Bath with potassium permanganate: how to cook, proportions, use, benefits and harms, reviews

Potassium permanganate is an effective disinfectant. Potassium permanganate, or a solution of potassium permanganate, has antiseptic properties. It is also able to neutralize the toxic effects on the human body of such toxic compounds as morphine, aconitine, phosphorus and other alkaloids. Quite often, at home, people use a potassium permanganate bath to treat various diseases and pathologies. However, before using this method of therapy, it is necessary to study not only the beneficial properties of this powder, but also the possible harm that it can cause to a person.

Manganese crystals

External description

Potassium permanganate is one of the varieties of manganese salts. This chemical compound is quite widely used both at home and in the field of medicine. Manganese is a dark purple crystals that dissolve well in water. Also, the powder can be easily dissolved in acetic acid, ethyl alcohol or acetone.

Medical use

Potassium permanganate neutralizes toxic substances only in an alkaline environment. Potassium permanganate is a very strong oxidizing agent. Potassium permanganate baths can have a strong drying and disinfecting effect. A solution of potassium permanganate is often used in surgical and dermatological practice.

If a person has the first signs of gastroenterocolitis and gastritis, then first of all, specialists wash the patient's stomach, using a weak solution of manganese based for this. To rinse the stomach with an adult or a child, you can simply drink the prepared weak solution of potassium permanganate in an amount of 0.5 to 2 liters. After this, vomiting is reflexively caused.

Bottle of manganese

Use in gynecology and urology

Due to its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, potassium permanganate baths are often used at home to cure bacterial or fungal diseases (in the field of gynecology and urology). Women often use a solution of potassium permanganate in the fight against thrush. For this, it is necessary to douch daily with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

In urological diseases in men, which are associated with external inflammations, specialists prescribe a washing with a manganese solution.

Using potassium permanganate for the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases, it is necessary to observe the rules for preparing a bath with potassium permanganate. In such cases, it is required to ensure that the crystals are completely dissolved in water. If they do not dissolve, then after a bath with potassium permanganate can cause more severe irritation in case of contact with the mucous membrane.

Girl sitting over the bath

Corns baths

As mentioned earlier, manganese is often used at home in traditional medicine recipes to eliminate pain, as well as relieve inflammatory processes.

For example, taking a bath with potassium permanganate can be used to eliminate pain that was caused by corns. To do this, in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which should be pink, you need to add a small amount of table salt. The finished solution should be poured into a basin, lower your legs into it for 30 minutes. After such a procedure, the limbs do not need to be wiped. After some time, pain in the area of ​​the corns formed should pass. It is worth noting that the benefits of a potassium permanganate bath will be noticeable in the fight against calluses only if the solution is not very concentrated. If it is purple, it can cause burns to the skin, as well as provoke poisoning.

Bathtub for children

Is it possible to take a bath with potassium permanganate to small children? A good therapeutic effect in case of diaper rash, including in small newborn children, is able to provide hygienic baths with the addition of potassium permanganate. It should be noted that the water for such a procedure should be pink, but in no case purple, otherwise the child may form a burn on the body.

Bottled potassium permanganate

Acne potassium permanganate bath

Potassium permanganate therapy is actively used to wash open wounds on the skin, including suppurative ones. In addition, potassium permanganate baths are used to combat various dermatitis, as well as with the formation of acne. In this case, the solution should also be pink, but not purple.

Hemorrhoid baths

Doctors recommend that their patients who suffer from hemorrhoids take baths with potassium permanganate or use a solution of manganese as a local compress. This method of treating this disease does not lose its relevance today, when there are many different pharmacological agents aimed at combating hemorrhoids. Such a popularity of potassium permanganate is due to the fact that this tool has good therapeutic properties, is characterized by ease of use, as well as low cost and convenience.

How to prepare a solution: procedure and proportions

To prepare a solution of potassium permanganate for a bath, potassium permanganate must be dissolved in clean and warm water so that a pink tint is obtained. During the preparation of the bath, it is recommended to constantly mix the water so that the potassium permanganate crystals dissolve faster.

Potassium permanganate concentration

A solution is used only after all the manganese crystals in water have completely dissolved, since they can lead to burns on the delicate skin, for example, in the genital area.

If a solution for douching is prepared, then a lower concentration of potassium permanganate must be used. To get a good effect from douching, the solution is recommended to be used in freshly prepared form.

If the solution is prepared for bathing infants, then it is necessary to add 5 crystals of potassium permanganate in one glass of water, the temperature of which is 38 degrees. The solution is thoroughly mixed until the manganese is completely dissolved. The liquid should have a pink tint and a specific aroma. After this, the solution must be passed through 2 layers of gauze so that it does not leave insoluble crystals in it. After that, a glass of liquid is poured into a 20-liter bathtub, where the baby will bathe.

For adults, the bath is prepared according to the same principle, only the solution is made more concentrated. For this, 7-10 crystals of potassium permanganate can be used. However, in the end, it will still be pale pink.

Benefit and harm

As mentioned earlier, potassium permanganate is a universal tool that has been used in the field of medicine for a long time. Most often, the solution is used to treat open wounds on the body. Potassium permanganate has the following effects:

  1. Antibacterial.
  2. Wound healing.
  3. Relieves inflammation and swelling.
Potassium permanganate bath

As for the possible harm, it is worth noting the following: if the solution is prepared correctly, it will be completely harmless to humans. However, it should be noted that the treatment of skin diseases with manganese solution can provoke a negative reaction that occurs in those people who have sensitive skin. In this case, the treatment will not fix the problem, but only exacerbate it. In order to prevent such situations, before using absolutely any product prepared on the basis of potassium permanganate, it is necessary to consult your doctor.

Reviews of people about the use of potassium permanganate

Before using a solution of potassium permanganate for the treatment of a disease, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the reviews of those people who have already tried this folk remedy on themselves. Quite often, people use a solution of potassium permanganate for various poisonings. Others also note that it is very effective in combating various gynecological and skin diseases. The only negative is that after a bath with potassium permanganate, the skin turned pink. However, in such cases, stains from the skin can be wiped off with citric acid, ascorbic acid, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid or alcohol.

The girl lies in the bath

In conclusion, it is worth noting that potassium permanganate, or simply potassium permanganate, is a very effective tool in the fight against many diseases and ailments. Manganese has an antiseptic, wound healing property. However, before applying such a solution, it is necessary to observe strictly proportions. Otherwise, taking a bath with manganese can only exacerbate the problem, causing burns on the delicate skin.


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