Interpreted is ... Interpretation is a synonym

Compound words diversify our lives and help solve crossword puzzles. This phrase can be interpreted in different ways. And by the way, what is "interpret"? A synonym for this concept can be picked up? What does an interpreter language mean? Is there such a profession? Let's try to figure it out.


As always, when interpreting complex words, it is best to turn to dictionaries and find the term “interpret” there. The meaning of the word is to interpret, explain, make clear.

interpreted it
This concept comes from the Latin interpretatio, which means "clarification." Dictionaries give us such interpretations of this term:

  • Interpreted is a method or way of translating complex symbolic content into simple literary text.
  • The narrower meaning is used by the humanities. Here, “interpreting” means interpreting the proposed texts in terms of semantics and epistemology.
  • In the philosophical dictionary, this definition is slightly changed. Here the meaning of the word “interpreted” is an explanatory process of the existence of the laws of nature based on the understanding of them by the human mind.

Let us dwell on these definitions in more detail.

Humanitarian sciences

Linguists interpret the meaning of the term “interpretation” as one of the methods of working with sign systems. Any letter, a stone tablet, a pattern on a clay shard is covered with signs of the past, which modern science is trying to explain. After all, any text or pattern carries a lot of characters and implied meanings. An interpreted text means understandable, because interpreting old letters is far from the same as translating them. The difference is very noticeable - both between machine translation from a foreign language and professional. It is not enough to read the ancient text, you need to understand what the ancients had in mind when they drew these strange signs. No wonder many scientists are inclined to believe that writing arose at the intersection of science and art.

interpret a synonym

The ambiguity of words written many centuries ago may have long been lost to modern scholars. We interpret inexplicable polysemy in our own way. What does this mean for understanding ancient languages? A modern view of the life of people who lived long before us. Indeed, modern life is rich in allegories and ambiguities that are understandable to a native speaker, but their meaning is lost in translation. What can I say if the studied text was written long before our birth. With the help of interpretations, we plunge into the world of the ancients and try to try on the ideas of being that existed long before us.


The need to explain the letters as carriers of special, implicit knowledge is most manifested in religion. Each meaning or word acquired its own symbol, was repeatedly interpreted and explained. Many interpretations of well-known events were interpreted contrary to generally accepted ones. A classic example of such interpretations in Christianity is various apocrypha not included in the canonical texts, for example, the Gospel of Thomas and the Proto-Gospel of James.

interpret the meaning of the word

Exact sciences

In mathematics and other exact sciences , some interpretation is always implied. Any mathematical theory is based on things that from the very beginning do not need explanations or proofs. The simplest example of such a logical structure is Euclidean geometry, which bases its entire theorem base on several axioms. Each next theorem is based on the previous one. Such a ladder clearly shows the interpretation of the theoretical constructions inherent in modern science in general. The simplicity of the discoveries of the late Renaissance is a thing of the past - from the 19th century, any mathematical discovery began with an assumption that does not require proof. So the geometry of Lobachevsky and Riemann arose. Now interpretation is the principle of applied mathematics, which, acting on agreed principles, is able to solve problems of a very high order.

Natural Sciences

By the beginning of the New Age, a critical mass of facts and explanations had accumulated in the luggage of humanity that required classification and interpretation. Therefore, the principle of “set up experience and look for the cause of the phenomenon” by that time was a thing of the past. In the natural sciences, more and more complex experiments were carried out on the basis of an advanced theory. The meaning of the word “interpret” has become a little different - to explain the result obtained on the basis of theory. Any logical inference was verified by observation and experiment. Interpretation of the results of these experiments extended the life of some theories or crushed others to the ground.


Programming as a science is at the crossroads of mathematics and linguistics. Programmers use mathematical symbols, transforming them into programs using the laws of linguistics. It is not for nothing that all the sign systems used in compiling programs are called languages ​​— various types of linguistic constructions known from living languages, syntax rules, and so on are used when typing a program.

interpreted language

A programming language is needed in order to carry out certain actions with data. These actions must be performed by the "brain" of the computer - its processor. But the whole difficulty is that the processor understands only its own, rather limited set of instructions. In order for the processor to understand what it needs to perform, compilers and interpreters are developed.


A compiler is a program that turns a programmer’s text into a set of machine instructions. As the conversion progresses, such a compiler indicates errors (syntax, for example). Therefore, the directly executable error file will no longer have. The most common compiled languages ​​are Pascal, Assembler, Delphi, C, C ++.

interpret what it is


There are also special languages, programming in which we do not refer to the processor, but to the intermediary language, the interpreter language. The interpreter program analyzes the program line by line as it arrives at the program input. The result is a character set that the processor can understand and execute. Among programmers, an interpreter is called a virtual machine.

The process is as follows: the source program turns into a kind of conditional code, a set of commands that is understandable to the interpreter program. For example, code written in C # (C-sharpe) turns into an Intermediate Language - a language that is understandable for the Net Framework.

Sometimes the interpreted language allows the program to run without intermediaries, for example, the JavaScript script is executed directly by the browser. In this case, when an error is detected, the program has no choice but to interrupt the execution of the command and present the error to the programmer. The interpreted programming language is PHP, JavaScript, C #.

interpret meaning


Let's get back to our interpreters. In modern colloquial speech, the word "interpreted" also occurs. This concept is interpreted as "made understandable." It is in this sense that the word is used in everyday communication. There was even a profession of “interpreter”. This is an engineer who analyzes the entire array of data needed to control mining. Such a diverse application of the well-known word, possibly, will lead to the emergence of other meanings of the word "interpreter". But the future will show how far the new values ​​will be from the initial ones.


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