Filter "Aquaphor Modern": quality of water treatment, replaceable cartridges, characteristics, features of use and reviews of owners

Nowadays, few people dare to drink tap water. Many people prefer to buy drinking water in a store, however, if you calculate how much money it takes, you can be horrified. It is much more profitable to purchase a high-quality filter for cleaning tap water.

Replaceable cartridges

Why filter tap water?

What is it necessary to purify water from? The fact is that in different regions water is drawn from various sources. Then it goes through several degrees of purification and gets into our houses and apartments. Most often, chlorine is added to water in order to get rid of all harmful microorganisms. It happens that the smell of bleach is very strongly felt. If you drink water from the tap occasionally, then nothing bad will happen. The greatest danger is the constant use of unfiltered water. Chlorine compounds tend to accumulate in the human body and subsequently cause dangerous diseases.

Poor pipe quality can cause sand, silt, earth, and rust to enter the water. Such problems often arise in rural areas, where pipes are rarely repaired. In some areas, sand in tap water can be easily detected by pouring it into a container and letting it settle for a while.

Another disadvantage of tap water is that it usually contains an excess of calcium salts. This is very noticeable with the appearance of scale when boiling water. What is the danger of excess calcium for humans? It can be deposited in bones and joints and cause rheumatism and other diseases. Drinking hard water often leads to kidney stones and gall bladders.

But this is not the worst. There are even more harmful substances that can enter tap water - these are pesticides and other chemicals. This is rare, but their ingestion can cause serious health problems.

Specialists who conduct continuous research of tap water recommend installing individual filters to purify the water from all undesirable impurities.

Water filters from the company "Akvafor"

Today, there are many companies offering equipment for the treatment of tap water. The leading place is occupied by the Russian company Akvafor, which offers consumers a wide selection of filters. Everyone can choose a filter according to their own criteria.

There are filter nozzles for drinking water that are attached to the tap. In total, the company offers 6 models of such filters. The filter "Aquaphor Modern 1" is popular. Aquafor Modern 4 (softening), Aquafor Universal, Aquafor Topaz, Aquafor B-300 (bactericidal) are also in demand. Often people buy the Aquaphor Modern 2 filter. Nozzle filters have several drawbacks: in a small kitchen they take up a lot of space, they constantly need to be disconnected from the tap, some have non-standard taps in the kitchen, so they cannot attach a nozzle. But these disadvantages compensate for the purity and pleasant taste of water.

The filter in the form of a jug is very popular among the people. It is very easy to use, in addition, almost everyone can afford it due to its low cost. But we must not forget that the modules must be changed in a timely manner, otherwise filtering the water simply will not make sense. Modules can be purchased in a wide variety of ways: for deep cleaning from chlorine, for softening hard water, for cleaning water from metal impurities. The resource of the filter cartridge in the form of a jug is lower than that of the Aquaphor Modern filter. It is only 350 liters, so you will have to spend money on replaceable modules more often.

Filter - jug Aquaphor
  • Aquaphor offers customers another way to clean tap water: install a separate faucet on the sink from which purified water will flow. In this case, the cartridges are installed under the sink. Such filters purify water faster and better than jugs and filter nozzles, but their cost is the highest. Cartridges need to be changed once or twice a year, depending on the amount of water used.
    Filter with separate tap

Filter "Aquaphor Modern": characteristics, advantages

Today this model is one of the most popular. Many users, when buying a filter, prefer it to him. A huge plus of the Aquaphor Modern filter is compactness. It is attached next to the sink, but it does not take up much space. It connects to the tap only for the duration of water filtration, then it must be disconnected. It is very important that using this filter is very easy and simple, therefore it is suitable for all people without restrictions. It is important to note that the water filter "Aquaphor Modern" has a stylish modern design, making it easy to fit into the interior of any kitchen.

Aquaphor Modern 2

The method of water purification

When cleaning with a filter, tap water passes through activated carbon, which, like a sponge, absorbs all harmful substances and impurities. In addition to coal, the cartridge also contains a special fiber, Aqualen, which snatches heavy metals from the water. The third basic component of the Aquaphor cartridge is an ion-exchange resin that softens hard water.

Water purification quality

The Aquafor Modern filter purifies water not only of chlorine, but also of lead, phenols, pesticides, organic compounds, as well as other harmful substances. The filter combines sorbents of two types: fibrous and granular, so the water purification is better than that of similar analogues. With this filter, you can be sure that you drink pure water.

Replaceable cartridges Aquaphor

What do users say?

Reviews for the filter "Aquaphor Modern" are mostly positive. Most users agree that it is very easy to use, but it makes it possible to drink clean and tasty water without any harmful impurities. Many note that the cartridges need to be changed regularly, but the water that passed through the Aquaphor Modern filter has a pleasant taste and no unpleasant odor. People who use this filter for water have forgotten what scale is in a kettle. Many install such filters in cottages, in country houses and are very pleased.

A little bit about a replaceable cartridge

How often do I need to change the cartridge in the water filter "Aquaphor Modern"? The resource of the filter cartridge is 4000 liters. The frequency of cartridge replacement depends on how many liters of purified water you consume per day. Some users claim to change the cartridge once a year, but the manufacturer recommends doing it more often. The filter cartridge "Aquaphor Modern" can be purchased in online stores offering water purification equipment, or in large supermarkets.

Modern Filter

Buy a filter for water purification or not?

Everyone decides whether he needs a filter for water treatment. Someone buys drinking water, someone drinks only boiled water. However, people who have tried to purify water with filters very quickly get used to its pleasant taste. But the matter is not only in taste. The presence in the water of harmful impurities, metal compounds, chlorine, pesticides, excess calcium will affect your health. It is not a fact that all of the listed components are present in the water that flows precisely from your tap, but it is better to be proactive and secure your body in advance.

The presence of a filter for water purification will bring you moral satisfaction, because you will be sure that you drink pure water.


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