CJSC Lenin State Farm: reviews, guidance, how to get there

A massive interest in the agricultural holding "State Farm named after Lenin" appeared in 2018, during the presidential election. His candidacy for the post of head of state was put forward by Pavel Grudinin, director of an agricultural enterprise near Moscow. The state farm borders on Moscow and can serve as a model farm where no one sacrifices the social sphere for profit.

Communist legend

After the October Revolution, the land passed to the peasants, collective farms began to form. In 1918, the commune "Oreshkovsky Khutor" was organized on lands formerly owned by the St. Nicholas-Pervensky Monastery. In 1928 it was renamed the state farm to them. Lenin.

Today, the economy tells the legend of why the economy was named after the leader of the world proletariat. It says that in 1918, Lenin, passing peasants plowing land in the section between the Gorki and the Kremlin, stopped to find out why each of them does this alone and only within the boundaries of an individual allotment. The peasants reported that they always did this, then Lenin advised them to unite in a commune and work the land together. On the same day, a community was created, and the name of Lenin was assigned after the reorganization of the commune into a state farm.

How true this story is, no one can confirm, but it is not to refute its hunters. The state farm in 1922 possessed 92 hectares of arable land, 16 hectares of garden. There were also few animals - 10 cows, 9 horses, pig farming was represented by 13 animals, and 18 chickens were walking in the poultry yard. A modest fleet of machines consisted of a cultivator, a mower, 4 plows, a thresher and several other technical equipment. In the early 30s, 5 peasant huts were included in the housing stock, but already in 1933 the first two-story house with 16 apartments was built.

work at the state farm named after Lenin


In 1936, the foundation was laid for the main activity of the economy - strawberry crop rotation appeared. Before the war, large-scale construction began, a nursery school, a secondary school, a club and a canteen, workshops, a garage, a granary were laid, a well was drilled to supply water, electricity was supplied. During the war, much was destroyed.

The expansion of the farm due to the accession of three neighboring collective farms took place in the 60s, the land increased by 2.6 thousand hectares, orchards were laid. The heyday of the economy came in the 70s. State farm named after Lenin (Moscow region) has become one of the largest producers of agricultural products in the suburbs of the capital. In 1979, part of the land was seized, and the economy and the death of some of the fruitful gardens were undermined.

Since the 1980s, the Lenin state farm has focused on the development of strawberry plantations. The change in the economic system in the 90s negatively affected production, the area was reduced, profitability and sales fell. It was possible to level the situation only in the 2000s.

New era

In 1995, Peter Ryabtsev, director of the Lenin state farm (Moscow region), resigned; at a general meeting, he nominated his successor, Pavel Grudinin, who served as deputy director. The general decision approved the candidacy, and after three months the collective farm was transformed into a closed joint-stock company with the preservation of the historical name.

village farm named after Lenin

Today, the structure of the Lenin state farm (Moscow region) includes 2 thousand hectares of land, of which 300 hectares are given for wild strawberries, a rural settlement is located on part of the land, fruit orchards are spread. The state farm is a multidisciplinary agricultural holding; recently, livestock production has begun here.

What is the asset?

Where is the state farm named after Lenin? It is located south of the capital, only the Moscow Ring Road separates the village zone from Moscow. The settlement includes several villages - Near Prudishchi and Maloe Vidnoe and, in fact, a state farm settlement.

There are several companies on the territory of the agricultural holding:

  • CJSC "Gazdevice" (production).
  • TC "WEIMART" (trade).
  • TC "Your Home" (trade).
  • StarLight Cash & Carry (trade).
  • Centers "Lexus", Nissan, "Toyota" (dealer car dealerships).

The infrastructure of the settlement includes:

  • Secondary school for 1 thousand students.
  • Day nursery.
  • 2 kindergartens.
  • Outpatient clinic (100 visits per shift).
  • House of Culture.
  • Three sports fields.
  • Library.
  • Sports complex and 2 gyms.
  • Hockey field.
  • A park.
  • Several trade and consumer services enterprises.

