Inspiration is ... Meaning of the word inspiration, synonyms and antonyms

A very pleasant feeling is inspiration. This is when you feel an increased desire to do something. Most are inspired by perspectives and moving forward. For some, especially high spirits are caused by various acquisitions, holidays, events. Inspiration is at the last step before inspiration. There is a small difference between them - inspiration has an even brighter emotional state. At first there is inspiration, and from it inspiration develops.

inspiration is

The meaning of the word inspiration

A condition equating a feeling of happiness is familiar to many. Inspiration is the simultaneous wakefulness of the soul, mind and body. There are a lot of formulations of the meaning of this word. Inspiration - the desire to accomplish something with all my heart and soul. All interpretations of the meanings are related to the emotional state of a person.

In Ozhegov’s dictionary, inspiration is an uplift, an incentive to action, a feat. To inspire Christians and strengthen their faith, words were used that sounded from heaven during the Transfiguration of Jesus. In the explanatory dictionary of Ephraim, enthusiasm (synonym) - dedication, emotional lift. Precisely - sincere! After all, the root of the word is formed from the word "soul".

inspiration synonym

The concept of inspiration in psychology

Psychologists believe that inspiration is impossible to live for a very long time, and inspiration is a longer emotion. A person in this state easily rises and exercises, works without fatigue. This sensation gives strength, energy. A man tries to achieve any goal, to realize a grand idea. This condition does not cause emotional exhaustion and is suitable for everyday work. But inspiration can inspire discovery and a breakthrough. Unfortunately, sometimes inspiration is applied to negative tricks, for example, the desire for revenge.

Psychologists have always said that for the positive activity of the person you need a charge of emotions, a little drive, an emotional upsurge. This state allows you to wedge into activity without much willpower, but only on an emotional upsurge. It is he who allows you to maintain interest, strength and motivation to complete the initiated business. This feeling is very important for people of creative professions, athletes.

encouraging speech

Is it possible to cause "inspiration"?

A person in a state of enthusiasm as if wings are growing. Sometimes it looks like euphoria, only there is a slight difference. Euphoria causes emotional overload. Is it possible to inspire yourself? There are the following ways to achieve a mental recovery:

  • The inner promise. A man stimulates himself by the fact that he will succeed, his work is very important and interesting. Subordinates can accept such a message from the authorities. On a large scale, ideologists are working on such a message. Training, treatment, passing exams, parting with bad habits can not do without an inner voice.
  • Gestures and facial expressions. With the help of a smile, a clear, wide-open look, an open expression on the face, one can definitely be inspired. In this state, the eyes shine, the face becomes alive. Gestures are also special. Posture is pulled into a string, gait becomes easy.
  • Imagination. Some imagine themselves flying behind a beautiful star, symbolizing the goal they seek to achieve. This method is a second wind. After any setbacks, you need to get up off your knees. In this way people use in extreme conditions, for example, desperate parents saving their child from illness. Athletes, businessmen, politicians with imagination achieve significant results.
    enthusiasm antonym for this word

Synonyms for Inspiration

In different dictionaries of synonyms, more and more new words are found that are close in meaning to this term. In the thesaurus dictionary of synonyms of Russian speech, “inspiration” means take-off, light, pathos, impulse, rise. Also included in this list are the following synonyms: burning, inspiration, obsession, dedication, enthusiasm. Passion, enthusiasm, exaltation, agitation, dedication, and feeling have slightly less similarities. In the idiom dictionary, phrases with the adjectives "large" and "huge" are allowed (great enthusiasm).

meaning of the word inspiration


There are words with the opposite meaning for "inspiration." Antonym to this word - indifference, apathy. Permissible use of impassivity, discouragement. The figurative meaning of the word "sobering" is opposite in meaning. The word "emotion" (hyponym) has a broader meaning.

inspiration is

Encouraging speech

In order to inspire and rally people, apply special techniques. One is encouraging speech. Most often, it is called a solemn, designed to arouse high feelings in the audience, performance. It praises everything that unites the people who have gathered. This speech is also called epidemic. It seeks to affirm universal values ​​and condemns everything that opposes this. The beautiful is contrasted with the inglorious, the virtue with the vice. Aristotle also identified such an object of inspirational speech.

There are several types of solemn speech:

  • the extolling of persons in connection with special cases: anniversaries, birthday men, newlyweds, the dead;
  • the praise of the team;
  • eulogy related to some event: Teacher’s Day, March 8, graduation evening or the first bell;
  • condemnation of phenomena, events;
  • parting words to the young generation or collective.

In a friendly atmosphere, such a speech is also appropriate, it unites friends, brings warmth to the relationship. Before speaking, you should know the following rules:

  • praise must be given to what is most valuable in a given circle or group;
  • can be exaggerated, this is normal and is not considered a hoax;
  • one who is praised can be compared with the heroes of the past;
  • emphasize the good qualities of ordinary people, focus on their merits;
  • an unintentional act can be taught as deliberate.

Do you think these rules are deceiving? Not at all. Just for an inspirational speech you need a closer look at people and the world. After all, you can look at the environment in different ways. One looks at everything with a critical eye, while the other approaches assessment with tenderness and humor. Even if flaws are noticeable somewhere, the main thing is to approach them with a smile and give the person the opportunity to improve. So do the lovers.


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