Vitgrass: reviews, healthy properties and home cooking

Germinated wheat is used in various fields. Every day, folk recipes using this component are becoming more popular. Of considerable interest is Vitgrass. Reviews of people who have tested the properties of this product on themselves, indicate the appropriateness of its use in traditional medicine, and in nutrition, and cosmetology.

What it is?

First you need to figure out what constitutes vitgrass. The juice of wheat germ is called the word, which came from the merger of wheat (wheat) and grass (grass). Therefore, vitgrass is a fragment of shoots of sprouted grains with a pronounced green color. Sprouts are grown in special containers - if desired, such containers are sold in any flower shop, so they are suitable for home use. As soon as the sprouts reach about 13-14 cm in height, they are cut and sent to prepare a green natural cocktail.

The useful properties of this product became known not so long ago. With proper cultivation and preparation, vitgrass can only have a positive effect on the body. At the same time, it is important to understand that a violation of the preparation technology or incorrect use of juice can completely deprive the drink of valuable properties. Vitgrass is contraindicated in some cases, so you need to know not only about the advantages, but also about the disadvantages of this tool.

vitgrass properties

Vitamins and valuable trace elements in the composition

To understand whether vitgrass is useful, reviews are not needed. It is enough to get acquainted with the information on the composition of wheat juice, because this is a fact confirmed by scientific research, and not just speculations of nutritionists, doctors or fanatical supporters of healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. So, what substances are contained in the chemical composition of wheat and vitgrass in particular?

  • Chlorophyll. The very β€œgreen” substance responsible for the color of plants. The use of vitgrass contribute to the active detoxification of the body. The structure of chlorophyll is similar to hemoglobin molecules, which is directly involved in the transport of oxygen to internal organs.
  • Vitamin E. One portion of the liquid obtained from the sprouts (approximately 30 ml) contains the daily norm of tocopherol. This substance inhibits the activity of free radicals and protects the skin from aging and the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Cellulose. This is an essential element of a complete diet that stabilizes the digestive system, restores metabolism, and removes toxins from the body.
  • Hormones. Being plant analogues of lysine, tryptophan and phenylalanine, the substances contained in vitgrass help to improve mood, increase concentration and productivity, tone the whole body.

Can I mix with other juices

It should be noted that a cocktail made from wheat germ is not necessary to drink in its pure form. It has a specific taste that not everyone likes. Green liquid can be combined with freshly squeezed apple, spinach, celery, beetroot, carrot juice. In addition to the fact that the taste of the mix will be much more pleasant, the drink will have additional beneficial properties.

vitgrass how to cook at home

In addition, the benefits of vitgrass for the body is that with regular consumption, this cocktail has an immunostimulating effect. It contains chemical components that improve the body's defenses. It is also worth noting the presence of antioxidants in the juice of wheat germ. Vitgrass restores the normal acid-base balance, prevents the development of cancer, prevents premature aging and increases immunity to infections. In addition, the composition of this product contains vitamins of groups A, C, B.

Patient Reviews

If you believe the responses of those who took the juice of wheat germ, the effect of regular intake of this product is unbelievable. Judging by the reviews, vitgrass helped many to improve their health and improve well-being with a number of diseases. Most of the comments are devoted to the healing properties of a green smoothie in the treatment of respiratory diseases and viral infections. It is noted that vitgrass copes with gastrointestinal disorders, cleanses the intestines and removes toxins due to its high fiber content. The juice of wheat germ in this case plays the role of a sorbent that attracts harmful substances and removes it from the body. As a result of taking the treatment fluid, patients undergo abdominal pain, heartburn, flatulence.

According to reviews, vitgrass makes a person more energetic, gives him vivacity, strength. Many note that after a week of applying the juice, blood pressure normalizes, fatigue, weakness, drowsiness disappear. Some patients are enthusiastic about the benefits of Vitgrass for weight loss. Based on the available data, people manage to lose an average of 2-4 kilograms in two weeks of regular juice consumption. However, experts believe that weight loss is a normal reaction of the body to the acceleration of metabolism, which launches this product. Vitgrass saturates the body with vitamins and does not allow the appearance of false signals of hunger.

