The simplest hair mask with eggs and honey

A hair mask with eggs and honey is very popular due to the content in its ingredients of substances that stimulate the regeneration process in the skin. Also for this hair care product at home is the presence of vitamins, fats, lecithin and amino acids. The largest amount of nutrients is found in the yolk. That is why it often contains a hair mask with eggs and honey.

hair mask with eggs and honey

Masked eggs themselves with other components represent a rather successful combination that allows you to solve any problems with hair. This can be either dryness, or fat, brittleness or loss, as well as slow growth or inanimate dull appearance.

Egg and honey for hair alone are good enough for any type of hair. Moreover, the high efficiency of their positive influence can be determined by the correct selection of ingredients. So, a hair mask with eggs and honey for the treatment of dry hair can be supplemented with various oils, but for greasy - with alcohol-containing components (vodka or cognac). But damaged hair requires the use of lactic acid products as additional components.

Hair mask with eggs and honey for oily hair

As mentioned above, in the presence of oily hair, their mistresses must include alcohol-containing products in various masks.

egg and honey for hair
For example, alcohol is added to the yolk mask, diluted with water in equal proportions. Calendula tincture sold in pharmacies can also be used quite successfully. The recipe for this yolk mask is this: combine one yolk with two tablespoons of the indicated product containing alcohol, the resulting mass is carefully rubbed into the skin ready, and also applied to the hair. Wrap your head in a towel over the applied plastic cap and keep it warm for about 15 minutes. And you can wash off the mask with warm water and preferably without soap.

Homemade masks for dry hair

Beat quail eggs (three pieces) with three tablespoons of honey. Add 100 ml of olive oil. Next, you need to apply this mixture to the hair and rub into the scalp, cover the head with a plastic bag, wrap it with a towel, hold for at least two hours. With the regular use of this product, the hair will have a healthy appearance, and will also become shiny and soft.

homemade masks for dry hair

There is another recipe for a mask, the main ingredient of which is chicken eggs with the addition of two tablespoons of olive, castor or burdock oil, here also comes 1 spoon of glycerin and a teaspoon of vinegar (preferably apple). All components must be thoroughly mixed. For five minutes, massage the resulting mass into the scalp, then lubricate the hair with this mass over the entire length. As in the previous version, you must also use a plastic film and terry towels to warm your head, and wash it off with warm water an hour after application. Significantly increases the effectiveness of this mask by adding to it solutions of vitamins A and E, which can be bought at the pharmacy.


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