"Karelash": reviews, composition, instructions for use. Drugs for eyelash growth in pharmacies

Long eyelashes are the dream of every girl. Indeed, thick, fluffy and voluminous eyelashes give the look a mystery and depth, a special appeal.

If nature does not give long eyelashes, then you can make them. This is not about overhead options and not about special mascaras, but about the drug "Karelache".

This is an Indian remedy for strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows, stimulating their growth and density.

You won’t believe your eyes

Is it possible to increase my beauty? It turns out - you can, beautifying your face with surprisingly long and fluffy eyelashes.

The impossible has become possible. The use of Karelash means allows achieving visible results in a short time. The very procedure for applying this magical in its quality products is painless and easily carried out at home.

You will not believe your eyes - Karelash will change them beyond recognition

If you regularly use the product, the eyelashes will grow and acquire a darker tone themselves, without visiting beauty salons, extensions, curling and other not entirely safe procedures.

It is known that beauty requires sacrifice. But if you can do without them, then why not take advantage of this.

What does Karelash consumer get:

  1. Elastic and thick eyelashes instead of brittle and weak.
  2. They do not need to be removed at night, as artificial.
  3. Enough two minutes a day to apply "Karelash", this drug for eyelash growth can be bought at pharmacies.
  4. It is better to stock up on several packages to allow yourself to go through more than one course of rejuvenating eyelashes and eyebrows.
  5. Permanent perfection that multiplies right before your eyes. Eyelashes and eyebrows are rejuvenated, and with them the happy owner of magnificence.

How the Karelash tool works: reviews and tips

The healing substances of the Indian preparation for the growth of eyelashes fall into the area of ​​the hair follicle during its application to the eyelid. Active substances penetrate deeper and stimulate the growth of eyelashes. How does Karelash work? Customer reviews confirm the following facts:

  • Within two weeks, you can significantly increase the volume of eyelashes.
  • Eyelashes are getting darker.
  • The constant use of the product once every 2 days will support them in a beautiful condition.
  • Termination of procedures will return eyelashes to their original appearance.

A tool for eyelash growth in pharmacies can be bought without a prescription. However, you need to consult a doctor, because it is, nevertheless, a medical preparation.

Long eyelashes from Karelash

Karelash: composition and medical indicators

“Karelash” is an ophthalmic preparation, in the composition of which means bimatoprost 0.03%.

  1. Produced by the manufacturer in 4 ml vials with a concentration of 0.03 bimatoprost as part of the drug.
  2. The manufacturer "Karelash" a or "Kareprosta" is an Indian company Emkay Corporation.
  3. The company does not put each box with the product in an individual plastic bag, but produces 25 pieces in a cardboard container.
  4. The drug is used as an indicator of eyelash growth.

On forums dedicated to discussing Karelash, reviews often vary. Discussions are quite hot. Basically, users argue about which is better - “Kareprost” or “Karelash”. Someone defends the first option and someone the second. In fairness, it should be noted that this is one and the same tool with different names and a different number of milliliters in a bottle. Karelash is available in 0.4 ml packs, and Kareprost 0.3 ml. But in their healing properties they have an absolutely identical ophthalmic basis.

Karelash eyelash growth agent: reviews and tips

Long way of beauty

According to recent studies, eyelashes in size should be 1/3 of the wide open eye. It is this length that allows you to protect the organ of vision from mechanical influences and perform the function of reflecting the air flow, which can injure the mucous membrane of the eye.

The tendencies and methods of eyelash management have a great history.

  • In Ancient Egypt, not only women, but also men used black ink for painting the eyelids, since it was believed that black ink protects the eyes from sunlight. In addition, crushed malachite was applied to the eyelashes, as an aphrodisiac, that is, a means that strengthens potency.
use Karelash to prepare for Halloween
  • In ancient Rome, it was believed that the ideal of beauty is enclosed in long, curling eyelashes.
  • In England, the forehead was recognized as the most beautiful in the female face, therefore, in order to increase it, the ladies generally shaved their eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Fashion was changing, and eyelashes were still in the spotlight.
  • The first mascara was professionally designed for Queen Elizabeth by the royal perfumer Eugene Rimmel (now the famous cosmetic company Rimmel).
  • The first curling irons (curler) was created in 1931. He immediately became popular, as in a matter of seconds curled eyelashes.
  • The term “mascara” appeared in 1933, while Maybellyn patented a 10 percent composition of water-based mascara, which was sold in pharmacies.
  • In 1958, mascara appeared in a tube with a screw brush under the brand name Pevlon.
  • Madonna at the peak of popularity had thick fan-shaped eyelashes.

Whatever the fashion for eyelashes, today the fundamental difference is that you can make them almost any, you just want to.

Make eyelashes stunning

The drug "Karelash" can be used with almost no restrictions, but it is especially often used for the following types of deviations from the norm:

  • short and thinned eyelashes;
  • injured by mascara, curling, false eyelashes.

Not applicable in the following cases:

  1. Hair follicles are injured or removed.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. The presence of viral conjunctivitis and other eye diseases.

The tool for eyelash growth in pharmacies is sold freely, dispensed without a prescription.

Karelash: positive reviews

Recommendations for use.

Ophthalmic preparation "Karelash" can be applied once a day. The best time for the procedure is in the evening or before going to bed.

How to apply "Karelash", instructions for use:

  • If there are contact lenses, before applying the drug they must be removed, remove cosmetics with the usual tool that you use.
  • The skin of the eyelids should be clean and dry.
  • The solution should be applied only to the upper eyelid. In doing so, keep the applicator horizontally to the ground and perpendicular to the eye.
  • Put a drop of Karelash on the tip of the applicator, simultaneously hold it on the skin of the upper eyelids, where there are eyelashes.
  • Pass the applicator from the inner edge of the eye to the outer (to the end of the eyelash line).
  • It is better to remove excess solution with a napkin or cotton swab, and do it carefully so as not to remove the solution from the right place.

How to choose "Karelash": reviews and recommendations, contraindications

In order for the use of the drug to bring only pleasant feelings, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  • When choosing Karelash or Kareprost as an assistant and regulator of eyelash growth, one should not forget that this is a medical preparation.
  • In its composition, bimatoprost is a treatment for glaucoma. It is bimatoprost that causes the growth of eyelashes and their darkening when applying the product to the hair of the upper eyelid. Therefore, before you start using Karelash, you need to visit a doctor and consult to see if there are any contraindications for your eyes.
  • If there are chronic or viral diseases of the eyes, the drug is not recommended, and in some cases it is even dangerous. Those lucky ones who have healthy eyes, use the product without side effects, such as itching, burning, tearing, etc.

And remember, beauty does not require sacrifice, it requires health!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C31905/

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