Carrying out internships for drivers when applying for a job

Passenger or freight companies must hire experienced and reliable drivers. Before embarking on their duties, they will often have an internship. It allows you to understand what skills future workers have. Drivers ’internships must be properly executed, and it helps to identify citizens who cannot be hired for permanent jobs due to the lack of necessary experience and abilities.

The concept of internship

The internship of drivers when hiring is represented by special activities, thanks to which the driver will be able to gain the necessary experience and improve their skills. It consists in work in the specialty during the trial period, the duration of which is established by the direct employer.

Typically, the test is applied to young professionals who have just completed training or obtained a driver’s license, so they lack the necessary skills and experience. Additionally, an internship for vehicle drivers allows you to identify how well the applicant is able to drive a car, how quickly he responds to different traffic situations, and also whether he can work in a company on certain conditions.

Most often, drivers in the test process do not receive too high a salary. After gaining some experience during the internship, a future increase in earnings is ensured.

bus driver internship

Purpose of

The driver's training is intended to achieve several goals at once. These include:

  • all the skills and abilities that the applicant possesses are studied;
  • determines whether it is advisable to enroll a given citizen in the company’s staff;
  • advanced training is provided;
  • the forces of a particular driver are tested when working in the current conditions;
  • a citizen learns to work on a certain type of transport;
  • It is being examined whether a citizen can be responsible for his actions.

A test is necessarily used for employees with working specialties, since the process allows us to understand whether a particular citizen can work in certain working conditions.

An internship is appreciated if, during this process, the employer gives the specialist tasks related to his future work and the acquisition of new experience.

Is this period paid?

Driver internships can be offered at large or small companies. Most often, this period of work is not paid by the employer, although large organizations offer low pay. Often an internship is presented in the form of a certain stage of the interview when hiring.

If the internship of drivers when hiring qualifies as a probationary period, then it must be paid. The size of the salary and the procedure for transferring funds is determined only by the employer, but the salary cannot be less than the minimum wage established in the region where the company is located.

Often, salary for a probationary period is prescribed directly in the employment contract. If the main purpose of an internship for a bus driver is to test his experience and skills, then usually this process lasts for only a few hours. The work of a citizen is not paid, and immediately after this procedure a decision is made on the advisability of accepting him for permanent work.

conducting an internship for drivers

When is it done?

Drivers' internships are often a mandatory process. Typically, the procedure is used if a specialist is accepted immediately after obtaining a driver’s license or when transferring from another organization.

An internship of drivers at the enterprise is required in the following situations:

  • a citizen has not been driving a truck or passenger bus for a long period;
  • the employee is transferred to a new type of vehicle or to a unique route;
  • a citizen is being transferred to drive a car on a mountain route.

Some employees cannot be allowed to work directly without a mandatory test. All the features of this audit are determined only by the director of the company, for which the necessary information is reflected in the internal regulatory documents of the enterprise.

Rules for

An internship for a bus driver or other vehicle must certainly be carried out on the basis of certain rules. They are developed in the company by hired specialists, after which the necessary information is entered into regulations. They must contain information about the following features of the work:

  • test objectives and goals are indicated;
  • special documentation is drawn up that regulates the relationship that arises between drivers and the employer and is presented by a collective agreement and job description;
  • the internship procedure is described, for which it is reflected where exactly this procedure will be carried out, on what grounds, and also what documents are prepared at the end;
  • the optimal salary is calculated during the internship of drivers;
  • The current method of remuneration is given.

Company executives are required to plan an internship for any driver, but different rules may be used in each situation.

internship for vehicle drivers

How is the process performed?

Carrying out an internship for drivers involves the implementation of certain successive stages. These include:

  • searching for a new employee in the company that meets certain requirements;
  • the specialist gets acquainted with the Regulation on labor, which indicates his main responsibilities and other rules of work in the company;
  • a citizen draws up an application for employment with an internship, and it indicates how long this period will last, and also what position the citizen will occupy in the organization;
  • concludes an employment contract with a hired specialist;
  • Each trainee is assigned a separate curator;
  • it is the curator who will be engaged in the training of citizens, as well as in testing them, which will allow them to find out what skills, abilities and skills workers have;
  • for each specialist, a special plan is prepared with specific tasks and goals that are necessarily achieved by a citizen for a specified period of time;
  • if the work is carried out in a large company where a large number of drivers are employed, then a single program is used for all trainees;
  • if the program is not available in the company, then it must be compiled, for which the wishes of the manager and the adopted specialist are taken into account.

The duration of the internship can vary significantly, as it depends on how quickly the appointed curator can answer all the questions posed.

Test Results

The internship of a car driver ends at strictly set deadlines prescribed in the contract. After this process, the following actions are performed:

  • interns compile a special review containing information about what goals were achieved during the internship, what tasks were completed, and self-analysis is given, with the help of which it will be determined what skills and abilities still need to be obtained for optimal work;
  • interns are evaluated by appointed curators;
  • recommendations are made on what other work should be done with beginners before admission to direct work;
  • at the final stage, the head of the company draws up a profile for the new employee, which indicates what actions a citizen can perform in the company based on his experience and skills.

