Steel 10HSND: characteristics, properties, composition

Sometimes it is very useful to have a brief excerpt before your eyes containing all the most important information on a particular issue. Such an excerpt is precisely this article, which contains all the most important information about steel 10HSND: characteristics, its application, composition and properties.


10hsnd characteristics

The first thing you should pay attention to is the marking itself, under which this alloy is produced, because in this obscure abbreviation a lot of information about 10HSND steel is hidden: characteristics, composition, scope and much more. But first things first:

  • The number 10 at the beginning of the abbreviation indicates the content of carbon in the alloy and, according to this figure, its percentage suspension, relative to other chemical elements, will be approximately equal to one tenth of a percent.
  • The letter ā€œXā€ in the still Soviet system of GOSTs is usually used to denote the alloying element chrome.
  • ā€œCā€ is a symbol of silicon - an equally common component of various alloys.
  • ā€œNā€ - according to all regulatory documents, always refers to the chemical element nickel.
  • The letter ā€œDā€ in the nomenclature always means copper.
  • It is also worth noting that in this case, after all the letter designations, the numbers are missing. This means that the content of chromium, silicon, nickel and copper in the composition is close to one percent

Summing up all of the above points, we can say that we are dealing with a chrome-silicon-nickel alloy with the addition of copper, which together gives the 10HSND steel characteristics that differ from most similar materials.


10khsnd characteristics application

Now consider the composition of steel in more detail. Thanks to steelworkers and state standard specifications, which are easily found in the public domain, you can not worry at all about the reliability of the data. So, the chemical composition of the alloy is as follows:

  • Carbon - 0.12% - the main alloying element that increases the strength characteristics of 10HSND.
  • Silicon - 0.95% - one of those alloying elements that increase the strength of steel, its resistance to oxidation and high temperatures.
  • Manganese - 0.65% - slightly increases the ductility of the metal and its strength.
  • Nickel - 0.65% - positively affects the hardenability of steel, as well as its wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
  • Chrome - 0.75% - increases the resistance of the alloy to corrosion, its strength and heat resistance.
  • Copper - 0.5% - significantly increases the resistance of the alloy to rust.
  • In addition, there are impurities of nitrogen, arsenic, phosphorus and sulfur, which adversely affect the properties of the material, but their percentage is so insignificant that it is customary not to take them into account.

Steel application

steel 10khsnd characteristics application

The characteristics of 10HSND, despite an extensive list of additives, are not as outstanding as we would like. That is why this alloy is used as a consumable in the construction of various building structures. Accordingly, steel 10HSND is forced to possess a number of characteristics suitable for it according to the type of service. They include:

  1. Weldability. For this alloy, the welding process does not require any preliminary procedures and is carried out by any type of welding equipment.
  2. Cutting. Unfortunately or fortunately, this steel grade does not have outstanding strength characteristics. The use of 10HSND implies that billets of this steel will be subjected to various kinds of machining, so that low hardness is not required in this particular case.
  3. Resistance to corrosion. Thanks to impurities of chromium, copper, silicon and a few other additives, steel has an average resistance to rust, which allows you to freely work with it in a relatively dry room.

Analogs and substitutes

Like any industrial steel grade, 10HSND has a number of analogues in composition, albeit not many. The first of them is Russian-Soviet steel 16G2AS. The other is of Bulgarian origin and marked 10ChSND. We can say that in general it almost completely copies our domestic prototype.


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