Igor Ganzha - the most creative advertiser in Russia

He is called the most creative advertiser. Igor Nikolaevich Ganzha lives in Moscow, and was born in the Voronezh region on June 19, 1967. Has many prizes from international festivals. Rumor has it that their total weight is more than nine kg. He conducts trainings, master classes and seminars on the basics of creativity and branding. The author of a book about advertising.

Former military and charismatic smart specialist

Igor studied as an engineer in electronic technology. After graduating from the Higher Military School, he worked as a military specialist in the officer rank. However, he did not stay in the army; three years later he came to advertising.

Summit of brand leaders.

He is the organizer of Pilot Media, an advertising agency. He held the post of creative director. Then he conducted election campaigns. In 2002, Igor Ganzha founded the consulting agency LMH Consulting. They do not make advertisements here, but make brands, find effective solutions. Igor himself calls himself and his team "talented artisans." For artisans, the company has very bad prices - on average, you will have to pay 50,000 euros for services.

Despite the high cost, the agency is very popular. For example, the transformation of the Ostankino meat processing plant from a soviet factory into a modern enterprise in 2004 was the merit of LMH Consulting.

Igor Ganzha: basic information

  • He is vice-president of the "International Advertising Association" in Russia.
  • He is on the lists of academicians of the Russian Academy of Advertising.
  • At the International Institute of Advertising, he heads the department "Creative and production technologies in advertising."
  • His clients include VB Leasing, Mir, Tsifrograd, Wimm-Bill-Dann, Econika, Kamaz, Sky Express, Rosbank and others.
  • Wrote a book called "Creative". He claims that you don’t have to worry about your inability to invent something new.
  • He is the chairman of the board of the British School of Design.
  • Developed and implemented a very successful project to improve the safety performance at the Rusal plant:
... the issue of money was not the main one here, because first of all it is a really socially important project. When we started work, everything was limited to hopelessly outdated posters of visual agitation of the Soviet period ... It did not work absolutely ... As a result, the company Take Care of Yourself was born. This is a set of communication tools aimed both at the employees themselves and their superiors and (for the first time, as far as I know) members of their families. Moreover, no one tried to intimidate anyone. The call itself "Take care!" quite positive. However, if positive rhetoric did not convince someone, they were offered theses brighter. For example, "With what hand do you give your wife money if you tear off the right one?" But only as a choice. In fact, the campaign is much wider in terms of tools and more complex in terms of internal structure. But it is not interesting. It is interesting that over the year the cluster of people inclined to observe safety precautions grew by almost 12%.
  • He is an advertising developer for Philip Morris, Mercedes-Benz, Sun Microsystems, Optima Electrolux, IBS, Bosh, Hand-to-Hand newspaper, Conservative newspaper, iRU, etc.
  • With members of the club "Snob" carried out a photo project.
  • He claims that Brodsky is extremely useful to copywriters.
  • His interests include photography and skiing, paintball and travel, martial arts and windsurfing.
Igor Ganzha, festival "Idea"


  • It seems to me that people have not changed too much for many hundreds of years. And the youth also did not change much. There have always been those who come to college to study, and those who go there for more "interesting" entertainment. The important thing here is something completely different. Advertising is a serving sector of the economy, so we need to talk about the future of our profession taking into account global economic trends, and not local successes or failures of the next generation or, especially, the depressing views of HR directors. There will be a normal economy in our country - and the level of advertising will inevitably grow. I repeat: not the person is changing locally, but the attractiveness of the industry. It is on the basis of this that the selection of people who are employed in our industry takes place.
  • The last thing is to evaluate yourself. None of the living people, except, perhaps, great cultural figures, are able to adequately evaluate themselves. I continue to calmly do my job, not particularly impressed with either enthusiastic assessments or abusive ones. By and large, they make no sense to me. It makes sense the effectiveness of those companies, some of which we do.

Igor directly says that advertising and marketing, as well as brand building, are not art - this is a craft. Craft can be learned. To create a good brand you need a well-educated, technically savvy, interested specialist both in the result and in the process. To do this, he does not have to be a talented artist.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C31848/

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