Bosch: country of origin. Robert Bosch GmbH - German quality

In the world there are many brands that have been operating for more than one century, while maintaining the quality of their products at the highest level. One of such global manufacturers is Robert Bosch GmbH. This company will be discussed in this article.


Bosch (manufacturing country - Germany) is a German group of large companies, which is considered one of the suppliers of services and technologies in the automotive industry and industrial technologies, consumer goods, and the construction industry. The concern is based near the city of Stuttgart, in a village called Gerlingen.

boch country producer

History of creation and founding father

Bosch was created by an outstanding German engineer and entrepreneur named Robert Bosch. The date of the official foundation of the company is considered November 15, 1886.

Robert is not just the founder of a world-famous enterprise, but also one of the pioneers of the world industrial breakthrough. It was the exactingness, pedantry, discipline and perseverance of the German that led the company to successfully exist to this day. As a motto, Bosch chose the phrase that is now widely known in commercial circles: β€œIt's not scary to lose money, it's much worse to lose confidence.”

At the initial stage of its development, the concern was located in rather small workshops where literally a few people worked, but already at the beginning of World War I Robert had a solid annual income of about four million marks.

robert bosch gmbh

Executive policy

The German leader himself has always believed that success is not only the steady development of the economy, but also a steady increase in the quality of life and improvement of working conditions. Bosch tried to maximize the development of business principles that remain relevant to this day. For example, back in 1906, he independently decided to introduce an eight-hour working day for all his subordinates. He also advocated free trade and the availability of production arbitration. In addition, Robert throughout his long life firmly believed that any business is primarily based on the extremely close trust of all partners to each other and the ideal quality of products.

bosch candles

Important dates in the formation of the company

Robert Bosch GmbH in its long history has created many interesting things that have long been very firmly embedded in our daily lives. Get to know them better.

1933 year. The Leipzig Spring Fair was a real breakthrough in the field of refrigeration units. The company's designers decided that the round shape could not be a hindrance to the refrigerator, and released an eighty-pound unit. Also in Copenhagen the first traffic light on the planet was installed.

1949 year. Rounded shapes are still in fashion, and pot-bellied refrigerators are already mass-produced by the company.

1950 year. Cards were canceled at this time, as the food shortage was a thing of the past, and the Bosch brand launched the launch of the kitchen mixer.

1956 year. The company produces a millionth copy of the refrigerator. At that time, no other company in the world could boast of such an indicator.

1958 year. And again on top of Bosch's business achievements. The manufacturing country of the concern was the first in history where a full-fledged washing machine came off the assembly line.

1962 year. The company has become the undisputed favorite in the field of household appliances because it was the first to produce a built-in stove. Such a Bosch stove is a real decoration of absolutely any kitchen, because it combines quality, reliability, ergonomics and compactness.

1964 year. The dishwashers of the German company are starting to gain popularity in the consumer environment.

1972 year. Bosch cooker is a thing of the past. A washing machine operating in automatic mode and having a program of such a now popular full cycle has come to the fore.

1978 year. The company managed to fill its equipment with various tricks and special options, due to which a multifunctional food processor was born.

1984 year. Bosch (the manufacturing country of the company has remained unchanged to this day) was the first in the world to launch the production of a small-sized microwave combination oven with a grill and baking function.

1987 year. The company has successfully mastered the production of such automatic washing machines that are so beloved by all housewives of the world that can work together with devices that provide economical consumption of washing powders.

bosch stove

Automotive Activities

Bosch's review will be incomplete if you do not consider in detail the company's activities in the field of automotive parts manufacturing and the provision of specialized services in this direction.

The company's products provide a wide range of products, which include:

  • A variety of spare parts for trucks, cars, motorcycles, yachts, vans (Bosch candles, filters, lamps, belts, brake elements).
  • Electronic system parts and accessories.
  • Engines
  • A system for ensuring the comfort of the driver and passengers.
  • Security systems.

bosch brand

The main automotive components of the company

Special attention should be paid to Bosch Silver candles, which are designed for high thermal loads. They can be used even in racing technology, since the central electrode of these parts is made of solid silver. And also these ignition elements have high temperature properties and resistance to chemical attack.

As for batteries, each such battery combines optimal starting energy, high performance, safety, and the ability to start a car in cold weather. In addition, Bosch batteries are sealed and resistant to inclinations up to 55 degrees, do not require maintenance, and quickly recharge. Most of them work using AGM technology, which provides for absorbent fiberglass, which in turn provides the necessary degree of performance at the time of operation of these devices.

It is also worth noting another type of Bosch product, the manufacturing country of which is a recognized leader in the manufacture of automobiles. The company is one of the leading manufacturers of gasoline injection parts. Unlike its competitors, the German concern offers its customers a complete line of products, from small elements to fully finished fuel systems.

bosch firm


Bosch, according to 2014, had 9% of its revenue from the production of consumer goods. The company produces electric tools for construction work, industrial activities and home use. The German brand also produces high-precision measuring and powerful gardening equipment.

Industrial sector

A subsidiary of Bosch Rexroth today is the world's leading provider of advanced technologies in the field of hydraulic drive and automated control systems. In addition, there is a division called Bosch Packaging Technology, which, in turn, specializes in the production of packaging lines for the pharmacology and food industry.

Other activity

Bosch did not ignore the thermal technology. And therefore, the company produces highly efficient energy-saving heating equipment, generates ideas in the field of hot water supply.

In parallel with this, the concern is actively developing and implementing video surveillance equipment, various security systems, and fire alarms. In the sphere of interests of the company and the sale to consumers of cost-effective solutions for energy conservation of commercial buildings and structures.

bosch review

Activities in the CIS

Bosch products first appeared on the Russian market back in 1907, however, the official representative office of the company in the Russian Federation was opened only in 1997 in Moscow.

In Ukraine, the German giant acquired production, the profile of which is the restoration of automotive starters. The company is located in the Lviv region, a village called Krakovets.


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