Purpose and arrangement of passenger cars

All wagons operated by Russian Railways are divided into several classes: special, freight, passenger. The latter type of rolling stock, in turn, can be self-propelled and non-self-propelled. The first group includes cars of diesel trains and electric sections. Such units of rolling stock are not used very often in Russia. Basically, the railways of our country run, of course, ordinary non-self-propelled passenger cars. The device they have is quite simple, as they move on a locomotive traction.

Intended classification

Non-self-propelled railway cars, in turn, can be divided into groups depending on the distance. Their varieties on this basis are as follows:

  • compartment;

  • reserved seats;

  • sedentary.

The first two types of cars are used in long-distance trains. The third variant is intended for cruising over relatively short distances.

Passenger car

What are compartment cars

Such rolling stock, in turn, is classified into:

  • soft cars;

  • hard;

  • international following.

Inside wagons of this kind, coupes are provided, which are closed by sliding doors from the corridor. It is worth a trip to them more expensive than reserved seats or sedentary.

Soft cars belong to the highest category. They provide nine 2-seater coupes. That is, they are designed for 18 people. A feature of cars of this variety, in comparison with others, is the absence of upper shelves.

Rigid compartment cars are designed to carry 36 passengers. They also provide 2 places for conductors. Coupes in such cars are equipped with two transverse sofas and two folding shelves.

International wagons of this variety are I and II categories. The first type of rolling stock is designed for the transport of 22 people. That is, it is equipped with 11 coupes for 2 passengers. The second-class cars are designed to carry 33 passengers. The compartment also provides 11, but for 3 people.

Reserved carriages

Rolling stock of this type is designed to carry 54 passengers and two conductors. In each open compartment of the reserved seat, seats for 6 passengers are provided. Two sofas and 2 shelves in them are located transversely. Also in such "compartments" 2 longitudinal lateral places are provided.

Reserved carriages

Seat cars

Such rolling stock is used by Russian Railways to transport passengers at a distance of 150 to 700 km and is considered interregional. The wagons of this variety are designed for 62 seats. Armchairs can be installed hard or soft. No special conveniences in cars of this variety are provided for Russian Railways customers.

How passenger comfort is ensured

In the wagons of long-distance trains, it is provided, inter alia:

  • lockers for luggage under the lower shelves;

  • newspaper holders;

  • trouser holders;

  • hooks;

  • folding handrails on the second shelves, preventing the fall of passengers;

  • folding tables;

  • ceiling lighting.

To store luggage in reserved seats, third shelves are located above the second. The compartment can be folded into a niche equipped above the ceiling of the corridor.

Tables in long-distance cars are located between two transverse sofas. In reserved seats, the lower side sofa has a special design. In the daytime, its middle part extends, turns over and forms a table. For the convenience of passengers who have bought a ticket to the upper shelves, long-distance cars, among other things, include lifting ladders or a step.

Seating wagons of Russian Railways are equipped mainly with chairs only. The lavatory in such trains is usually provided for only one - in the head of the train. Recently, more comfortable modern interregional trains began to run along Russian railways. Toilets are provided in each of the wagons of such trains. New interregional trains are also equipped with air conditioning.

New wagons

The difference between modern long-distance cars

Nowadays, there are mainly two types of non-moving rolling stock on the railways in Russia: the old and the new model. Both of these varieties have almost the same device. And the equipment in passenger cars of new and old is also used almost the same. A new rolling stock of this type, however, for passengers, of course, is considered somewhat more convenient.

In both old and more modern domestic passenger cars, toilets are located in front of the vestibule and behind a compartment of conductors. In the old slow-moving rolling stock of the latrines, only two are equipped. In new cars three dry closets are provided. Next to the vestibule in such a rolling stock there is not one, but two latrines. At stations in the sanitary zone, dry closets do not close.

A distinctive feature of the new model cars are also:

  • air conditioners;

  • digital displays showing the current time and air temperature, located above the entrances to the cabin.

