Eldorado Employee Reviews. A chain of stores selling household appliances

So, today we will bring to your attention the reviews of Eldorado employees about their employer. This moment is extremely important before employment. After all, if employees are dissatisfied with their management, then it is better to bypass such places. Let’s try to figure out as soon as possible how the reality is with the work of our current company. Maybe she really worthy of attention?

Eldorado Employee Reviews


But first, find out what the Eldorado store does. In fact, this company is a huge trading network of household appliances and electronics in Russia. Perhaps this is where you should come if you need something. Whether it’s a phone or a food processor, it’s not important. Here you can find everything that your heart desires.

True, it would be nice to find out what reviews of Eldorado employees are most often found. If consumers are satisfied with this distribution network, this does not mean that it is a great employer. Let's try to figure out what the Eldorado store really is in this regard.


For example, most potential employees note that the company offers a very wide range of job vacancies. Here you can find something to your liking.

Most often, to be honest, you need sales managers in different departments. According to the workers themselves, this is quite normal. The network is constantly expanding, and therefore the “Eldorado” vacancies do not disappear.

eldorado store

In second place are warehouse workers, as well as movers. Here, employees also note that everyone is happy. After all, you will be entrusted with a specific task that you will have to complete. No additional tasks, rework or other surprises. All this pleases the workers. But is everything really so good at Eldorado?


You can say yes. Eldorado offers various types of jobs for employment throughout Russia. And employees assure that this company can be trusted. That is, if you saw that she was looking for personnel in Kaliningrad and Vladivostok, as well as in Moscow and Tula, do not be surprised. Most users are used to distrusting such phenomena. Indeed, in different cities only scammers are often looking for job seekers.

If you have doubts about this, you can look at Eldorado for the addresses of stores in Russia. Everything, according to employees, is available on the official website of the corporation in a special section. In addition, a telephone is attached to each “office”.

In general, the "Eldorado" addresses can be written endlessly. Indeed, this trading network is available, perhaps, in every city in Russia and not in a single quantity. Select your area on the interactive map to specify all addresses on the ground. This will definitely dispel any doubts about the dishonesty of the employer.

eldorado addresses

Working conditions

The feedback from Eldorado employees regarding working conditions is encouraging. They, for the most part, are positive. Indeed, this trading network really offers what competitors are so lacking.

For example, a stable and flexible work schedule, as well as comfortable working conditions. You will be able to choose shifts 2/2, 5/2, 3/2. With all this, managers, according to employees, work in stores equipped with everything necessary for comfortable work. There are air conditioners and the opportunity to take a break for a few minutes to "sit down to relax." In addition, you will have access to computers and the Internet. True, it’s better to use all this for business purposes only.

The working day is stable. But it varies depending on the region where the Eldorado store is located. Moscow, for example, sometimes requires a more intense rhythm (in some places for 12 hours, and somewhere for 8). For the most part, however, employees are encouraged to work an 8-hour work day. So this is quite humane. It is with these words that employees are addressed to their employer.

As for the loaders and warehouse workers, everything here is also more than good. Both of them work according to a shift schedule (it is agreed in advance) from 9:00 to 20:00. In principle, if we take into account that the loaders spend an average hour to get to the specified address with the parcel, then this is not so much. So, you don’t need to strain too much.

Social package

Work at Eldorado is unthinkable without a social package. Its provision is extremely pleasing to employees. Although this condition must be respected by all employers. But practice shows the opposite.

work in eldorado

What kind of reviews does Eldorado get in this sense? Of course, positive. The company really complies with the terms of the contract, which will be signed upon employment.

For example, the fact of providing paid leave and sick leave is very pleasing to many. No problems with the management or “knocking out” of legal funds will arise. The main condition for obtaining a vacation without incident is at least a year at the enterprise. But the management of Eldorado very often makes concessions to its new employees.

If necessary, according to the workers, they will also let you out for the session without problems. True, you will have to bring a certificate of training from the place of study. Maternity leave and parental leave are found at Eldorado. And very often. Practice shows that it is this employer who will not “throw out” and “survive” a pregnant woman from her work place contrary to the law. Most likely, she will simply be transferred to her homework as an employee of the call center with the preservation of wages.