All employee skills are described in detail by designated curators. The director of the company should be guided by such a recall when determining the possibility of accepting a citizen into the organization’s staff.

employment internships

Internship certificate

After this period, some trainees ask for a special document submitted by a certificate of training for the driver. A sample of this certificate is used by the head of the company to take into account all the rules of compilation. Be sure to include the following information in the certificate:

  • information about the employee submitted by his F. I. O. and position held;
  • information about the period during which the citizen passed the internship;
  • data on the document on the basis of which the procedure was carried out;
  • Signature of appointed curator
  • organization stamp.

This document may be passed on to a new employer or school leader.


The company internship regulations for drivers must state how long new employees must take the test. Exact dates are set by the head of a particular company. Therefore, they can vary significantly from company to company. The rules for determining this period include:

  • the period should be optimal so that the driver can get the necessary skills;
  • the procedure cannot last less than two months;
  • maximum internship is two weeks;
  • if the internship is delayed, then the actions of the employer are illegal, since he uses free labor.

If drivers are really faced with the fact that they have to train for more than 14 days, then it is advisable to file a complaint with the labor inspectorate to hold the company manager accountable.

driver internship regulations

Rules for registration

In order for the internship of a new employee to be legal, it is necessary to draw it up with the correct documents. Only in this case, the head of the company will be able to avoid the negative consequences and problems with the labor inspection. Therefore, when applying for an internship for different drivers, the following documents are prepared:

  • an order for admission of a specific specialist to the performance of labor duties;
  • an order for the appointment of a probationary period for a specific employee;
  • driver internship program, which can be developed for all specialists or separately for a specific employee;
  • an order for admission of a citizen to work;
  • a provision that indicates what rights and obligations the trainees and curators have, during which time the test is conducted, the rules of this process, and also the responsibility of each participant;
  • certificate of identification passed to the direct trainee after the internship, moreover, this document must have the signature of the head and seal of the company.

All documentation is compiled by personnel officers, as well as a specialist who is the head of the interns.

Is a separate contract required?

If a trainee is hired, then an urgent labor contract is drawn up with him, since only with its help it will be possible in the future to terminate legally the employment relationship if a citizen for various reasons cannot pass the driver's internship. Work in the company with the failure of the internship is not allowed, so the urgent agreement is terminated.

If after the internship it is required to hire an employee, the fixed-term contract becomes unlimited. The features of hiring an intern include:

  • information about the internship is entered in the employee’s work book;
  • the student agreement guarantees that if all the tests are passed, the citizen will be enrolled in the staff of a large company;
  • if for various reasons the requirements specified in the contract are not fulfilled by the trainee, then a refusal of employment will be received;
  • the fixed-term contract should indicate how long it will be valid, and usually the period of two weeks used for the internship is used;
  • the rights and obligations appearing in the contract that appear to the driver during the term of the agreement;
  • when drafting such a document, the provisions of Art. 59 shopping mall;
  • extension of a fixed-term contract at the request of an employee is not allowed;
  • the validity period is extended only with the consent of both participants in the employment relationship;
  • the exception is the situation if a woman acts as a driver-trainee, who passes the certificate of pregnancy to the employer, therefore he is forced to increase the period of her work before childbirth;
  • if the driver undergoes an internship, the head simply does not take any actions related to the termination of the fixed-term contract, so it automatically becomes unlimited;
  • on the basis of a fixed-term contract, citizens are offered the same rights and obligations that full-time employees of the enterprise have.

A student agreement allows you to regulate the relationship between the head of the company and the interns during the internship. This document reflects all the goals and objectives that must be solved and achieved over which period of time.

car driver internship

Rules for issuing an order

A citizen is enrolled for an internship only on the basis of a correctly drawn up order. During its preparation, the nuances are taken into account:

  • an order is issued on company letterhead;
  • the paperwork rules in force in the organization are taken into account;
  • data on the company name, personal information of the employee, as well as on the mentor selected for the new specialist are reflected in the document;
  • the name of the document submitted by order is indicated;
  • put the date of its publication;
  • references are made to the legislation on the basis of which the employer really has the right to register employees for an internship;
  • goals and objectives achieved using this period are given;
  • responsible instructors and supervisors are appointed;
  • test dates are indicated;
  • the position for which the employee will be trained is given.

If you plan to work in hazardous or difficult conditions, then a trial period is a mandatory process.

driver internship

Responsibility for Violations

During the appointment of an internship, it is likely that the employer will violate the interests and rights of hired professionals through improper actions. In this case, he may be held administratively liable.

The company pays a fine of up to 130 thousand rubles for violations, and immediate managers pay a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles.


Internship in some companies is a mandatory process, the main purpose of which is to test the knowledge and skills of drivers. It is carried out on the basis of information available in the regulatory internal documentation of the company. The process is necessarily executed by order, and with employees the most frequent contract is a fixed-term contract.

Based on the results of the internship, a decision is made about the possibility of registering a specific specialist in the company staff.


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