Basal chemistry for hair volume: reviews, photos, procedure

It is no secret that when the hair is not enough volume, it looks meager. That is why women are ready to spend ages to create the effect of fluffy hair. The modern beauty industry, referring to this, suggests correcting the situation in a less time-consuming way. His name is radical chemistry for the volume of hair. Reviews of hairdressers-stylists confirm that this procedure allows you to abandon daily styling, for a long period of time being content with a consistently perfect hairdo.

radical chemistry for hair volume reviews

Fundamental chemical wave: what is it?

The name of the process itself indicates that it occurs due to exposure to chemicals. Carving is the middle name of this procedure. Its essence consists in applying a special composition to the hair, which allows you to fix the strands in a certain position for a long time. As a rule, the procedure is applicable for the formation of persistent curls with the help of whooping cough or curlers. As for, in fact, basal carving, it is performed exclusively in the area of ​​the beginning of hair growth. The rest of the hair remains untouched. Therefore, if you want to make curls more magnificent, but at the same time keep their shape, the root chemistry for the volume of hair will be an ideal choice. At home, doing it or in the cabin is not so important.

A brief excursion into history

The procedure for perming strands was invented more than 100 years ago. The creator of the process, today referred to as carving, was hairdresser Karl Nessler. In 1906, he conducted a series of experiments on his wife’s hair, after which a completely new procedure was introduced to the public for trial, allowing for long-term styling. Karl Nessler developed curling technology, which implied the formation of curls with the help of brass rollers, heated to high temperature, as well as the subsequent treatment of curls with a special composition. Of course, it was a fatal procedure for hair. Over time, carving has become a less aggressive process, and today it has practically no effect on the health of hair.

radical chemistry for the volume of hair reviews photos

Radical chemistry for hair volume: reviews and main advantages

If a few years earlier only scary stories could be heard about a perm, now it is praised at every step. Moreover, the positive opinion of the ladies who have experienced the charm of carving is clearly justified. It can be explained by a number of advantages that are noted by the ladies who have already tried this tool:

  • Long-lasting effect, and therefore, marked savings in time and money;

  • A significant increase in volume in the basal zone of hair, which becomes a huge plus for owners of sparse hair;

  • Resistance of a hairstyle to moisture, styling products and thermal effects;

  • An increase in the intervals between shampooing procedures due to the drying effect of the chemical composition.

In addition, if heavy thick curls do not lend themselves well to curling and styling, then the same radical chemistry for the volume of hair will unconditionally cope with it. She has no less effect on long straight hair than on short hairstyles. Women argue that as a result of such a procedure, you can get the desired volume without sacrificing so long grown hair.

radical chemistry for hair volume how to do

Talk about the flaws

If we objectively evaluate the carving process, we can conclude that he has no rivals in the beauty industry. Creating a long-lasting volume at the roots without risking the health of the hair - isn’t that what every woman dreams of? However, it is still worth highlighting several nuances that oppose all the advantages of perm:

  • The procedure is far from cheap, with prices ranging from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles.

  • Not every master will be able to qualitatively perform carving, so it is better to contact an experienced specialist.

  • The procedure takes a long time. 3-4 hours - the minimum period for which quality root chemistry is performed for the volume of hair.

  • Reviews say that the carving effect lasts about six months, so the process is associated with some risk. If you find yourself unsatisfied with the result, then it will be impossible to correct the curl until the action of the composition weakens.

radical chemistry for hair volume at home reviews

Who will benefit from basal carving

A chemical wave of hair at the very roots, performed by an experienced master, can become a real lifesaver in the following cases:

  • When it is necessary to adjust previously made carving. The chemical composition aggressively affects the hair, so it is not recommended to use it often. A sparing option that allows you to raise the overgrown curls - radical chemistry for the volume of hair. Reviews of women who have undergone such a procedure prove that the hairstyle regains attractiveness, but the hair does not suffer. This is due to the fact that the hair is not subjected to repeated treatment with the composition.

  • For owners of rare and short curls. A radical chemical wave helps to make the hair visually thicker and more magnificent. In addition, each new procedure involves treating with a special composition only healthy, new hair. Curls subjected to carving are cut off as they grow.

  • If the hair is curly from nature. The main problem of such curls is tight curls at the tips and almost straight strands at the very beginning of their growth. In order to achieve uniformity in the hairstyle, in fact, radical chemistry is used for the volume of hair.

How to do carving: along the entire length of the head of hair or only in its upper part - you decide. However, it is worth noting that curls do not go well for everyone, and besides, a radical chemical wave looks much more natural.

radical chemistry for hair volume how to do reviews

Contraindications to the procedure

Do not resort to a radical chemical wave with:

  • pregnancy and lactation;

  • dandruff or seborrhea;

  • taking hormonal drugs, as well as antibiotics;

  • the presence on the scalp of any damage (scratches, sores).

In addition, it is better to refrain from carving to ladies who often dye their hair. It is best if the root curl is performed on a healthy, not subject to chemicals hair.

Home Root Carving Technologies

Making a long-term curl yourself is not so difficult, but it is much more difficult to avoid mistakes. Therefore, it is very important to know how root chemistry is correctly performed for the volume of hair at home. Reviews of women practicing carving on themselves indicate that the result may slightly differ from the work of the master, but still it allows you to achieve the desired effect.

There are two technologies for performing root chemical wave. One of them involves the full curling of curls on curlers. In this case, only the root zone is wetted with the composition, and the rest of the processed strand is wrapped in polyethylene. The second technology is simpler and more economical in time. Strands are wound on curlers only at the beginning of growth, and most of the hair remains free. The composition processes that part of the curls that is curled, that is, in the basal zone. In both cases, after applying the active agent, it is necessary to cover the hair with a plastic cap. After half an hour, the strands are processed with a fixer, which must be washed off after 10 minutes.

The main question that interests ladies who were attracted by root chemistry for hair volume is how to do it. Reviews with step by step photos can be a great visual aid, and this article is a source of information.

radical chemistry for the volume of hair at home

Secrets of an ideal radical perm

Over such a long period of existence of carving, women managed to gain some baggage of experience in the field of this procedure. Of course, nothing can guarantee perfect styling as complete adherence to all the rules in its implementation. However, there are several secrets that affect the quality of the curl. For example, during critical days it is better to refuse long-term laying. At this time, hormonal changes occur in the body, so the effect may turn out to be unstable. Another tip - while washing your hair, it is advisable to try not to massage the scalp strongly, if you have radical chemistry for the volume of hair. Reviews, photos in which prove that carving really makes hair lush, speak about the effectiveness of the procedure. However, the chemical composition dries the skin, so it would be better if it retains some of the fat as a protective membrane.

Hair care after the procedure

You can keep the curls healthy and maximize the effect after the procedure with proper hair care. The first thing to remember is that after carving, hair needs regular nutrition and hydration. Therefore, about once a week it is worth making masks. As for shampoo, it is advisable to give preference to a mild, gentle product, and preferably - designed specifically for hair requiring restoration after perming. In the hot season, the hair needs protection from the sun. For this purpose, you can purchase a spray containing filters that do not transmit ultraviolet rays.

radical chemistry for the volume of hair on long straight hair

Curls of any structure are really beautifully laid using a procedure such as root chemistry for the volume of hair. On long straight hair (evidence of proof), it produces a wonderful effect, not allowing them to lose splendor under their own weight. Carving makes short thin curls look thicker, curly - more accurate. What is the conclusion? The game is undoubtedly worth the candle!


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