What is healthier, wheat or sprouted grains?

It is believed that sprouted wheat has a wide range of nutrients and is more valuable. Allegedly, when germinating, grains lose a significant amount of useful components. In fact, this is not so at all: wheat and vitgrass have the exact same set of nutrients, if we compare the same volume of sprouts.

Vitgrass cultivation

The main difference between these two related products is that gluten is present in wheat grains, but not in young green shoots. Gluten in wheat appears during the formation of grains. In some people, this substance causes a disease such as celiac disease, so sprout juice, which does not contain gluten in its composition, is considered one of the most useful and safe natural drinks.

Vitgrass has unique therapeutic and prophylactic and therapeutic properties due to the content of a whole complex of amino acids, minerals, vitamins and various enzymes. In small quantities in the juice of wheat germ contains magnesium, copper, potassium, selenium, zinc. All valuable substances are present in elementary form, that is, they are already split and, when consumed, will immediately enter the bloodstream. In combination with antioxidants, vitgrass has an antibacterial, antitumor and anti-inflammatory effect.

Maximum daily dose

Nutritionists and gastroenterologists do not recommend abusing wheatgrass juice. To enrich the body with the necessary amount of nutrients, it is enough to drink 30 ml of juice from green shoots per day. If necessary, the daily volume can be increased to 50-60 ml.

At the same time, doctors do not advise taking vitgrass undiluted. Often, patients experience headache and nausea as an individual body reaction to a given product. In such cases, it is recommended to dilute the juice from wheat germ with fruit or vegetable juice. The pharmacy sells vitgrass in powder form. It is used, diluted with water and thoroughly mixed before use (1 teaspoon of dry vitgrass is taken per 1 glass of water).

vitgrass benefit

Indications for use

Vitgrass can not fully become a substitute for traditional methods of treatment, but it is able to enhance the effect of drugs. Today, from doctors of narrow specializations, one can increasingly hear recommendations on the use of juice from young wheat germ in parallel with the drug course. The most common problems in which patients are advised to consume a green smoothie are:

  • Violations of the acid-base balance. Any changes in the body associated with metabolism make us vulnerable to the effects of various factors, pathogens and viruses. Wheat juice stabilizes all chemical indicators.
  • Obesity. The liquid obtained from the sprouts stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid and prevents harmful cholesterol from being absorbed. Vitgrass cleanses the intestines great, but if you take it regularly, you can also get rid of excess weight. In addition, this healing fluid helps to reduce irritation of the intestinal mucosa, so juice should be taken for many diseases, such as ulcerative colitis, proctitis, sigmoiditis, Crohn's disease.
  • Vascular pathology. Daily use of wheat sprouts guarantees an improvement in the chemical composition of blood in a short period. Vitgrass cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, makes the walls of arteries elastic.
  • Dermatological diseases. Rubbing the epidermis with green juice or an ice cube made from vitgrass, you can relieve inflammation in eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, eliminate itching with allergic rashes, insect bites.

In addition, the use of juice from wheat shoots is an effective method for the prevention of malignant processes in the body. Moreover, in this case, as in all of the above, it is enough to take 30 ml every day.

Should vitgrass be healthy?

Undoubtedly, this remedy can be taken not only for those who have certain health problems, but also for those who would like to prevent their occurrence. So, for example, green juice can serve as an excellent prevention against diseases with weakened immunity.

When Vitgrass is consumed, the body is replenished with natural substances with immunomodulating properties. A significant role here is played by the cleansing of the intestines from toxins. The intestinal walls freed from toxic substances become able to absorb more vitamins and minerals, which means that it is better to resist the pathogenic effects from the outside.