Places for conductors

Transportation of people is, of course, the main purpose of passenger cars. And their device was designed taking into account primarily the needs of Russian Railways customers. However, it is convenient to move in such a rolling stock, of course, it should be not only for passengers, but also for maintenance personnel. Compartments for conductors in long-distance train cars are equipped with:

  • a sofa with a locker;

  • hinged shelf;

  • wardrobe;

  • shelves;

  • a sink;

  • compartment for storing clean linen;

  • hooks-hangers;

  • cupboard.

Also in the compartment for the conductors is an electrical panel and speaker.


Russian Railways passenger cars consist of five main parts:

  • bodywork;

  • running gear;

  • frames;

  • shock-traction device;

  • auto brakes.

Transportation of people often over very long distances - this is what, among other things, is associated with the operation of passenger cars. And their device should be such that Russian Railways customers feel as comfortable as possible on the road. That is, cars of this type must be equipped with life support systems. In this regard, the structural elements of passenger cars are:

  • heating system;

  • ventilation (or air conditioning);

  • electrical equipment;

  • water heater;

  • internal equipment.

The water supply system of a passenger carriage is rather simple. Such a network in the rolling stock of this type includes bulk pipes, as well as tanks:

  • cold and hot water;

  • fire fighting.

In addition, an element of such a car network is a tank designed to replenish, if necessary, the amount of coolant in the heating system.

Wagon for international transportation

What is a body

In this part of the car’s construction, seats for passengers and all systems providing transportation comfort are placed. The body of the rolling stock of this variety is made of high grades of stainless steel and is able to withstand all the stresses that it can be subjected to on the way.

It is a passenger train body with a thin-walled all-metal structure, reinforced by pillars and ceiling arches. Inside, Russian Railways wagons designed for the carriage of passengers are insulated with insulation and lined in a harmonious color scheme. The supporting structure of the body is a sturdy steel frame.

Chassis: passenger carriage trolley device

Of course, increased requirements are imposed on this structural element of the non-running rolling stock of Russian Railways. A Russian Railways passenger car moves on rails on two trolleys of the TVZ TsNII M type. A feature of these elements of the chassis, among other things, is improved ride smoothness. The main purpose of the trolleys is the movement and direction of the body along the rails. The wheels in the chassis of passenger cars are set seamless. Each pair of them, in turn, is connected to the frame by axle boxes with roller bearings. In one carriage of such elements, 8 are provided.

The carriage of a passenger carriage is such that it provides not only a smooth ride, but also a sufficient speed. Its main elements, in addition to wheelsets and axle boxes, are the frame and the spring beam.

Shock-traction devices

This assembly is located inside the spinal beam and on the end beams of the body frame. It is intended for auto-connection of cars between themselves and a locomotive. The coupler device of passenger cars has such components as:

  • housing;

  • clutch mechanism;

  • release drive;

  • shock centering device;

  • draft device;

  • supporting parts.

Also, the purpose of the shock-pull unit is to reduce compressive and tensile forces with a change in speed. In addition, such devices in passenger cars perceive impacts when manually coupled / uncoupled.

The brakes

This, of course, is also a very important structural element of non-self-propelled rolling stock of Russian Railways. Braking devices in passenger cars are provided for 2:

  • hand held;

  • automatic.

The hand brake of a passenger car is capable of providing its immobility on a slope of up to 15 degrees. It is used for rolling stock in sludge. They can also make a stopover in case of failure of the main braking device of a passenger car.

What are the requirements

Russian Railways passenger cars are designed and equipped in accordance with the requirements of GOST, 21889-76, 9238-83, 22269-76, RTM 24.008. 59.82, etc. Of course, such a rolling stock must meet all the requirements for safety of movement, as well as sanitary standards for microclimate, noise, vibration, etc.

