Toner for blondes: manufacturers review, palette, application features, reviews

Toning is a great way to change the shade of hair. Thanks to special tools, it will turn out to make the curls shiny, and their color - saturated. There are quality tonics for blondes. Popular tools are described in the article.


Toner for blondes is a tint dye. It is released in the form of balms, foam, gels. Its main function is to give the hair a shade. These dyes are in the lines of Russian (Rokolor, Estel), and foreign manufacturers (Schwarzcopf, Indola). Judging by the reviews, tonics for blondes have the following advantages:

  1. Ease of use.
  2. Affordable price. Many tinting agents are significantly cheaper than persistent dyes.
  3. The ability to often conduct experiments. With a shampoo, the shade becomes dull and then completely eliminated. When the original tone is returned, you can use the tonic again.
  4. The ability to improve color after applying permanent or semi-permanent paint. Tonics for blondes are great because they eliminate the yellowish tint. You can refresh the color, which is obtained by persistent or semi-permanent dye. This product is also suitable when, when growing a natural color, it is necessary to tint the roots.
  5. The palette of tonics for blondes is quite rich. In stores, it is easy to find dyes of various colors.
  6. Soft effect. The tool almost does not worsen the condition of the curls, and some are able to positively act on them.
  7. Hair tonics for blondes allow you to return the natural color after use. The composition is absent hydrogen peroxide. Persistent and semi-permanent dyes contain this component, so even after washing off, the original color will not work.
tonic for blondes

According to reviews, the use of tonics perfectly helps when you want to make minor changes in the appearance. You can use these funds at any age.


This product has also disadvantages:

  • Short-lived effect. Rinsing is much faster than when using persistent and semi-permanent dyes.
  • It will not work to lighten. Toning products change the color or darken the hair, but you can’t lighten the tone compared to the original.
  • There is no way to get a bright shade if you apply the product on light brown or dark hair.
  • Tonics are poorly compatible with henna and basma. If these dyes were used before, the color may not be what you want.
  • There is a possibility of an allergy. Although there is no hydrogen peroxide in the composition, a negative reaction to the components can still occur.

It is important to consider that it is impossible to get a bright red, red tone with a tint tool. For these cases, paint is needed.

Difference from paint

The effect of the tonic is very different from the effect of standard hair dyes. When applying the second tool, the active components penetrate the structure of curls and change the pigment. This leads to many negative consequences. The scalp and hair suffer from paint. They may become dull, lose their luster, and the scalp will be dry and irritated.

tonic for blondes palette

In order not to expose your health to negative factors, you can use tools to update the color. These are tinting shampoos, tonics-mousses, balms with the effect of tinting.

Toning agents have a different effect. They lack ammonia and oxidizing agents, therefore, when applying the product, the components do not penetrate the hair, but only layered on them with a thin tinting layer.


There are several types of tinting agents, but each of them gives a new shade, and also provides gentle care:

  1. Shampoo. The tool is suitable for frequent use. The use of tinted shampoo allows you to tint curls with each wash. If you use it often, the tone will be saturated.
  2. Balm. The tool is used as a nutrient. Toning is performed with each application of the balm. The tool gently nourishes the curls, gives the right tone.
  3. Mousse. This is a simple tool to use. It must be applied to wet hair, distributed along the length and put in a hairdryer. To prevent the coloring of hands, gloves are used.
  4. Gel. The product is sold in small packages, designed for 1 procedure. Toning is similar to the procedure with mousses, but uniform distribution is necessary, since the structure of the gel is very different from light mousse.

Keep in mind that tinting shampoo cannot replace ordinary. Toning is quickly eliminated, hair regains its original shade. This is an advantage for those who do not want to change color for a long time. Some shampoos also have a nourishing, restorative effect.

hair tonic for blondes

All of these tools differ in shades, the strength of the effect. Each of them is accompanied by instructions with the rules of use. It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, because only then will you be able to get an excellent result.


Judging by the photos presented in the material, tonics for blondes allow you to get different shades. These funds are divided according to the color scheme into the following types:

  • For blondes. They are effective for correcting blond. The main objective of the funds is the elimination of yellowness. Tonics are ashen, bluish, pinkish and snow-white.
  • Standard. They are suitable for light brown, brown, red-brown and other natural shades of hair.
  • Bright. These include purple, green, pink, etc.

Even tonics are divided by durability, purpose (for gray or normal strands), as well as by the form of release (balm, gel, sachet). Judging by the reviews, tonics for blondes allow you to adjust the color after staining or just update the image.

Color selection

You need to carefully select balms for blond hair. If you apply a red palette on them, then it will look brighter than on the package. It is advisable to choose shades that are as close as possible to the natural color of the hair or tone after persistent staining. The difference can be no more than 3 levels. This allows you to refresh your hair, get the desired shade.

shade tonic for blondes

Brown hair is more suitable for natural tones, including those with a reddish tint (copper, chestnut, chocolate). For blondes, you can choose light shades. They eliminate yellowness. For this, silver and ash tones are used. Dark and brown hair is suitable for different shades of red, purple, red. Curls will receive the desired tint.

