Achieving results: goal setting, steps, methods and motivation

Absolutely each of us has a specific goal that we want to achieve. This may be an apartment, a car, promotion, salary increase and so on. But on the way to achieving a result, a person may encounter various problems that stop and inhibit his actions. Why it happens? We will talk about this in this article.

Goal setting

Hit the target

In the absence of goals, human life becomes boring and uninteresting. After all, it is the setting of tasks and their solution that help us to start up and move forward, despite all the difficulties and obstacles along the way. Goals may not be very significant or, conversely, serious and difficult to achieve. But for all of them to be achieved, a correct goal setting is needed. But how to do it?

Every day we set ourselves certain tasks and carry them out. But sometimes people tend to confuse concepts such as goal, desire and dream. In a way, they have a close relationship with each other and may envy each other, but nevertheless they are different. Sometimes a desire develops into a goal, but it may remain just the phrase “I would like ...”. A dream is something magical and abstract. But with regard to the goal, it is always supported by certain actions and has a specific wording. But in order to implement the plan, it is necessary to correctly identify the goal setting. As a rule, without a clearly defined goal, it is difficult for a person to move forward. Thus, his life path becomes meaningless and empty.

Also, a given goal may not lead to the expected result. Achieving results directly depends on the setting of goals. This is due to the fact that specific settings affect the subconscious, thereby attracting the right decisions and the right people to a person’s life. There is a certain system for achieving results, which includes a number of stages.

Choose goals

Man thinks

Think and write down your most cherished goals. It is important that they are not imposed by friends or relatives. To achieve the planned results, first of all, it is necessary to choose a long-term goal. This may be what you desire most with all your heart. Your dream should arouse feelings of light excitement and inspiration. After you have painted your main goal, write at least five more vital ones concerning finance, family, hobbies, health or society. The model for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering this skill includes questions of the following nature:

  • Who I want to be?
  • What do I want to do?
  • What do I need for a complete sense of happiness?
  • Will I get satisfaction from achieving my goals?
  • What will happen when they come true?

Each goal should be fixed on a piece of paper, otherwise it is likely that they will remain just a dream. Also pay attention to the wording. Replace the phrases “I want” with “I will” or “I have”. For example, instead of "I want to lose weight," you should write "I will be slim." “I want to avoid poverty”, “I don’t want to live with relatives”, “I want to get rid of extra pounds” - these are all incorrect negative formulations. It is important that your goals are clear and specific. For example, if you are dreaming of a brand new car, then write down what brand, color and even equipment you would like.

Sub-goal setting

Achievements of goals

When the list of large-scale goals is ready, you need to make a plan for the near future. At this stage, we need to break large tasks into small ones. Describe each step you need to take to achieve the result. The phased solution of tasks and sub-goals will help rationally organize resources and time, as well as lead to the realization of your main goal. For example, you seek to acquire a new apartment. To do this, you need to choose the desired housing, find out its cost and set a purchase date. While analyzing goals, soberly assess your income level and think about what you can do to get closer to your dream. In this case, it is necessary to draw up a detailed plan of further actions for the implementation of the plan. If you need to increase income, then think about how this can be done. You can find a part-time job or learn a new profession, etc. Solving small problems gives us the strength to move forward, as well as evaluate the achievement of planned results.

Ways to Maintain Motivation

Man rises up

Many people decide to start learning foreign languages ​​on Monday, do fitness, quit smoking or go on a diet. But sometimes this process stretches for many years, and enthusiasm is replaced by laziness and boredom. In order not to postpone your planned affairs to achieve the goal for tomorrow or not to abandon them at all, you should motivate yourself. After we have decided on the goal and painted an adequate plan of action, it is necessary to use the right approach to solving the tasks. Let us explain: an adequate plan means a rational organization of time and human life resources. You need to be able to allocate time in such a way that it is enough for yourself and for the realization of your goals. Below are ways to maintain motivation.

Making a habit

In the early days, there is a lot of energy and I want to work for days in order to get what I want as soon as possible. But so that this enthusiasm does not evaporate, it must be correctly used. To achieve the goal, you should not work hard, as in this way you will earn only physical and emotional exhaustion. The right approach will be to create comfortable working conditions. It is also necessary to develop good habits with which you can maintain the desire for your goals.

Do not forget about the physical condition

Man is ready to start.

There can be no question of any motivation when a person is not feeling well. No matter how trite this may sound, your physical activity and well-being will help you achieve your goals. For this, it is necessary to introduce some elements of a healthy lifestyle:

  • observe the daily routine;
  • keep track of nutrition;
  • limit your alcohol intake if possible.

Changing the regime is quite difficult. It is possible that due to the transition to a healthier option, you will feel worse. But one has only to be patient. Leaving the comfort zone, whatever it may be, is always difficult.

Introducing good habits

A mode that involves performing certain actions on time is called a habit. Schedule according to your personality. You know your body better, including what time of day you can work more productively. Create your own habits that you should implement for an improved version of yourself. By the way, the ability to concentrate on an important matter is a useful habit that will help you become one step closer to your goal.

We analyze our steps

Each of us needs support and that person with whom it will be possible to discuss progress on the plan for the realization of our goal. By sharing your emotions and thoughts, in this way you can even better know yourself, your aspirations and motives. A view from the outside will help to analyze the assessment and relevance of achieving results. Also, during a conversation, you will inevitably have to touch on the final intended result of your work, which will become the main motivator. It is possible that such an analysis will allow you to identify incorrect goals or find shorter ways to them.

The importance of planning

Earlier, we found out that a specific goal is needed to achieve a goal, but besides it, there should be a clear action plan. Another important aspect is the rational use of their time. Today, there is a scientific approach that helps manage time resources. This approach, called time management, contributes to the efficient use of time with maximum efficiency. We suggest considering its main principles.

Learning to plan your actions

Time management

In order to achieve a certain result, it is important to plan your day and in general your life. Many underestimate and refute the importance of this method, but it is worth considering that all successful people make plans for years to come, which gives them a clear course of action and high performance. There are several important axioms of time management:

  • It is necessary to fix your goal in writing. If it is not indicated on paper or in the electronic diary, then it does not exist.
  • Make a list of tasks and tasks for the next day in the evening. After spending ten minutes a day, you can increase productivity by twenty-five percent.
  • Separate big tasks and solve them in stages.

Correct goal setting

Goals need to be recorded

Above, we identified the importance of competent goal-setting when planning goals. I would like to focus on the principle for the formulation and formulation of local tasks in time management. This professional tool is called SMART. According to this principle, the goal should be:

  • specific
  • measurable
  • Attainable
  • relevant or significant - you need to identify in advance whether this task will help to achieve the goal (Relevant);
  • limited in time (Time-bound).

The main criterion for the usefulness of this principle is concreteness and the ability to focus on current tasks without losing the general direction vector.

Analyze your result

In the process of any activity, do not forget to sometimes stop and look back to draw pragmatic conclusions from your experience. At the intermediate stage, it is necessary to resort to a system for assessing the achievement of results, as well as to analyze the actions where mistakes were made.

Everything else, create yourself a variety in life and quality relaxation. Breaks and a good rest will help you get distracted from your affairs, as well as give even more strength and energy for the implementation of your plans. Also, do not forget that unplanned things and obstacles can always arise on any path. So that any situation does not unsettle you, you should be prepared for everything.


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