How to relieve stress and calm nerves? Tips to calm your nerves after stress

The lifestyle of modern society requires tremendous effort from people, which often turns into stressful conditions. It is extremely difficult to fend off the challenges of the times, especially for residents of megacities.

Fleeing the burden of overwhelming nervous tension, many without prior consultation with the doctor begin to use various drugs for stress, which only make themselves worse by acquiring a new addiction. Very often this is a way to a dead end.

How to relieve stress and calm nerves

If you suspect serious psychological health problems, then you are advised to take a stress test. The latter, in its various versions, boils down to checking many stress factors to identify the possible development of various diseases, most often associated with the heart. The stress test has a number of contraindications. Therefore, you should first familiarize yourself with the full list if you decide to undergo this study.

Stress pills

Further in this article, a series of simple but effective methods will be proposed that talk about how to relieve stress and calm the nerves, and at the same time gain emotional stability and immunity to external stimuli. However, it must be remembered that the following methods are suitable for the manifestation of primary signs of stress. If the nervous breakdown has progressed to a steady state, you should consult a specialist who will conduct competent treatment of nerves and help restore your lost internal health.

Deep breathing

Since ancient times, a close relationship between breathing, emotions, and physical condition has been known. The science of breathing is deeply researched in the East. In the traditions of Indian yoga, it is known by the name of Pranayama. This technique is one of the most effective ways to deal with stress. However, it is quite simple and is within the power of everyone.

So, how to relieve stress and calm the nerves with the help of breathing? First you need to take a comfortable position. Best of all, if you sit, be sure to straighten your back. Then you need to put your palms on the navel, right above. At the same time, you need to imagine that under the belly button is an air bag, which when inhaled is filled with air. The breath should be deep, consistently fill the diaphragm and chest with air.

When you take a breath, you can hold your breath for an instant, and then produce a slow full exhale. First, the diaphragm should lower, and then the chest. The exhalation length should be twice the length of the inspiration.

It is very good if during exhalation you mentally pronounce affirmation, for example: โ€œI am completely calmโ€ or โ€œmy body has relaxedโ€. At the same time, choosing words it is important to remember that affirmations should always have an affirmative sound in the present tense and not contain negative particles.

After you complete the entire breathing sequence several times, your condition will improve markedly. By training daily several times, you can deepen the state of relaxation and, having acquired the skill, achieve it almost instantly.

The cure for stress

Take a walk in the fresh air

A good cure for stress is a walk in the fresh air. The park and the shore of the reservoir are ideal, but a quiet city street, square or small area will do. In addition to effects on breathing, stress helps relieve physical activity. It is important not to sit still and move more. By the same principle, sports and any physical activity are soothing.

Take a shower

An excellent answer to the question of how to relieve stress and calm the nerves will be the decision to take water procedures. A bath or shower (better contrast) has a wonderful refreshing effect not only on the physical but also on the emotional body of a person, literally washing away the accumulations of negative energy.

Try the power of positive thoughts

Phenomenal in its effectiveness, but not the easiest to execute, the treatment of nerves is based on the old truth that the world around us is only a reflection of our thoughts. Changing negative thoughts to positive ones also changes the world around us. Thus, changing the angle of view, you can deal with all the reasons for stress. However, in order for this method to work stably and effectively, a certain skill is required that is achieved by daily practice. Help in it can be the same affirmations that were recommended above with breathing exercise.

Treat yourself to yummy

Have a holiday. Treat yourself to something delicious. Best of all, if it is sweets, specifically chocolate. The latter contains a fair dose of dopamine - the hormone of happiness, so its effect and the process of a festive meal will help you switch and increase your vitality and mood.

However, do not overdo it, otherwise you risk not acquiring the most useful habit.

Catch positive in the company of others

Another great defense against stress is communicating with pleasant people. Probably everyone has such stress-relieving buddies who, thanks to their ease, positivity and cheerfulness, are able to disperse gloomy clouds in your head. Contact with such people more often, get positive energy from them and learn from them an easy attitude to troubles and everyday difficulties. The main thing - do not load them and do not complain about your ups and downs. Just relax.

Do the cleaning

The method is not for everyone, of course, but still very good. Find a blockage at home - in cabinets, pantries, basement, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the computer, in folders with papers, etc. - and take it apart. This will help you distract your thoughts, and at the same time do a useful job, which your hands did not reach. In addition, there is a subtle relationship between the ordering of the surrounding space and the order in thoughts and feelings. When you systematize what surrounds you outside, then what is inside you is systematized automatically. Thus, cleaning helps to deal with the load of internal problems at a subconscious level.

