reviews and ratings

Today we will discuss the capabilities of the project, reviews about it and features. This is a Spanish-speaking questionnaire, which some time ago was actively advertised in the Russian-language segment of the Internet. If we talk about, the reviews can be misleading, since, after analyzing the resource, it can be noted with confidence that we have a fraudulent project.


allencuestas com reviews
You can access the homepage by going to It should be said that this “cat in a poke” is not the first. The fact is that received mostly negative reviews, and most of all are outraged by users who still remember the Italian design of the “questionnaire” -, which was also actively advertised and promised the “Golden Mountains” at one time. However, he soon disappeared without a trace from the Internet, never having paid money to any person. We note one more feature: both of these resources are located on a similar IP address, which is based in Germany.


Many users in their reviews also noted that site support simply does not want to respond to emails. If we turn to the Italian-speaking forums, the opinions there are not very different, as the local community believes that this is a fraudulent development that was created with the aim of distributing spam. If you objectively assess the conditions, it should be recognized that charges of several hundred euros daily are simply unrealistic: in this case, all European countries would have to work only on this project (taking into account the number of users). Some visitors to the Internet suggest that the site was created in order to collect personal data of users in order to further use this information for various unseemly purposes. Thus, many people do not recommend joining the project.


http allencuestas com
According to the latest information about, most user reviews have hit the mark since the site was closed. At the same time, not a single person received the promised remuneration for the work. We must warn that immediately after the disappearance of the described portal, a design copy of it appeared at Currently, there is an active promotion of this scam in the CIS. Be careful and do not join dubious projects!

That's all the information we wanted to share in this material. Remember that there are more fraudulent projects of this kind than honest ones. We hope that thanks to this article you can save your time and nerves.


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