Passenger cars manufactured today in Russia are designed for a speed of 160 km / h. Their smoothness should not be less than 3.1-3.25. In addition, according to the regulations:

  • the heat transfer coefficient of the car body on average should be equal to 1.0-1.11 W / m 2 * K;

  • power consumption - 10.2-16.7 kW / h per 1000 passengers.

Terms of repair

Thus, passenger cars are quite simple in their arrangement. Maintenance, however, of such rolling stock should be carried out periodically, in accordance with the stipulated rules. To maintain the operability of cars in Russian Railways, there is a clear system of repairs and inspections:

  • TO1 - maintenance is carried out at the point of formation before being sent on the road, as well as at stations and at points of turnover.

  • TO2 - "recovery", that is, service before winter and summer traffic.

  • TO3 - a six-month audit.

  • DR - repair in a depot after a run of 300 thousand km.

  • KR-1 - scheduled repair 5 years after manufacture.

  • KR-2 - repair of the second volume in 20 years.

One of the main components of ensuring the safety of transportation of people is precisely the timely repair and maintenance of passenger cars. The device of the rolling stock of this type is such that it is able to cope with any loads along the way. However, as with any intensively operated equipment, various kinds of units and mechanisms of wagons begin to wear out over time and require replacement.

Wagon Maintenance

Other varieties

The main types of passenger cars of Russian Railways are, therefore, non-self-propelled, compartment, reserved seats and seats. But another rolling stock can be assigned to this group. Carriages are also considered passenger:

  • luggage;

  • restaurants

  • salons.

Such rolling stock has a standard device. And maintenance of passenger cars of this type is carried out according to the same rules as ordinary ones.

Baggage wagons

Rolling stock of this type can be used in trains:

  • passenger;

  • freight;

  • individual postal luggage.

The device passenger cars of this type, like ordinary ones, are simple. Their body is all-metal, and they move on two carts. The layout in them, however, provides for a special, luggage and pantry. Also in such cars there is an office, a double coupe for rest, a toilet with a shower, a boiler room and a vestibule.

Restaurant cars

Such a rolling rail is designed to provide passengers with hot meals on the way. The device passenger cars of this variety are also standard. Chassis, bodywork and brakes are standard. In the cabin they are placed tables and buffet. There is also a kitchen unit in the dining car for cooking hot food with a stove and electric or oil heating. Of course, refrigeration equipment is also installed here. Also in such rolling stock are provided and water supply systems (separate), as well as air conditioning.

Restaurant car on the train


Such passenger cars are intended for travel by senior managers or, for example, managers of large companies. The main difference between this rolling stock and ordinary passenger is an increased level of comfort. In such cars are equipped with:

  • salon;

  • compartment of the main passenger with an office and a toilet with a shower;

  • referent compartment;

  • guest compartment;

  • compartment of conductors;

  • room service.

The interior decoration of such cars is made of the highest quality artificial materials and precious wood. Carpets are provided in the hallway and compartment. The main passenger compartment is equipped, among other things, with a sofa bed, a desk, a wardrobe, two armchairs. Air conditioners in such rooms are provided with remote control. Windows in the compartment closet shutters. Toilets in such cars are equipped with a closed type with two tanks.

Double-decker wagons of Russian Railways

Such railroad cars in Russia began to run relatively recently. Their equipment is almost the same as that of ordinary ones. These cars belong to the group of compartment. Reserved seats in them is not provided. Passenger carriages of this type are 60% higher than conventional ones. Salons for accommodating people in such a rolling rail are located one above the other. The restaurant in such cars is usually equipped on the second floor. The technical device of passenger cars of this type are standard. That is, they are equipped with air conditioning / ventilation, heating, power consumption.

Double-decker car of Russian Railways

Passenger salons in rolling stock of this type have almost the same layout as in a conventional compartment. An additional element of double-decker cars is a staircase with a panoramic mirror on the floor. A feature of such rolling stock is also that it is supplemented with platforms for the embarkation / disembarkation of disabled people in chairs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C31909/

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