the process can drag on for a long time, but in no case should you be lazy and forget about the procedures.
  • Homemade masks should be combined with oil films.
  • Masks are applied in the morning, oil - just before bedtime, so as not to leave greasy stains on clothes.
  • If you live in a hot country or are going on vacation, also do not forget to lubricate the eyebrows with protective oil so that they do not burn out.
  • If the density of your eyebrows has never bothered, and sudden changes have fallen like snow on your head - review the diet and the last cosmetic products purchased. Perhaps the problem is in them.
how to set eyebrows

Beautiful, thick eyebrows will long and firmly stand in first positions in the world of fashion and beauty. Naturalness and naturalness have long gained their popularity, and some models do not pluck their eyebrows at all, which is considered almost the last fashion. To grow eyebrows is a difficult task, but quite feasible. The main thing is to follow the rules and not be lazy. A set of procedures in tandem with regularity will do the trick. And after a few months, wide bushy eyebrows will delight my owner without the intervention of cosmetologists.


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