Unusual mirrors on the wall (photo)

Ever since time immemorial, people considered mirrors to be unusual objects. Someone treats them as ordinary things, and there are many. We wake up and immediately go to the bathroom, where we are met by our own reflection, a little shabby after sleep. We put ourselves in order, having carried out morning procedures, dress and soon set off about our business. But near unusual mirrors we always linger to appreciate their original appearance.

Unusual mirrors in the interior

But there are people for whom such objects are associated with something mystical. Someone even believes that mirrors have a memory and are capable of storing for a long time all that is reflected in them.

Designers have slightly mundane interests in relation to such items. They see them as an excellent option, thanks to which you can significantly transform the interior of any room, regardless of size. Moreover, in small rooms you can increase the space in the visual plan. Perhaps, some magic of mirrors is also affected here.

Rules for placing mirrors

The reflective power of such objects has always been appreciated by Chinese masters, especially the current of Feng Shui. In this regard, they even have quite a few rules regarding how to place both ordinary and unusual mirrors. For the most part, this is due to reflection or absorption of energy.

Fancy mirrors

One of the characteristic properties of a mirror is a change in illumination. With it, you can illuminate the dark corridor, allowing you to save on lamps. There are a number of rules that are distributed mainly in the Celestial Empire, however, in our country, many of them will come in handy:

  • Do not put a mirror in front of the front door - it is believed that in this case all the energy goes back from the home.
  • Avoid reflection of photographs and any unpleasant views. Flowers, on the contrary, will bring a few bright colors.
  • It is impossible that the bed was visible in the mirror, since it is impossible in this case to feel completely safe.
  • At least one reflective surface must be at the full height of the person - physical and career growth will be ensured.
  • For such an item requires regular care, because it reflects everything without exception.
  • You should not look at unusual mirrors on the wall, admiring your reflection. You need to do this as rarely as possible and only with a warm attitude towards yourself - this is how you can save your energy.
  • Not the best solution is to place reflective objects against each other.

It is worth considering that a broken mirror carries nothing but negative energy. If it was accidentally broken, there is one good way out of the situation. In this case, it is recommended to collect all the fragments and rinse them well with water and only then throw them away. Now consider what ideas some designers may surprise us with.

Fancy stickers

Mirror stickers can be increasingly seen on many interiors of modern apartments. Such stickers can decorate a room or a hallway quite well. And besides the fact that they are the original decor, the stickers are also able to give a little more natural light.

Fancy mirrors on the wall

Thanks to some forms, a room can literally come to life. A striking example of this is unusual mirrors in the interior in the form of flying butterflies. This is especially true in children's rooms for girls. The sight of fluttering beauties causes a feeling of lightness, as if one himself wants to learn to fly.

As a rule, an acrylic mirror is used to make such a decor , which is a better, and therefore expensive material. As a wall mount, double-sided tape is used. Vinyl analogues are cheaper, but in quality they are not inferior to acrylic products.

Favorite animals

Animal lovers will most likely be delighted by the bright representative of the Arctic in the face of a white bear. But any other beast will be appropriate. At the same time, large animals are best placed in corridors or halls of large sizes. But small animals will be able to find their rightful place on one of the walls of the children's room.

It is impossible to pass by dandelions, they directly beckon to themselves. Of course, here you will not especially admire yourself once again, but a good mood is ensured. And due to the reflective effect, unusual mirrors in the hallway will add more light.

Original forms

If you want to diversify existing furniture with additional items, then you should choose hanging options. Boldly - yes, creatively - without a doubt, corny - that's not at all!

Unusual mirrors photo

Mizukagami reflective surfaces imitating spilled liquid are even more original. But such objects are rather art objects, and it is unlikely that they can be used as a full-fledged mirror. Nevertheless, creativity is enough here and some aesthetes will like it. In addition, guests will certainly be impressed with such surrealism.

From Japanese, Mizukagami means "water mirror", and the creators of such a wonder are two designers - Rikako Nagashima and Hideto Hyoudo. The molten and spreading liquid can cause a diverse reaction. And the maximum reliability was achieved through the use of acrylic.

Many introductory photos of unusual mirrors have already been distributed all over the Internet in a short time. Something mysterious and mysterious is seen in them, which immediately makes us think about ghosts, the other world and other mystical entities with which cinema introduces us.

Bold bathroom solutions

Each of us knows that in the bathroom you can’t do without a mirror, since it is an invariable participant, without which it is difficult to imagine the implementation of morning procedures. The main thing here is not to spoil anything. The mirror should successfully fit into the interior of the room, otherwise you can forget about comfort once and for all.

Fancy bathroom mirrors

In bathrooms of classical design mirrors of a simple geometric shape, in particular rectangles without roundness, will be appropriate. At the same time, they can be placed in a frame for which a neutral or pastel gamma is selected:

  • beige;
  • white
  • gray
  • Gold
  • copper.

Beautiful and unusual round mirrors in this room will also come in handy if you “dress” them in a wooden frame (you can use any other material). The interior in this case will significantly change and become more spacious. If the bathroom is small, then it will be decorated with a round object located above the sink.

Any mirror in combination with various illumination looks good. These can be different sources:

  • Spotlights;
  • spots (single, double, triple, etc.);
  • miniature sconce;
  • chandeliers.

Comfort in this case is provided.

Modern bathroom solution

In modern interiors, mirrors with interior lighting are most valued . The soft glow comes from the numerous LEDs embedded in the reflective surface itself. Moreover, the backlight can carry both a functional purpose and serve only as a decor.

Some manufacturers with respect to unusual mirrors in the bathroom have taken a serious step into the future by developing a holographic effect. This technology allows you to implement almost any pattern that will glow. It is made by micro-dotted method, but it looks voluminous.

Inimitable Gallery

Sometimes there is a great desire to place a gallery in your room or living room, but there is no way to acquire beautiful and expensive landscapes. However, there is a good alternative in the form of a collection of mirrors.

Mirrors in the hallway are unusual

This option is not difficult to do on your own, as there is nothing complicated in it. All that is needed is to hang several horizontal shelves on a free wall and arrange several “paintings” in any order. The interior will immediately be transformed due to such unusual mirrors.

Only each item should be placed in some kind of frame. Additionally, you can make some variety in the face of various accessories. Moreover, it is not necessary to give preference to Art Nouveau, retro is still in fashion, and this style will never lose its relevance.

Entertaining mosaic

The canvas, composed of several small mirrors, can make a lasting impression. Moreover, such decor is appropriate not only indoors, but will also look beautiful on the outer wall.

Often, a combination of an aged surface is used here with glass having an eglomeise finish. The result is an unusual reflection. In other cases, a combination of ceramic tiles, stained glass and other materials is used. Ultimately, thanks to this decor in the room creates a special atmosphere of coziness and comfort. You can feel all the tenderness and depth of space.

Nice decoration for the fireplace

If the room has a kind of home, then the use of an unusual mirror can effectively distinguish it from all interior objects. This tradition is not new, since it was in special honor among the representatives of the aristocracy for the period of the end of the XVII century. However, great fame came a little later in the era of the Regency.

Beautiful mirrors are unusual

Thanks to the reflective surface, the fireplace immediately becomes the epicenter in almost any room. And over time, the combination of a hearth with an expensive mirror has become a fashionable trend. This at the same time speaks of the owner’s good wealth and his impeccable taste.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C31872/

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