The meaning of the word “familiar”: where did it come from, how is it decoded?

When contemporaries look in religious literature or in holy books, they find many strange words. In the 21st century, language differs significantly from the times when central texts were created. So, many perceive the meaning of the word “prisno”, although in practice they have heard it more than once. The concept occurs both independently and as part of more complex definitions. They just know him most often in an ironic manner and with a negative connotation.

How did it come about?

Philologists have put a lot of effort into trying to figure out the origin of the sonorous dialect. And it was very difficult! In combination with the phrase “now and forever, and forever and ever”, the classical meaning of the word “priso” turns into “always”. However, there is a clear etymological ascent to the concept of “true”:

  • true;

  • devotee.

From the ancestor, the term borrowed only the first meaning. However, for the first time it is mentioned as the name for the brother is "uterine". Based on the foregoing, we can assume that the meaning of the word “reveal” is revealed:

  • uterine;

  • continuous;

  • eternal.

Priso - eternally: as nature or mathematical concepts

The speaker, giving such a characteristic, implies that a certain action was, is and will continue unchanged. Christian prayers in this sense refer to the existence of being, the universe. However, the conversation is aimed not so much at assessing time as at changes that are possible with its course.

How was it used?

You can notice the word in the composition of the "memorable" and similar epithets. They usually indicate something stable or sore. The specific interpretation of the phrase depends on the context, the reason why the speaker cannot throw a specific person, phenomenon or event out of his head.

Outside the Church Slavonic language, it is used in a high style, it gives sophistication and sophistication to speech. But you need to try hard so as not to distort the meaning of the word "familiar" and at the same time harmoniously weave it into the statement. Understanding comes with experience.

“Priso” is appropriate when it comes to something unchanged

Where can I say that?

By its direct meaning in everyday speech, the term you will never hear. It was not only out of date, but was of little use even at the time of its greatest relevance. The word can be carefully interwoven with the clergyman to give rhetoric greater significance.

You should not abuse the word “prislo” - the meaning changes to neglect in a certain context. Talk about failure or stupidity? Then the adverb can firmly link the concepts of “loser” or “fool” with the person you are discussing. Very disappointing and extremely impolite.


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