If you believe the reviews, then many women took Vitgrass in order to slow down the onset of natural aging processes under the influence of negative environmental conditions, and men used it to fight baldness. This product is very useful for dystrophy of capillaries of the scalp - the most common cause of alopecia.

Wheat shoot juice helps with fatigue, stimulates brain activity, increases stress resistance and mood. Drinking vitgrass is also recommended with constant physical exertion and active sports. The tool helps to recover quickly after exhausting workouts.

vitgrass composition

Oral treatment

Dentists recommend using wheatgrass juice to enhance oral health. Due to its antibacterial properties, vitgrass is prescribed in the presence of carious foci. Its use will prevent the spread of infection to healthy teeth. Vitamins A, E, magnesium and zinc, which are present in the composition of the drink, are especially valuable for maintaining gum health.

Treatment of dental ailments is carried out by rinsing the oral cavity with the juice of wheat germ. For stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, it is recommended to prepare a solution from vitgrass, adhering to the following proportion: one part of a green cocktail is diluted with six parts of water. Rinse your mouth with a treatment solution for one minute every morning after brushing your teeth.

Product Harm and Danger

Often you can find information that vitgrass is unsafe for the body. The predominant part of such statements is not substantiated, but nevertheless some of them have serious arguments. The juice of wheat germ cannot be consumed in the presence of certain contraindications. These include:

  • Gastritis and gastric ulcer. The thing is that in the composition of vitgrass there are many active enzymes that increase irritation of the gastric mucosa, and this can lead to the progression of the disease.
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation. There is no confirmed data on how vitgrass affects the fetus. But still, the product contains too many active ingredients, the effects of which may turn out to be unpredictable, so you should not drink it during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Anemia. With iron deficiency in the body, taking vitgrass is undesirable, since the juice partially leaches this substance from the body.
  • Allergic reaction. Despite the fact that it occurs in isolated cases, it is necessary to introduce vitgrass into the diet with caution.

How to grow vitgrass yourself

Juice from wheat germ has a specific feature: after preparation, it loses its beneficial properties in literally 15-20 minutes. If you immediately place it in the refrigerator, the drink will save its nutritional value for another hour.

Wheatgrass Wheat

Before, Vitgrass could only be found in stores specializing in the sale of ingredients for a healthy diet. Today, most of his supporters prefer to make blanks on their own, in connection with which the question of how to cook vitgrass at home is very relevant. So, we briefly describe the process of growing and preparing wheat germ :

  1. For cultivation you will need a container with holes for air exchange of the soil. A small layer of moist earth is laid out in it. Both garden soil and biohumus, which is sold in special stores, are suitable.
  2. Pre-soaked in water for a couple of hours, the seeds are spread on the prepared surface and sprinkled with soil with a medium degree of moisture.
  3. Then the structure is covered with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect for several days. As soon as the sprouts hatch, the film is removed.
  4. It takes at least 10 days to grow Vitgrass. During this time, the earth should be moderately watered, avoiding stagnation of water.
  5. As soon as the sprouts reach 12-13 cm, at this the cultivation stops. They are carefully cut and allowed to prepare juice.

If the shoots exceeded the recommended length, do not worry. If the sprouts do not peck for a long time or grow too slowly, you need to change the soil. You can not use mineral fertilizers or synthetic growth stimulants.

Cooking process

Vitgrass Wheatgrass Juice

To get juice from the sprouts, you need a screw juicer. If it is not, then a bunch of young shoots of wheat can be twisted through a meat grinder. Sprouts are laid in a container, poured a little water there. To cook vitgrass, crushed gruel is squeezed through cheesecloth. The resulting juice should be drunk immediately or refrigerated. It is advisable to take the drink on an empty stomach, respectively, and you need to prepare the juice in the morning. The volume of servings and the frequency of their administration can be determined independently, but it is highly undesirable to consume more than 60 ml of vitgrass per day.


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