Resort to the healing power of silence

If you have the ability not to cheat yourself and easily switch to positive thoughts, then some time spent alone in silence can help you. Turn off the phone, forget about the computer and completely isolate yourself from external noise. This will help you calm down, relax and deal with your cockroaches.

However, if the state of loneliness is depressing for you and you tend to panic more, treating nerves in this way is not for you.

Do not forget about the dream

Nervous exhaustion is a direct path to stressful experiences. Therefore, an excellent cure for stress is sleep. Take time at last and have a good night's sleep. Often after that, all the symptoms of a nervous breakdown are removed as a hand. But even if this does not happen and when you wake up, you will still experience emotional discomfort and excitement inside yourself, recharging in a dream will help you become more resistant to destructive experiences and will give you strength to overcome the decaying effect of any negative.


Another eastern method of achieving serenity is meditation. Ideally, deep effective meditation involves at least 20 minutes of practice per day. Not everyone manages to find time and place for this. Therefore, it is important to do as much as you can. Best of all - in the morning, to immediately neutralize negative emotions.

Stress test

As for the methodology, there are many ways that can be found in the specialized literature. The easiest way is to sit comfortably, straighten your back, relax, close your eyes and concentrate on breathing without being distracted by thoughts. This simple exercise with regular performance will literally transform your life.


Positive emotions are known to cause a smile. But there is also a psychological trick that allows you to perform the reverse process. To do this, just smile. Even a fake, tight smile, but it will shine on your face. Then the deceived subconscious will be forced to adjust and provide you with an additional charge of positive emotions.

This relationship has been proven by scientists and works great. Try it and see for yourself.

Try to warm your hands

Another wonderful way to relieve stress and calm nerves is based on a similar psychophysiological connection. You just need to warm your hands. The fact is that during stress, the body automatically redistributes the blood flow, supplying it with the most abundance to the brain and heart. As a result, hands tend to get colder during stress. Using this addiction, you can reprogram the body. If you warm your hands, the brain will decide that the stressful situation is behind and normalize your condition.

Stock up oranges

No worse than many pills, the aroma of citrus helps to get rid of stress. It can be a real mandarin duck or an orange essential oil, evaporated in an aroma lamp (in the latter case, the oil should be only natural). The secret is that the smell of citrus stimulates the release of norepinephrine - a hormone associated with mood and emotional well-being. Increasing its dosage in the blood significantly helps to cope with stress.

Nerve treatment

Knowing this ability of citrus fruits, you can arm yourself with an anti-stress shield. To do this, drop a couple drops of essential oil of the same orange or grapefruit on a handkerchief or on the edge of clothing.

Do not deny yourself a cup of tea

How to treat stress, green tea will tell you. The latter has a unique feature: thanks to L-theanine, which is part of it, it significantly reduces anger, fatigue and other stressful symptoms.

How to treat stress

Pour cold water on your wrists

Among the many ways to relieve stress and calm the nerves, there is such an original way as washing your wrists in cold water. In these places, the paths of large arteries run, so cooling this zone will help cool the blood and, as a result, normalize the emotional background.

For the same purpose, you can apply a few drops of cold water (or even attach pieces of ice) to the area behind the ears - where perfumes are usually applied.

Consume vitamins

The last tip is about going to the pharmacy. However, instead of various drugs and pills, you are advised to purchase some vitamins for stress there. Usually they are presented in various complexes in a large assortment. Having picked up what you need, drink a course. In this way you will not make yourself worse, as with the use of many drugs, but only strengthen your immunity.

Stress protection


As many scientists say, most of the diseases in our time have a psychosomatic nature, that is, comes from an incorrect psychological and emotional state - from constant tension, irritation, anger, anxiety. Therefore, before grabbing pills for stress, it is important to understand that they only remove the consequences. The root of the problem is in ourselves, in our mind. From this, the deep dependence of our psychological health on the ability to introspection - the ability to look inside ourselves, becomes obvious. And in order not to torment all your life with the question of how to relieve stress and calm your nerves, you need, first of all, to understand yourself, learn to think positively, relax and instill yourself the skills of mental self-discipline.


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