Geranium for pain in the ear: useful properties of a flower, folk methods

Ear pain is the main symptom of inflammation. It delivers a lot of discomfort, interferes with life. As soon as you have pain, you need to see a doctor as quickly as possible. But what if you need to wait a few days before going to the specialist? Traditional healers say that it is necessary to use natural medicines. For example, geraniums will help with pain in the ear. We propose to talk about the beneficial properties of this plant today!

Home doctor

Pink geranium, also known as pelargonium, delights gardeners with its bright flowers and delicate aroma. However, few people know that geranium is a real home doctor: it can be used to treat kidney diseases, various intestinal pathologies, even dysentery. Especially effective geranium for pain in the ear. In folk medicine, pelargonium is considered a real panacea for otitis media and other diseases. It should be noted that geranium leaves will be needed to treat sick ears. In order to make decoctions and tinctures, you can use both fresh and dry leaves!

Geranium for ear treatment

Beneficial features

The healing properties of geraniums for the ear are provided due to the presence of volatile, this is what natural antibiotics are called. Thanks to them, geranium has an anti-inflammatory effect. Researchers have proven that phytoncides present in geraniums suppress the entire pathogenic microflora, including staphylococcal! By the way, about 500 components are a part of geranium, these are organic acids, vitamins and minerals, essential oils, pectin, flavonoids, tannins. Thanks to this composition, the following beneficial effects can be distinguished:

  • rapid anesthesia;
  • a significant slowdown in the reproduction of viruses;
  • a decrease in the rate of appearance of pus;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • stopping the spread of infection;
  • rapid production of interferon.
Geranium: healing properties for the ear

Geranium-based herbal remedies have a calming effect, because they help restore normal sleep and relieve fatigue, this is extremely useful for otitis media, because this disease is characterized by general malaise.

Indications for use

An indication for the use of plant leaves is otitis media - both viral and acute bacterial. Pelargonium will quickly cope with severe pain in the ear, it will also be useful in the chronic course of the disease. The thing is that it instantly relieves inflammation and prevents new pain attacks. Doctors say: this plant serves as an excellent addition to traditional therapy, in addition, at the initial stage of the disease, geranium will completely destroy the infection and cure this pathology. Please note: before using geraniums for treating ears, it is necessary to consult a specialist, only the attending physician can decide on replacing antibiotics with pelargonium.


There are many ways to use pink geranium for pain in the ear, they are all quite simple to use. However, the simplest is simply to tear off the sheet, rinse and dry it thoroughly, and then twist it into a tube and insert it into the ear canal for up to four hours. After this, the ear must be insulated: for this, you can cover it with a piece of cotton and a bandage from above. Already half an hour after you insert a sheet of geranium in your ear, you will notice how the pain begins to go away. After 3-4 hours, the geranium leaf will need to be replaced with a new one. With proper use, a noticeable result of treatment will be in three days. There are many other recipes for herbal remedies prepared on the basis of geranium, which allow you to stop ear pain with otitis media. Let's consider them in more detail.

Geranium with Olive Oil for Ear Pain

Geranium, alcohol and rye flour

In order to improve blood circulation in otitis media, strengthen drainage and accelerate tissue regeneration, it is necessary to take geranium leaves, rinse them thoroughly, and grind them to a mushy state. After that, you need to add rye flour to the pulp (you can use, for example, buckwheat), a small amount of camphor alcohol. You should get a rather tight dough, a cake should be made from it, which will subsequently be applied to the area around the shell of the diseased ear. Then the ear must be insulated, this can be done with wax paper or cotton wool. Experts draw attention to the fact that this method can not be used for purulent otitis media, because heat can aggravate the course of the disease.

Geranium and olive oil

In order to prepare a remedy for pain in the ear, geraniums, or rather, crushed leaves, must be combined with olive oil. The composition should be insisted for two hours in a cool place. Make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the phytopreparation. In this tool, it is necessary to dip a cotton-gauze turunda and insert into the ear for 4-5 hours. You can use herbal medicine as ear drops.

Geranium with otitis

Geranium and water

It is necessary to grind the leaves of pink geranium, get juice from them, which should be mixed with water in equal proportions. With this solution, it is necessary to soak cotton or gauze swabs, which should be inserted into the sore ear for the whole night.

Geranium flowers

It is necessary to take fresh pelargonium flowers, squeeze the juice. It must be carefully filtered so that there are no particles of petals left in it. This can be done using a small strainer or gauze, folded several times. The juice must be instilled three times a day in a sore ear. A single dose is 2-3 drops.

Geranium in the ear with otitis media

Decoction of pink geranium

In the event that otitis media is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the middle ear, it is necessary to rinse the nose with a decoction of pelargonium. To do this, you need a tablespoon of chopped leaves, a glass of hot but not boiling water. The ingredients must be combined and let them brew for a couple of hours. After this, strain the solution thoroughly, rinse your nose with it. This must be done 3 times a day, the duration of treatment is one week.

Helpful information

Due to the fact that any inflammatory process occurring in the ear entails increased excitability of a person, especially a child, sleep disturbance, tearfulness and irritability appear. That is why traditional healers recommend using aroma pillows with pink geraniums. You will need a small cotton bag in which you need to pour dry leaves and pelargonium flowers. Coniferous components will not be superfluous. This bag must be put overnight next to the pillow. By the way, do not forget to consult your doctor, because geranium in the ear with otitis media with a violation of the integrity of the eardrum is strictly forbidden to dig.

How to treat geranium ear

The combination of geraniums with other plants

With otitis media, pelargonium can be used as the main component, which will alleviate the condition, and can be combined with other, equally effective means. For example, aloe will help strengthen the action of geraniums. The juice of this plant must be mixed in equal proportions with geranium juice. You can add a small amount of liquid honey to this composition, then dilute with water. Such a tool should be buried in the ears or soaked in cotton swabs to lay them at night.

Another great treatment is alcohol tincture of geranium for the ears. The healing properties of pelargonium are perfectly complemented by calendula. First you need to combine calendula and geranium in equal amounts. They must be mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 100, then left for a week in a cool dark place. This tincture is used in the form of drops. Please note: first the composition must be diluted with water.

For pain in the ear with otitis media, the leaves of sage, chamomile flowers and pelargonium root, combined in equal amounts, perfectly help. They must be poured with a glass of boiling water, then held in a water bath for 20 minutes. Such drops must be instilled several times a day, a single dose should be three drops.

Geranium, Daisy and Sage for Ear Pain

Contraindications and Precautions

Like any other remedy, geranium has a number of contraindications, they include the period of pregnancy and lactation, infancy, violation of the integrity of the eardrum. Droplets prepared on the basis of pelargonium should not be buried in the ears if blood is present in the purulent masses secreted. Refuse treatment with geraniums is for people with severe somatic pathologies and those who are prone to bleeding. Such a remedy should not be used for those who have exudate in large quantities with otitis media. Before you think about how to treat your ear with geraniums, be sure to get a consultation with a doctor. Please note: folk remedies based on pelargonium are recommended to be used as an addition to traditional treatment. In the severe course of the disease with purulent inflammation, one should not have high hopes for this phytopreparation. Geranium is unlikely to be able to cope with which process independently.


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