Why a person does not look in the eye: psychologist’s answer

Why doesn't a man look in the eye Many believe that this is a sign of the desire to deceive, to mislead. Such an assumption may be true, but there are other reasons that force people to avoid eye contact with the interlocutor. We will consider possible options in the article.

Why a person does not look in the eye: possible reasons

why some people don’t look in the eyes

So, what makes people refuse eye contact? Why does a person not look in the eye when communicating with other people? Possible reasons are as follows:

  • self-doubt;
  • irritation;
  • unwillingness to delve into the conversation;
  • lack of sympathy for the interlocutor;
  • too intense information flow;
  • cheating.

Each situation deserves a closer look.


Why does a person not look into the interlocutor’s eyes while talking? The reason may be a banal self-doubt. It is difficult for a person suffering from complexes to establish contact with others, including visual. He is constantly busy with worries about how other people will react to him, his words and actions.

why a person avoids looking into the eyes

How to understand that the reason lies precisely in self-doubt? There are external signs that will help with this. Hunched shoulders, a stooped back, overly quick speech, constrained or meager gestures - all this betrays a person.


What other reasons are possible? Why does a person not look in the eyes when talking? Irritation is another reason that people are forced to avoid eye contact. It is possible that the persistent attempts of the interlocutor to catch his eye cause tension in a person. You can also assume that the person does not like the direction that the conversation takes.

why people are embarrassed to look in the eyes

How to understand that we are talking about irritation? The movements of the object become sharper, the volume and intonation of the conversation change. You can also pay attention to increased breathing, sweating palms.

Reluctance to delve into the conversation

Why does a person avoid looking into the eyes? This may be due to the fact that the topic raised by the interlocutor does not cause him absolutely no interest. He finds the conversation boring, dreams of ending it as soon as possible.

boring conversation

How to make sure that we are talking about boredom? The first sign - the interlocutor begins to propping his face with his hand. He can also yawn, cast expressive glances at his watch. A bored person at any moment is ready to switch to something more interesting, for example, to communicate with other people.

Lack of sympathy for the interlocutor

Why does a person try not to look in the eye? The reason may also be that he does not like the one with whom he is forced to communicate. It does not matter what exactly causes antipathy. People are extremely reluctant to catch their eyes to those who did not like them.

How to make sure that the problem lies precisely in antipathy? A man tries to move away as far as possible from the interlocutor, as if he is fencing off from him. He can also cover his eyes, scratch his nose, and shake off dust particles that do not exist. Crossing the arms on the chest also serves as a signal of antipathy.

Intensive information flow

What do several seconds of close eye contact lead to? A person receives too much information. This can be compared with the result of many hours of frank communication. Sometimes even close friends who have a confidential conversation look away. This allows you to distract, digest the information received.


Why do some people don’t look in the eye when communicating? This may also indicate that they are telling a lie. The eyes are the mirror of the soul; they are the ones that allow you to bring a liar to the clear. Most deceivers look away, try to avoid eye contact.

don't look in the eyes

What other signs of lying are there? The subject begins to bring its hands to his face. He can rub his nose, cover his mouth, cover his ear. The liar’s speech can suddenly accelerate, he pauses to collect his thoughts and evaluate the opponent’s reaction. His story is full of unnecessary details, with the help of which he tries to make it more believable.

You must also understand that the intent of a person who looks away during a conversation does not necessarily include deception of the interlocutor. It is possible that he simply does not want to initiate it into any secret, to share information.

Types of perception of people

Do all people have to look into the eyes of their interlocutors? Why does a person not look in the eyes when talking? Psychology is a science that allows you to divide people into groups according to the type of perception. Four such groups can be distinguished, and for each of them certain features are characteristic.

  • Visual. Studies have shown that about thirty percent of the world's population belongs to this type. Such people need to consider everything. Is it any wonder that they look directly into the eyes. This allows them to read all the information.
  • The audio. About ten percent of people belong to this type. As a rule, they look away from the interlocutor, as they do not feel the need for eye contact. An important role for them is played by the voice of the person with whom they communicate. They unconsciously pay attention to its timbre, melody, coloring.
  • Kinesthetic. There are about forty percent of such people on our planet. What matters to them is not eye contact, but touch. Kinesthetics unknowingly try to touch with whom they communicate. They also pay attention to smell, movement.
  • Digital About twenty percent of people belong to this type. They are trying to find meaning in everything. It is important for digital to understand what constitutes an object that has attracted its attention.

Men and women

Why are people embarrassed to look in the eye, look away? If we are talking about a representative of the stronger sex, then this may indicate love. However, the lack of eye contact may also mean that the man is hostile, experiencing aggression. To understand the true feelings of the interlocutor will help his pupils. If a man feels sympathy, then they expand. If he is angry, the pupils narrow.

why people try not to look in the eyes

Why don't women look into the interlocutor’s eyes? If a lady lowers her eyelashes, this may mean that she flirts. However, if she looks up, and not at the object of attention, this indicates a lack of romantic intentions. A woman seeks profit, and her eyes betray her.

People of different nationalities

The habit of looking or not looking the other person in the eye also depends on the nationality of the person. For example, the Chinese traditionally look at the bottom of the face of those with whom they are conducting a dialogue. The Japanese do not consider the interlocutors, as this is unacceptable on etiquette. Representatives of Latin American and European countries, on the contrary, consider it the norm to look into the eyes when talking.

Regardless of nationality, people can regard eye contact as an effort to impose their opinions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C31921/

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