The most dangerous areas in the world: overview

Of course, it is simply impossible to say unequivocally which is the most dangerous region in the world. Indeed, in every country and even city there are places in which you can make serious troubles. However, there are also such areas, the visit of which puts the life of an outsider in serious danger. Here they can kill because of good sneakers or 500 rubles in local cash equivalent. Let's talk about some of the most dangerous areas in the world, accompanying the narrative with a brief description.

Causes of hazard areas

The reasons why the area can be considered dangerous are quite numerous. First of all, it is high unemployment. It gives rise to despair, an attempt to break through to the top by any, even the most unlawful means, as well as a craving for alcohol and drugs. So any district, even the formerly quite prosperous one, can become really dangerous - not a single person here, regardless of his skills and social status, can feel safe.

Capital of haiti

Another reason for the high danger is the large number of foreigners. As practice shows, people from Africa, Asia and Latin America are most prone to antisocial actions. In some countries, it is they who control all prostitution, trafficking in drugs, weapons and slaves. They also carry out the lion's share of all serious crimes - from fights to robberies and rape. Often, a small organized group of only a few dozen people can terrorize a city with a population of thousands and tens of thousands of people. This happens when a group of foreigners comes to a foreign country (usually a more developed one). Imagine what happens if the whole area is populated by such elements. You can not talk about them - the very stay in the country is associated with a minute-by-minute risk.

Now that we have figured out the main reasons for the increase in the criminal situation, we list the most dangerous areas in the world.

Port au Prince, Haiti

The city itself may seem attractive and even paradise - basically, this is the heritage of the colonial past. After all, the former French colony of San Domingo brought a lot of money thanks to the developed agricultural sector. But today, after the departure of the French, everything has changed. Unemployment and poor social security have made the area more and more dangerous. Well, if you ask what is the most dangerous area in the land of Haiti, then we can confidently answer - Sita-Soleil.

Although it is called the City of the Sun, being here is frankly scary. All streets are randomly built up with slums. There is no sewage as such, and the streets are buried under a layer of garbage. In sum, this becomes the reason that epidemics regularly flare up in the area. Since there are no hospitals here, this leads to a huge number of deaths even from easily treatable diseases.

Port au Prince landscapes

In 2004, UN forces brought troops here, trying to change the situation. However, soldiers were regularly bombarded by criminals, and after the earthquake of 2010 they were forced to leave, and everything returned to normal.

Ghetto Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

If we talk about the most dangerous areas in the world, one can not help but mention the ghetto in Rio de Janeiro or, as it is called here, favelas.

The city itself is amazingly beautiful, bright and cheerful. But this is only the part that is shown to tourists. If you look into disadvantaged areas, you can only marvel at the contrast.

It was built mainly by shacks that have not been repaired for many decades. Hospitals and schools are generally absent. The first because of the constant attacks for the extraction of drug-containing drugs, and the second due to the fact that local residents do not believe that education can be beneficial.

But the drug trade here is booming. The right amount of drugs can be bought by a lonely, deserted drug addict or a small trader who needs a large batch to sell "retail."

Street gangs of Rio de Janeiro

In anticipation of the Olympic Games, which were held here in 2016, local authorities tried to somehow change the situation. However, relocating tens of thousands of people, many of whom have weapons, was not so simple. Therefore, the authorities simply tried to do everything so that foreigners did not visit this terrible place.

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

If you choose which area of ​​the world is dangerous, according to official statistics of the killings, then this city will come first. It is located right on the border with the United States. Almost one and a half million people live here, and a large part are engaged in the field of drug trafficking. It is through this city that the lion's share of cocaine and synthetic drugs from South America to the USA goes.

Hassle in Ciudad Juarez

They say that there are 191 murders per year per 100,000 people in the city - and this is only official statistics, and the corrupt police often refuse to record serious crimes. No country in the world has even come close to this indicator. In the country most disadvantaged by this indicator - El Salvador - this number is 104, in Ukraine 16.6, in the USA 4.9, and in Russia - 6.

Ghetto Nairobi, Kenya

The capital of Kenya had every chance of becoming a prosperous city. Developed infrastructure, industry - leaving the country, the British left all this to the locals, the citizens of their former colony. Alas, all this was mostly lost.

It looks like Tepito

But the most dangerous place in Kenya is Kibera - the area of ​​the capital of Nairobi. Local authorities waved a hand at him for a long time, not even trying to put things in order.

Most local men earn a living by crime, and women by prostitution. There are no hospitals and schools here, as well as sewers, water supply. Water is collected from springs and poorly equipped wells - many of them are infected with cholera and typhoid, but local residents do not even know that water must be disinfected before use. Well, a toilet can be any suitable angle - hygiene also does not bother the people of Kibera too much.

Tepito in Mexico City, Mexico

Although it is impossible to say unequivocally where the most dangerous area in the world is, some quarters of the capital of Mexico are certainly among those. Tepito is located in the very center of Mexico City - a few blocks from the main streets, where local authorities proudly invite tourists from all over the world.

But they are not allowed to enter Tepito - cordons with policemen are installed here, which should stop curious foreigners. However, this is done for their own benefit. Entering this area, a well-dressed white man has very little chance of returning alive. A man will be killed just for the contents of his pockets, and a woman (including underage girls) will be addicted to drugs and sent to a brothel.

Capital boutique in Kenya

Murders, robberies, rape have long become a familiar element of life for local residents. And the police simply refuse to take up their investigation - the authorities in Tepito do not like the authorities, so the police have very few chances to get out of there.

Detroit, USA

However, not all the most dangerous areas of the world are in third world countries. Detroit is a prominent representative, although it is located in the United States - a prosperous state.

Detroit was once the center of engineering. However, at the end of the twentieth century there were massive layoffs - the Americans did not want to buy expensive and not very high-quality cars of local assembly, preferring products from Japan and Europe.

detroit usa

The company's management simply cut production by firing many workers. As a result, today every sixth person here is unemployed. Someone sold or abandoned their housing and moved to another city in search of a better life. But most began to seek solace in the bottle or to forget in narcotic delirium. Abandoned houses, packs of feral dogs, street gangs robbing passers-by - a thriving city thirty years ago became the perfect backdrop for filming a horror movie.


Unfortunately, the list does not end there. A huge number of districts, cities and entire countries around the world are still deadly. Alas, this problem can be solved only by the coordinated action of the authorities and the population, which is extremely rare today.


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