Production and wages

In addition to strawberries, CJSC Lenin State Farm annually grows and supplies vegetables and fruits to the capital market. The number of dairy products is gradually increasing. On average, one state-owned cow during the year produces more than 8 thousand liters of milk. All agricultural products produced are fully sold in the nearest markets or processed at their own enterprises.

state farm named after Lenin, Moscow region

Until recently, Lebedyansky plant bought fruit crops for the production of J7 juices; now the state farm has its own workshop producing juice called “Successful”. All income remains at the disposal of shareholders, by the decision of which dividends received are not handed out, but are used to increase wages and improve the social sphere. According to the director of the Lenin state farm, the average salary in 2017 for workers amounted to 78 thousand rubles.

For residents

The rural settlement of Lenin State Farm CJSC is a landscaped area with developed infrastructure. All farm workers are provided with housing, while 50% of the value of the property is paid by the company. The employee repays the second part of the contribution without interest for 15 years. If children are born in the family, then the living conditions automatically improve - the family is given an apartment of a larger area.

The director of the Lenin state farm has repeatedly admitted sympathy for the Finnish model of governance, where completely socialist living conditions for each member of the society operate. Pavel Grudinin believes that the best investment is children. Therefore, for their development and a happy life, two kindergartens, a school, sports grounds, and a lot of clubs work for which you can attend for a nominal fee or even free of charge.

state farm named after lenin reviews

War veterans every year receive financial assistance for Victory Day in the amount of more than 70 thousand rubles. Residents who retire annually are sent to a sanatorium or rest home, depending on their needs. The modernization of production left more than 500 employees without the usual jobs; they were given jobs in the local kindergarten with full salary. Over the past 2017, the state farm named after Lenin Pavel Grudinin, earned almost 60 million rubles. For comparison: in 2014, revenue amounted to 3.6 million rubles.

Positive about one-time work

During the harvesting period, strawberries are offered to all comers a job at the Lenin state farm. Remuneration is not made in money, but in berries. Payment is made by natural products in the amount of 10% of the total harvest volume collected by the employee. Organized groups enter the fields, the gathering of participants starts at the Domodedovo metro station, from where enthusiasts are taken to the fields by free buses. Work on the plantations lasts from 6:00 to 13:30, after which they calculate.

The practice of hiring temporary workers under this scheme has long been practiced at the Lenin state farm. Feedback from participants tells that it is difficult to collect strawberries, all the time you have to be in an uncomfortable position. Young and old come to the field work, many retirees. Many enjoyed taking part in strawberry harvesting. They saw the advantages of being able to taste the berries directly in the field, although this is unhygienic, as well as spending time outdoors near Moscow.

About work at the Lenin state farm, reviews with positive reviews were written by people who lacked physical labor. Once in the fields, they received it in full, although they did not have to work all day. The payment received in the form of berries also turned out to be a sufficient incentive for many people to once again go to state farm plantations. Another incentive to work was the price of strawberries at points of sale, although the collective farm sells crops much cheaper than the average price of strawberries in the capital. In addition, most felt that domestic products are much tastier and healthier than those brought from other countries.

state farm named after lenin pavel stabinin

Negative Job Reviews

Negative reviews say that the reward for many hours of hard work is very modest. The conditions created for temporary workers seemed primitive and inadequate to many. Those who come to the fields are limited by the prehistoric design of open-air bathrooms and of dubious quality of water in large tanks at the edge of the fields of the Lenin state farm.

Negative reviews indicate that strawberries received at the end of the workday have nothing to do with the voluntary participants harvesting on the plantations. This opinion is expressed by many who have at least once decided to go for a delicious berry in the hope of providing an environmentally friendly treat for the family. Some of the temporary workers considered this a clear fraud and forgery.

Palaces for children

For the younger generation, much more is being done in the household than in Moscow, as many Muscovites who have visited parks, playgrounds and a school of economics think so. The kindergarten of the Lenin state farm is a dream of adults, embodied in reality. Until recently, only one “Castle of Childhood” worked; today there are already two of them. About 5 thousand people live in the settlement, and the demographic situation continues to improve.

The area of ​​the new kindergarten in the village of the state farm named after Lenin is 6 thousand m2, creative circles, workshops, and theater groups work here. Every morning, children decide what they want to do throughout the day, the teacher’s task is to adjust and fill the classes with knowledge and development opportunities. In groups they draw animated films, collect robots, rehearse ballroom dances and performances.

kindergarten state farm named after Lenin


Secondary school of the state farm named after Lenin Pavel Grudinin can be considered a perfectly achievable standard for creating an intellectual, pedagogical and creative environment for the harmonious development of the individual. To send a child to a state farm school is the dream of many Muscovites, but to do this is very problematic. A comprehensive school was built at the state farm in 1989, in 2017 an engineering building built using Finnish technology came into operation. The area of ​​the educational institution is 18 thousand square meters, designed for 550 students.

