How to make potato inhalation at home: indications and rules

The development of medicine allows you to find a suitable remedy for many diseases. But still, some folk recipes do not lose their popularity. So, with a cold, many people still use inhalation with potatoes. This procedure is considered effective and simple, and its availability and low cost make it very popular. Doctors also consider steam inhalation useful, but they can not always be used. In order for such treatment to bring the desired results, it is necessary to follow certain rules, to know how to breathe over potatoes with a cough or runny nose, what are the contraindications to this procedure and side effects.

Steam inhalation

This procedure has long been used to treat colds. Its peculiarity is that the patient inhales hot steam, which warms and moisturizes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It activates the blood supply to the mucous membrane, the work of the villi that cleanse the respiratory tract of foreign substances, dilutes sputum and facilitates breathing. For inhalation teapots, pots with hot water and other devices are used. Recently, factory inhalers have appeared that allow you to adjust the temperature of the solution.

But popular methods are still popular when they breathe over decoctions of herbs or cooked potatoes. Although such procedures have drawbacks, for example, you can get burned, they are still effective for colds. In addition, hot steam can worsen the condition of the patient if he has a tendency to swelling or in the presence of purulent processes. With increasing temperature, such an inflammatory process escalates, and the multiplication of bacteria accelerates.

breathe over a potato with a cold

Features of potato inhalation

For this procedure, peeled potatoes, peeled tubers or even peeling are used. They need to be boiled for a certain time and, not allowing strong cooling, breathe over steam. Unlike conventional steam inhalations, breathing over potatoes with a runny nose and coughing is more effective. This vegetable contains substances that have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and vasoconstrictive properties. In addition, it has vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

When inhaling hot steam, these substances settle on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Therefore, such steam helps to facilitate breathing, accelerate the discharge of mucus and strengthen the body's defenses. They are especially effective on the first day of colds. But, settling on the mucosa, useful substances from potatoes continue to act for some time, which increases the effectiveness of the procedure.

Useful action

Potato steam inhalations are used in the treatment of colds. They are especially effective at the initial stage, since they can eliminate nasal congestion, relieve sore throats and prevent complications. In addition, they help to soften a dry cough with a cold. When used correctly, inhalation has the following effect:

  • relieves nasal congestion;
  • softens and moisturizes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • facilitates breathing;
  • thins and removes mucus;
  • softens a dry cough;
  • eliminates perspiration and hoarseness of voice;
  • eliminates congestion;
  • improves blood flow to the respiratory tract;
  • accelerates recovery.
    how to breathe potatoes with a cold

Indications for use

Inhalation with potatoes is useful for colds and coughs. They effectively eliminate nasal congestion, accelerate the release of his sinuses from mucus, and bronchi from sputum. Apply such procedures for colds, flu, bronchitis, laryngitis, rhinopharyngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis. This is an auxiliary treatment method that significantly reduces the amount of medication taken. After 2-3 procedures, the patient notices that breathing has become easier, the sore throat has disappeared, and the cough has decreased.

Especially popular are such inhalations during pregnancy. They help a woman cope with a mild cold or eliminate a dry cough without the use of drugs. It is also believed that such procedures eliminate the cough that precedes an attack of bronchial asthma. Such patients can be inhaled several times a day.

how much to cook potatoes in their skins after boiling


Steam inhalations are considered effective for colds, but they must be used correctly. Not all people can breathe over potatoes with a cold or cough. There are certain contraindications to the use of such a procedure. First of all, contraindications include children under one year of age, and preschoolers can be inhaled only as directed by a doctor and under the supervision of an adult. Do not use such procedures to treat the elderly, with cardiovascular diseases. And for people who smoke, inhalation will be ineffective, since nicotine constricts blood vessels.

In addition, it is contraindicated to do inhalation of potatoes in such cases:

  • at elevated body temperature;
  • otitis media, sore throat;
  • pneumonia
  • runny nose or cough of unclear origin;
  • in bacterial infections with the separation of thick yellow or green mucus;
  • high blood pressure;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • the presence of a purulent inflammatory process.
    contraindications for inhalation

What you need for inhalation

For the procedure, non-spoiled small potatoes are selected so that all the tubers are well cooked. They need to be washed and filled with water so that it only covers the potatoes. You can then breathe over whole tubers or knead them, drain the water or not. There are different options for the procedure. You only need to know how much to cook potatoes in their skins after boiling for inhalation. It depends on the size of the tubers, usually 10 to 25 minutes. Potatoes should not be raw, but they cannot be allowed to fall apart.

