Job description of the operator of washing machines: functions, rights and obligations

Since the advent of the first washing machines, a lot of time has passed. Now these household units are used both at home and on a production scale. They are almost everywhere where people are served: in kindergartens, hospitals, large manufacturing companies and more. Therefore, there is a demand for workers who will service this equipment on an industrial scale. More details about the rights, responsibilities and obligations of workers in this area are described in the job description of the operator of the washing machines.

General Provisions

The employee who was accepted for this position is a worker and reports to his immediate superior. Questions about his hiring or dismissal from work are decided by the head of the company where he is employed. In order to get a place in the company, the applicant must have a secondary specialized education and work in his specialty for at least one year.

What is guided by

The job description of the operator of a laundry washing machine assumes that in the course of fulfilling the tasks assigned to him, the employee must take into account all local acts, as well as organizational and administrative documents of the company that affect his sphere of activity directly. He must not only observe, but also monitor the implementation of the rules of the labor schedule and discipline in the area entrusted to him.

job description of the operator of a laundry washing machine

The employee must comply with the rules regarding the protection of labor activity, safety measures. Compliance with industrial sanitation and fire protection is very important. He is also guided by all orders, decrees and instructions of his immediate supervisors, and, of course, by the job description of the washing machine operator.


When employing an employee, employers expect that they have certain knowledge. The employee must study how the machines are arranged, according to what rules the operation of equipment entrusted to him is carried out to perform the necessary tasks. He should be familiar with the rules of the washing process, taking into account the characteristics of the units installed in the organization. What kind of fabric he is trusted to bring in due form depends on his discharge.

job description of a washing machine operator in a hospital

The job description of the washing machine operator in the hospital suggests that he is familiar with the rules for unloading and loading the laundry, is able to evaluate and take into account the indicator of its pollution in this process. In addition, he must know the composition, the name of the detergent, be able to properly dose the bleaching solutions. The employee is obliged to find out the assortment of products that he is tasked with processing, types of fabrics. It is also very important that he understands how the equipment is cleaned and what are the modes of this process.


The job description of the operator of washing machines in the production assumes that the employee is obliged to carry out the technological process of washing clothes using automated special-purpose equipment.

job description of the operator of washing machines in production

His responsibilities include loading things into washing machines, monitoring the correct operation of equipment, including fixing the sequence of operation of various mechanisms, taking into account the indicators of instrumentation, and so on. It must supply bleach, rinse aid and starch mixtures.


The job description of the operator of the kindergarten washing machines suggests that the employee is engaged in determining the purity of the processed materials, unloading the washed items from the equipment. In addition, his functions include cleaning the washing machines entrusted to him.

job description of a kindergarten washing machine operator

If there are several employees in the staff and there are those who are lower than the employee by rank, he must carry out the management of these operators. If there is a need, then the employee can be involved in his tasks overtime, but in strict accordance with the labor legislation of the country.


The job description of the operator of washing machines DOU assumes that the employee has certain rights, including that he can get acquainted with working projects that directly affect his activities.

job description of the operator of washing machines dow

He can also offer management to take actions that will make his work and the activities of the department more productive. An employee has the right to inform the management of all the shortcomings in the work of a company or a specific unit and make suggestions on resolving the problems that have arisen, if it falls within his competence.

Other rights

The job description of the washing machine operator assumes that the employee has the right to demand from the authorities to assist him in the performance of the functions assigned to him, if for some reason he cannot solve the issues without the intervention of the management. If necessary, the employee may request documents and information from other units in person or on behalf of the authorities, if he needs it to perform the tasks assigned to him. He may also involve employees of other units in the performance of the duties assigned to him.


The job description of the washing machine operator assumes that he is financially, administratively and disciplined, and in some cases even criminally responsible for offenses committed in the course of the work assigned to him. First of all, he is responsible for non-fulfillment of his duties or improper execution of orders of his leadership. He can be held accountable if he improperly uses his official powers or uses his position in the company for personal purposes.

operator job description

He is responsible for misrepresenting or providing management with inaccurate information about the quality, scope and timeliness of tasks performed, for inaction in the event of violations, and also if the employee does not prevent a situation that could lead to harm to the company or its employees. He can also be held accountable for violation of labor discipline, the Criminal, Administrative or Labor Code, for causing material damage to the company, in accordance with the current legislation of the country.

Performance Assessment

The work of the employee hired for this position is evaluated in accordance with paragraphs of the Labor Code. Every day, his activities are evaluated by his immediate supervisor. Also, every two years, a special certification commission checks the work of the employee. As the main evaluation criteria, the completeness, quality and timeliness of the work entrusted to the employee, which is provided for in the instructions, are used.


The work of the operator of washing machines does not carry anything complicated, but still requires certain knowledge, skills and physical endurance. This is a very responsible position, because the quality of the employee’s actions determines the operability of the equipment and the integrity of the things entrusted to him for washing. Ignorance of the correct dosage of bleaching agents and other nuances can lead to deterioration of the laundry. The duties of an employee depend on the direction of the organization where he is located, his rank and the needs of management. Paragraphs of the job description may be changed, but in strict accordance with labor legislation.


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