How to get rid of dandruff folk remedies: recipes and tips

How to get rid of dandruff folk remedies? This question has repeatedly arisen among many. Why does dandruff appear, and how to deal with it at home? Is it possible to quickly get rid of it without resorting to expensive and lengthy treatment? Of course you can!

how to get rid of dandruff folk remedies

How to get rid of dandruff folk remedies: the causes of dandruff

Dandruff can appear for very different reasons. It can be improper care, when the shampoo dries the scalp too much, it can also be climatic conditions, when a sharp temperature drop occurs or, conversely, it is too cold or hot. This is an unhealthy diet, or rather, a lack of vitamins. Also, dandruff can occur as a result of stressful situations. The problem of the appearance of "flakes in the hair" can be solved very simply. Traditional recipes will help get rid of dandruff forever, more about which will be described below. The advantages of such treatment have always been accessibility, ease of use and effectiveness, this is due to the fact that the recipes have been tested by more than one generation.

get rid of dandruff forever

How to get rid of dandruff folk remedies: recipes

The most popular way to deal with this "white disease" is burdock oil. Burdock oil is the key to solving any problem associated with scalp or hair. It has long been used to treat not only dandruff, but also serious diseases, for example, seborrhea. Helps the oil to fight with brittle hair, and also makes them soft and shiny. How to use this miracle remedy? Before use, it must be warmed up in a water bath, then rubbed into the scalp, and it is not necessary to spare oil. Do a massage for five minutes, then put on a plastic bag and wrap your head in a warm terry towel to create the effect of a sauna.

herbs against dandruff

As a rule, such oil is used in its pure form, that is, it does not interfere with anything. But you can make a mixture with another miracle helper of traditional medicine - castor oil. The proportions should be equal, i.e. 1: 1. Further, everything follows the same pattern. Herbs against dandruff are also very successful. This is where you can truly see the scope of alternative treatment.

The most popular way is to rinse the hair with nettles after each wash. Here the recipe is quite simple: you need to pour grass with boiling water and let it brew, after which rinse clean wet hair, paying special attention to the skin, you can not rinse your hair, you just need to wrap it in a warm towel and walk like that for half an hour.

Another way is a vitamin mask. This is a modern way: mix vitamins A and E with burdock oil. This mixture does not need to be heated, that is, it should be immediately applied to the scalp and kept for no more than an hour.

How to get rid of dandruff folk remedies? All of the above recipes are proven by more than one generation of people. All the ingredients are very easy to find, which means that pulling with treatment is not worth it, since everything you need to solve the problem is at hand.


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