Best remedies

When choosing a remedy for dyeing blond hair, you should pay attention to the following products:

  1. Tonic balm for blondes is produced by the Rokolor company. The advantages include affordable cost and a rich palette. There are tools for different types of curls. But, according to reviews, skin and objects can be stained. This is due to the presence of active substances in the composition. A rich palette of tonic balm “Tonic” for blondes will allow you to choose the right shades. Among them: platinum blonde, smoky topaz, mother of pearl, amethyst, pink pearls.
  2. "Irida." Available in gel form. In 1 box there are 3 bags. Of the advantages distinguish a variety of shades and durability. But not in every store you can find this tool. In addition, the gel is not consumed sparingly.
  3. L'Oréal Professionnel. The use of a toning tonic for blondes will help to correct light curls. Of the advantages distinguish effectiveness and gentle effect on the hair. But the products have a high cost and a poor palette.
  4. Bonacure Color Silver. Shampoo tonic for blondes creates an ashen color. Of the advantages distinguish uniformity of tone and ease of use. And the disadvantages include getting only one color and a high price.
  5. "The Shine of Color" from "Rokolor". Products are manufactured in a sachet (3 pcs. In a box). The effect of lamination and soft action are advantages. Skin staining is a drawback.

Other means

A huge palette of tonics for blondes allows you to choose the right shade for hair. This review presents only some cosmetic products, but in fact there are many more:

  • Indola Color Silver. It is produced as a gel in a volumetric tube. A lot of gel in the tank and profitability are pluses. Searing curls and a poor palette - cons.
  • Estel. This tonic for blondes from yellowness is released in a blue tube. The tool has a mild effect, it turns out to pick up various variations.
  • Color Lux from Belita-Vitex is a balm resembling a persistent dye. The product gently acts on strands and is inexpensive, but is quickly consumed and gives an unpredictable effect if you overexpose it on your hair.

Terms of use

Each cosmetic product is accompanied by instructions that must be followed. However, the principle of use is the same for them. Typically, the staining procedure is as follows:

  1. You need to pre-prepare everything you need. We need plastic hairpins, polyethylene, a comb, a moisturizer, a brush for applying, a non-metallic container and gloves. It is better to wear unnecessary things, because often dyes spoil clothes.
  2. It is necessary to comb. It is necessary to perform parting and separate the hair with a hairpin, so that it is convenient to color.
  3. Cream treat the ears and hairline. This will protect the skin from staining.
  4. Gloves are put on, the necessary volume of liquid is poured into the container, scooped up with a brush and applied from the roots. The strands should be painted in turn.
  5. The product is aged as needed according to the instructions. If underexposed, the result will be poorly visible. And with overexposure, the tone can turn out brighter and darker.
  6. Rinse the head with water until it is clear. To fix the effect, you can add a little lemon juice to the water.
tonic balm for blondes

It is advisable to use shampoos for colored hair after the procedure so that the effect is lasting. It is still important to observe all the nuances indicated in the instructions.

Actions if the result is not like

There are several ways to solve this problem:

  • It is necessary to wash the head part with a cleansing shampoo. Shampoo for oily hair is also suitable. After these procedures, restoring masks are applied to prevent drying out and damage to the hair.
  • Warm oils are used. Burdock and olive oils perfectly extend the pigment, improve the condition of the hair. After use, they should be washed off with shampoo.
  • Washing in the cabin. This method is great if the new tone is unsuccessful. If staining was performed for the first time, a natural tone after washing can not be returned.
toner for blondes reviews

The manufacturer Rokolor manufactures Retonika products. The tool will help to easily eliminate the pigment that is obtained after applying the tonic.


Many tonics do not have a negative effect on the hair, so it is not necessary to use some special complex for the care of colored hair. For quality color fixing, the balm is applied to protect the color and rinse it off with water.

Rinsing hair with lemon water has a good effect. In 1 liter of water, 1 tsp. lemon juice. But this tool should not be used too often. Masks based on high fat kefir and burdock oil provide quick color washout.

You can apply a balm with the effect of biolamination. This product includes vegetable oils and extracts. They cover the hair with a thin layer that “smooths” keratin scales, smoothes the surface and protects against damage. After the procedure, the curls gain shine and smoothness.


There are several tips that provide a quality result:

  1. Do not use a tonic after ammonia clarification or perm. The effect will be worse than expected, and may be harmful to the hair. This also depends on the number of tinting that has been performed previously.
  2. When choosing a tonic, you should not rush. If you liked 2 shades, you should try both. You only need to color 2 strands, and then compare the result.
  3. If it is difficult to choose a tone, you need to do a test stain. Visibility allows you to make a choice.
tonic tint balm palette for blondes

Toner for blondes is an excellent tool for coloring. With it, you can get a new shade, as well as provide an image update.


Thus, tonics for fair hair are great for updating the color of curls. The main thing is to choose a suitable shade that will emphasize the advantages of appearance. You also need to use the product correctly and follow the instructions.


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