The only moment that does not greatly please employees is the lack of a lunch break. In general, you will be entitled to a one-hour snack. But working at Eldorado means no official break. So, you have to have lunch when there is time. In principle, this is not so bad. After all, managers work only in their department. And if you have no buyers, then it's time to have a bite.


Employees of our today's company very often note that working at Eldorado provides career opportunities. Do not think that you can quickly become a leader - this is not anywhere else. But you can get to the senior manager or head of the sales department (and even the whole office).

Eldorado Moscow

Practice shows that growth begins with the "employee of the month" and continues on very quickly. It’s enough just to diligently work and try. Then a career at Eldorado is secured. They really evaluate the quality of work, and do not do it "for a bribe", by agreement. And this fact is very pleasing to employees. After all, most stores do not provide career prospects at all.


Among other things, reviews of Eldorado employees about the employer very often emphasize such a feature as the provision of additional services to their customers. This company in each city cooperates with a variety of service centers. And this helps to quickly solve the problem of buyers with the transportation of large household appliances, its configuration and connection.

The fee for such services is not too high. In any case, all employees assure that Eldorado (Moscow or other cities throughout Russia - it doesn’t matter) offers prices several times lower than you could find yourself. And their implementation occurs at the time of delivery of your purchase. It is convenient, practical and modern. Few people at the moment are able to boast of this variety.

the Internet

Do not forget that the Eldorado network can provide you with services for the sale of household appliances and electronics directly via the Internet. Employees of stores very often advise some buyers who have not yet decided on the exact purchase to familiarize themselves with all the products on the store’s official website. There, if there is no suitable equipment in the "office" of your city, you can order what you need and wait for delivery. Of course, all at affordable prices.

This feature is extremely pleasing to both buyers and workers. The former can easily and simply learn the technique of interest to them, and the latter can quickly sell a product when a potential consumer comes for it. After all, a person already knows that he has come to watch. This all has a positive effect on the reputation of the employer. And, of course, it contributes to monetary incentives for workers and increase their labor efficiency.

Appliances Eldorado


The reviews of Eldorado employees about wages, frankly, are also quite good. After all, our current retail network does not just guarantee a “white” salary - it also pays premium, as well as a variety of allowances. And does not deceive its employees, as some competitors do.

The salary is offered fixed. It depends on your position, as well as on the region of residence. But on average, it is about 15-20 thousand rubles for any employee. For example, it’s a sin for a sales manager to complain about such numbers. Moreover, given that this is a "white" salary and it will be officially registered in the contract.

You will also receive bonuses and additional payments. Of course, their amount will largely depend on the profits of Eldorado. Nevertheless, at the end of each month, stable incentives are guaranteed. Even if it is not as big as we would like.


The bonuses and allowances that interest workers so much will be shared by everyone. Only they are earned depending on how household appliances are sold. Eldorado offers its employees the following incentive scheme - from a transaction with a buyer you get about 5-10% of the sale. So, there is every reason to work and work at 100%.

There will be no deception. Did you make a deal on your shift? Get interest for it. But keep in mind that all calculations will be carried out only at the end of the month. Trust “Eldorado” in this regard is worth it. Indeed, this company, as many claim, almost completely abandoned the “stick” in the form of fines. "Gingerbread" to stimulate employees is much more effective.


What household appliances are offered here? Eldorado sells a wide variety of products. As already mentioned, it is here that everyone is able to pick up something to their taste. In stores, sales consultants will always help to make a choice and will advise not what is “more expensive”, but what is really better.

eldorado jobs

What can Eldorado offer? For example, here are sold:

  • small kitchen appliances;
  • TV sets
  • Phones
  • Computers
  • PC accessory
  • laptops;
  • washing machines;
  • large kitchen appliances;
  • slabs;
  • hoods;
  • gaming consoles;
  • built-in appliances;
  • small household appliances.

This list can be continued for a very long time. After all, if you need a cotton candy machine or popcorn, a waffle iron or a gaming keyboard, a hairdryer or an iron - all this can be easily found in Eldorado. Yes, and at good prices. As you can see, this company is good not only from the point of view of consumers, but also from the employees it receives excellent reviews. If you need a stable income and just a prestigious job with career growth, then Eldorado is the ideal place for this undertaking.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C31824/

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