The three-story building is divided into three compartments. The western wing is given under the main and senior level of the school, in the eastern primary schools are studying. The central compartment is a common and administrative territory, there are assembly halls, changing rooms, dining rooms, libraries, classrooms for study groups, etc. Around the building there is a children's playground, a stadium, jogging paths, and places for recreation. The school paid special attention to the arrangement of laboratory classes, workshops, and creative spaces.

Reviews about life on the farm

Locals love their state farm named after Lenin. Reviews about the infrastructure, comfort and features are positive. Almost everyone believes that the created social conditions are almost Switzerland. In favor of a high quality of life is the fact that many people want to get a permanent job at the state farm, but there have been no vacancies for several years now.

CJSC state farm named after Lenin

Active construction is underway on the territory of the settlement, several residential complexes are being built at the same time, managing to buy an apartment in them is the dream of many Muscovites. It is not possible to enjoy the choice of many options for apartments, most often it is necessary to decide between two options, and you need to do this quickly. Some of the people who settled in the housing complex are trying to find work at the state farm named after Lenin. In this case, there are much more preferences, but few succeed.

Positive feedback is left by mothers with young children, they praise children's educational institutions that occupy top positions in the quality of education and the conditions created for the development of children in Moscow and the region. In addition to the school, kindergarten, circles, sports sections, praise and enthusiasm went to the park of the state farm named after Lenin.

Reviews about the rest area "Lukomorye" tell us that the playground meets all the principles of safety and recreation for the child. The park has swings, carousels, children's towns, slides, and a pond with boats. A huge number of sculptures based on Russian fairy tales make the park even more interesting and informative. Parents note that the territory is spacious, very clean, everything is available absolutely free, one problem is getting there is not easy. In the morning, a line of people who want to relax in the Lukomorye is about to gather under the gates. Incorruptible security guards pass into the territory.

A word about the director

Director of the Lenin state farm Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin was born in 1960 in Moscow. He has two higher educations: in 1982 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Mathematics with a degree in mechanical engineering, and in 2001 received a law degree from the Civil Registry Office. Work on the farm to them. Lenin began in 1982 as head of the mechanical workshops of a state farm.

Director of the Lenin State Farm

Since 1990, P. Grudinin is elected deputy chairman of the state farm, is engaged in commercial matters of the economy. Five years later, he holds the post of chairman, and the state farm becomes a closed joint-stock company. Work at the state farm allowed Grudinin to become the owner of a large, but not the main block of shares (42.8%).

In politics, the director has been noticeable since 1997, when he was elected to the Moscow Regional Duma, being a deputy from United Russia. In 2015, the Lenin State Farm became the largest strawberry producer in the Moscow Region, but for a long time could not achieve sales in the capital's markets. Long negotiations with the city hall, threats to leave the entire crop in the fields reached the desired goal - Grudinin opened a network of outlets.

In 2017, the Communist Party nominated Pavel Grudinin, Director of Lenin State Farm CJSC, as the party’s single candidate for the 2018 presidential election. According to the results of voting, he took second place with an indicator of 11.77%.

What do the workers of the Lenin state farm think about their director? Reviews at the moment are still contradictory, which is difficult to be surprised. Part of the presidential race is a war of incriminating evidence, truthful facts and monstrous fraud, and sometimes outright lies, are born. One thing is for sure: in the village he is respected, most employees do not want a change of leadership.

How can I get to

The address where the state farm named after Lenin is located is very simple - beyond the Moscow Ring Road, along Kashirsky Highway.

You can get to the state farm by the following transport (from the Domodedovskaya metro station):

  • Buses of routes No. 466 or 510 (1 stop).
  • Minibuses No. 877 or 355 (3 stops).
  • Buses of routes No. 505, 356, 439, 355, 367 and 364 (3 stops).

For picking strawberries, buses are served from 6:00 to 7:00, later there is no transport to the fields. Those who come by their own or public transport to pick strawberries are not allowed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C31802/

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