How to connect to WiFi on Windows XP: procedure, installation, configuration and expert advice

Of course, the Windows XP operating system is morally obsolete today. Nevertheless, it is still used all over the world, preferring newer versions due to the rather high stability in work. But here with ensuring the correct connection to wireless networks, this OS has enough problems, since the connection setup is performed somewhat differently than is provided for systems of the latest generations. Therefore, it is further proposed to understand how to connect to WiFi on Windows XP, and at the same time to find out some of the subtleties of setting up a connection and eliminating possible errors or failures.

The main difficulties when connecting to wireless networks on Windows XP

The main problem of all users who are trying to make a high-speed connection via wireless networks is that the parameters are often not configured automatically, and if they are installed, they quite often “fly off”. In addition, the use of modern methods and applicable data encryption protocols that ensure user safety is also a big question. Finally, do not forget that most manufacturers of network equipment have long reoriented the market of their devices to the production of models designed to function correctly exclusively in the latest generation of Windows systems, and therefore it can be quite problematic to find drivers specifically for Windows XP . However, there is a way out of any situation. About how to connect WiFi in Windows XP on a laptop or a stationary computer terminal, we’ll further talk in as much detail as possible. But before engaging in such operations, we will briefly dwell on some preliminary actions that must be performed in the first place.

WiFi connection in Windows XP: where to start?

The most important condition for connecting to a wireless network is for the WiFi module to be installed and work correctly on a laptop or desktop PC. Laptops, for the most part, are equipped with such devices initially, and on stationary computers it will be necessary to use an additional module that can connect to the terminal, for example, via a USB port.

Particular attention should be paid to the correct installation of the driver. You can make sure that the device is defined by the system and works, in the "Device Manager", which can be called up through the most common "Control Panel", but it is much easier to use the Run console (Win + R) and enter the abbreviation devmgmt.msc in it . In the network adapters section, locate the wireless module. If it is in a healthy state, there will be no icons indicating problems with the driver on it.

Reinstalling a driver for a non-working device

If the device is located in the device section with malfunctions or is not recognized, the driver will have to be reinstalled from the original disk, and if it is missing, the hardware identifiers VEN and DEV should be determined, and then the control software should be downloaded from the Internet (specifically for Windows XP) using another a computer with access to the World Wide Web, and install it yourself.

How to enable WiFi on Windows XP?

There are several ways to activate wireless modules. If we talk about how to connect to Windows XP on Windows XP, for a laptop you can use all kinds of combinations based on the Fn button and one of the additional keys, marked with an antenna icon with a signal diverging in both directions. Sometimes, special switches on the case are used for this, which can also be found on external receivers connected to a stationary PC.

Disconnected Network Adapter

If this method does not work, it is quite possible that the module will have to be activated in the “Device Manager” by selecting the enable item through the RMB menu.

The nuances of choosing a network and connection

Now we directly proceed to consider how to connect to WiFi on Windows XP. It is not always possible to make a connection using the icon in the system tray, so call the Control Panel using the standard Start menu, go to the network connections section in it, and then follow the following procedure:

  • activate the item of wireless network connection;
View available connections
  • through the context menu, call up viewing of available networks;
  • Go to the item for viewing available connections;
Wi-Fi setup in Windows XP
  • on the left in the menu, click on the link to change the order of preference for networks;
  • in the connection menu by access point, select the check box for the automatic network connection;
  • in the task menu on the right, click on the link to update the list of networks;
  • select your network and click on it to connect.
Wireless Activation

After that, it remains to enter the network key with confirmation and click the "Connect" button.

What to do if automatic connection does not work?

Now let's see how to connect to WiFi on Windows XP, if the connection in the above way is not immediately established. Indeed, it is in the “e-book” that such a problem has been noticed by many users. Experts recommend correcting the situation by changing the IPv4 protocol parameters, which can be reached through the properties of the network to which you are connecting. Usually WiFi on a laptop with Windows XP does not connect just because the system does not want to accept automatic address reception.

Manual TCP / IPv4 Settings

In this situation, it is recommended to set them manually by entering the router address for the gateway, and for the IP terminal - a similar value that differs by the last digit. For example, if the router has the address, for the computer IP, change the last digit (unit) to two or three (the subnet mask will be set automatically). Also, as an additional solution, you can independently set the addresses of DNS servers using free codes from Google consisting of combinations of eights and fours.

WPA2 Security Issues

Another reason for the inability to connect is WPA2 security. Windows XP does not connect to WiFi just because it itself may not support the use of this protocol. To fix the problem, it is strongly recommended to check which service pack you have installed, and if necessary, install the third (SP3), after downloading it from the Internet from another computer.

Other possible failures and methods to resolve them

As for other possible failures, we can advise you to check the status of the network device driver, see if the module itself is turned on (both mechanically and programmatically), check the access code entered for the connection (the symbols are not displayed in the "tag", but at this time another language may be included). It is possible that the problems are observed by the provider, so you should contact the support team and find out the cause of the failure.

Changing WPA Options on a Router

Finally, if all else fails, as the most extreme option, use changing the security settings on the router itself, where instead of WPA2, specify the use of a different protocol, but consult the provider's technical service first.


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