How to open IP? Step-by-step instruction for beginners

So, you decide to work for yourself. We chose a type of activity and roughly figured out how much profit a business in this area can bring. And even start-up capital is available. It remains to officially become a businessman and begin to implement their plans. First of all, an individual entrepreneur must be registered. Many are frightened by the bureaucratic red tape familiar to Russians, but in fact there is nothing complicated in this: the new laws clearly regulate the procedure and terms for registration. Let's see how to open an IP. Step-by-step instructions are given below.

how to open un step by step instructions

Who can become an individual entrepreneur

This is the easiest type of activity in the field of small business. To begin with, it will be useful to find out who has the right to open an IP. The instruction gives a clear list of those who do not have such an opportunity. These are employees of state and municipal bodies. And there are no obstacles for citizens from 18 years of age and older, and if younger than this age, then only with the written permission of the parents or in the case of the marriage of a minor. Also, young people can go in for business at the request of the guardianship authorities and recognize them as fully capable.

open un step-by-step instruction 2013

How to open IP: step by step instructions

You will need to collect a package of registration documents and submit them to the tax authorities at the place of residence or at the business registration address. The list of papers is as follows:

  • passport (original and copy);
  • application in the form of 21001;
  • TIN (if any).

The statement must be certified and sealed with a notary public. That's all on the question of how to open IP, step by step instructions. It is necessary to hand over the prepared papers to the tax office and wait for an answer. According to the regulations, the answer must come within 5 days. Longer than this period, tax authorities do not have the right to delay the resolution of the issue.

What difficulties can be

The only difficulty in the paperwork is the correct filling out of the application. It is important to fill out Form 21001 with the utmost care and clarity, all points. In the part where you need to specify the type of activity, it is better to choose the OKVED code directly in the tax itself, where all the reference materials are laid out on the table and you can consult on the spot if necessary. Although the codes are also on the website of the tax authorities, you can decide for yourself what type of activity and how to open an IP.

open un instruction
The step-by-step instruction recommends that you enter several OKVED codes into the application at once: all the indicated types of activity are optional, but adding unspecified is an unnecessary re-registration.

One more thing to consider. You can not stitch documents on your own, this should be done by a notary public during certification. After obtaining registration, you must immediately open an account with a bank and submit its details to the tax office.

So, without any problems, we open IP. The step-by-step instruction of 2013 may change in some points in the future, because the laws change every day. So it's best to always look at the latest information. Good luck in business!


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