How to start your day so that it succeeds?

How to start your day so that it goes well? This question is interesting to many people who do not like morning. And which of us loves him? After all, I don’t feel like waking up at 6:00 to go to work or study. It is much better to stay at home and soak in bed. But getting up is simply necessary, so you need to know how to start your day. Otherwise, your life will be like a terrible tale.

A moment of bliss

To make the day a success, start it right. No need, as soon as you open your eyes, jump out of bed and run into the kitchen to make coffee or go to the shower, lie down for a few minutes. Enjoy these wonderful moments.

how to start your day
More oxygen

As soon as you get out of bed, open all the windows, let your house fill with fresh air. Feel that the city has already begun its day, which means that it is time for you to do your important business.

“A smile will make everyone brighter ...”

Do not forget to smile. Even if it was raining outside, and the sun was hiding behind a cloud. Smile as if you know in advance that this day will be beautiful, that today only good things await you.

Think positively

Try not to load yourself with unnecessary thoughts in the morning. No need to think about the fact that repairs need to be urgently completed, that my son’s favorite pants were torn. After all, you won’t decide all this in the morning, so think only about what is happening now. For example, about how freshly brewed coffee smells fragrant , or how your beloved person made sandwiches beautifully. Think about the nice little things.

beginning prayer
Council of physicians

Before breakfast, drink a glass of clean water (you can with lemon). Doctors recommend this procedure. So you start the work of the stomach, in addition, help the body in the process of cleansing from toxins.

Do not lose the beat!

While you are going to, turn on the music, those songs that you like. So you get together much faster and more interesting. If you like to sing, then start to sing along. You dance - then you can pay attention to this occupation. After the dance, your mood will definitely increase, and besides, you will do an interesting “gymnastics”.

God will help!

There is another way to start the day well. You can turn to God for help, to the saints. This can be done simply. Prayer at the beginning of the day will help you. After reading it, you will feel a surge of strength, which means that today everything should go fine for you.


Before the exit, be sure to kiss and hug your family. So you share with them a piece of tenderness and warmth, they will answer you the same.

Kindness will save the world!

How to start your day right? Of course, with a good deed. If you go to work or school and see a stray dog, be sure to treat it with something tasty. You met an impoverished elderly woman on the way - give her some money. If you drive a car, and your neighbor, as you see, is in a hurry, then invite him to give him a lift.

The begining of the work day
A moment of joy

The start of the day should be enjoyable. It is not necessary, as soon as you enter the office, immediately begin to work, sit down, relax, have a cup of your favorite tea or coffee with a piece of candy or a piece of chocolate. Thanks to such a pleasant action, you will relax and begin to work with renewed vigor.


Now you know how to start your day so that it brings only positive moments! Be happy, because you deserve it!


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