Sales Manager Job Description

To ensure a stable connection between a trading and a manufacturing company and customers, a sales department exists in the structure of the enterprise. Depending on the size of the enterprise, this department may include one or more employees (sales managers). This profession is very common in the field of wholesale. Depending on the type of objects sold, the employee may have the appropriate specialization.

The job description of the sales manager provides for the development and implementation of a range of works, including the organization and creation of a sales network. This also includes the performance of work related to the preparation, selection of the type, method and form of execution of contracts. When updating the information base of the enterprise, the sales manager also performs a systematic analysis of the work, sales volumes and, in accordance with the results, reports are prepared for the senior management.

The job description of the sales manager includes a fairly extensive scope of responsibilities. The main task of a specialist is to search for potential buyers. In this case, the client manager uses several methods. As a rule, the main work is done by telephone (in this case, the client is provided with general information that reveals the essence of the enterprise). Communication with a client through a phone call involves a subsequent meeting with him. To expand the customer base, the customer service manager organizes promotional events, participates in exhibitions and presentations. Effective interaction between the client and the manager is achieved by creating a positive emotional atmosphere in the negotiation process. In this case, the employee should pay attention to the needs of the client.

The job description of the sales manager also includes the formation, maintenance and servicing of transactions. The employee must be competent in his specialization, which will allow the client to give information about the product or service by answering all his questions.

Depending on the direction of activity, the volume of goods or services offered, the job description of the sales manager can determine the additional tasks of the employee. In this case, as a rule, free planning of working time is allowed. It should be noted that this specialization provides for certain moral burdens on the employee. In this regard, the client manager must have a very strong character, flexibility of behavior, sociability, observation, etc. Current market conditions suggest fierce competition among enterprises. Therefore, the job description of the client manager assumes the presence of certain knowledge in the marketing, economic and legal fields. An essential condition for effective work is following the rules of accepted business etiquette. The client manager should be guided by the market, know the principles and basic methods of sales, have the skills to correctly use a personal computer.

The structure of many commercial enterprises provides for the position of brand manager. As a rule, this specialist belongs to the marketing department. The job description of a brand manager includes planning and conducting work aimed at developing a brand (product or corporate). The main tasks of this specialist are the planning and implementation of marketing research related to the whole spectrum of issues related to its creation, development and promotion.


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