Most often, inhalation with potatoes is carried out over a wide pan in which it was cooked. But you can shift the tubers into a teapot and insert a funnel in his nose. You need to breathe over this funnel. This will reduce the risk of steam burns on your face. And the last thing you need to pick up for inhalation is a blanket. It is better than a towel, as it creates a warming effect. You just need to try to choose a material that does not cause allergies. And you need to cover yourself so as to prevent the access of cold air.

potato inhalation reviews

How to breathe potatoes with a cold

After preparing the composition for inhalation, the pan must be put on a table or bed. It is advisable to wrap it with a towel so that it cools more slowly and the patient does not burn. When carrying out the procedure in bed, you need to use the stand for the pot so that the patient does not have to bend low. With a blanket you need to take a scarf or a thin towel to wipe sweat and mucus from the nose. If the hair is long, you need to stab it well.

Next, you need to bend over the pan and cover with a large towel or blanket. It is advisable to prevent the access of cold air, which will negate the effectiveness of the procedure. Inhale the steam so that it does not burn the mucous membrane. If the patient has a runny nose, inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. When the nose is blocked, it is advisable to inhale alternately each nostril, closing the second finger.

But it is more important to know how to breathe over potatoes when coughing, since this procedure is most often used for this. In this case, you need to inhale, with your mouth wide open, so that the vapor penetrates the respiratory tract, and exhale through the nose. If the patient has both a cough and a runny nose, one should alternately inhale with his nose and mouth, taking two breaths.

Inhalation over potatoes should be from 5 to 15 minutes. It is important to monitor your condition. If it gets worse or the nose is blocked, it is better to stop the procedure.

potato inhalation

Rules of procedure

For inhalation to be truly effective, you need to follow some rules. The main thing is to perform the procedure no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating. And after it is undesirable to go out. It is recommended that you simply lie down, warmly sheltering, not talking, not eating or drinking for half an hour. Therefore, it is better to do inhalation before bedtime.

You need to breathe during the procedure slowly, measuredly and deeply. You can not lean very low over the pan, as this can lead to a burn of the mucous membrane. In addition, it is desirable to monitor the temperature of the steam, it should not be higher than 40-50 degrees.

Such inhalations will not help if the disease has turned into a purulent form, as well as with a bacterial infection. Such pathologies can only worsen under the influence of hot steam. And during pregnancy, this method can be used only after consulting a doctor in the absence of contraindications. But all the same, the duration of the procedure should be no more than 5 minutes, and when it is completed it is impossible to completely cover.

Inhalation Recipes

In addition to the usual method of inhalation with potatoes, when it is boiled in a peel, there are several less common recipes. But they are considered effective, as they are carried out using other components that complement and enhance the properties of potatoes. There are several ways to carry out inhalation.

  1. Small potatoes are boiled in a peel in a small amount of water. It should not boil, do not drain the water after cooking.
  2. If you cook potatoes with the husks of oats, this will increase the effect on the respiratory tract and will help better from coughing.
  3. You can also breathe over peeled and slightly mashed potatoes. It is believed that this way he gives away more nutrients.
  4. If you drain the broth after cooking the potatoes and add a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus, lavender or clove, it can also be used for inhalation. It is especially effective in viral diseases.
  5. You can collect washed and dried peeling potatoes, and with a cold, use them for inhalation. If sprouts appear on them, this is even better, since they have more nutrients. They need to be boiled and carried out the procedure, as with whole potatoes.
  6. When coughing, inhalations with potatoes, salt and soda are more effective. You need to add a little soda and salt to the pan, mash the potatoes with a fork.

Inhalation to children

how to breathe over potatoes when coughing

This procedure is considered the safest and most effective way to treat colds. But recently, children spend it less and less. Babies up to a year of inhalation with potatoes are strictly contraindicated. And in preschool age it is necessary to carry out the procedure carefully, since the child may get burned. Therefore, it is recommended that mom sit under the covers with the baby. It must be ensured that the steam is not very hot. And the duration of the procedure for children is 5-10 minutes.

Inhalations with potatoes have long been considered the best cure for the common cold. But you can’t use them without a doctor’s recommendation. Incorrect procedure can worsen the condition of a sick child, cause airway obstruction. This is due to the fact that the airways in children are very narrow. Mucus swollen from hot steam can cause them to overlap. Moreover, the younger the child, the higher the risk of such a complication.

Inhalations with potatoes: reviews

This procedure is known and popular among the people for a long time. Those who were inhaled with potatoes in childhood continue to be treated in this way. They note that if you take inhalation with the first symptoms of a cold, your recovery will be faster. The procedure also helps with a dry cough. This method is especially liked by those who are trying to drink less medicine.

But there are also negative reviews. Some people believe that inhalation is ineffective, better purchased drugs and cough syrups help. Other opponents of the procedure consider it unsafe, since it is possible to burn yourself with steam. There are those who carried out inhalation, without taking into account contraindications, because of which their condition worsened. But in fact, the application of this procedure is strictly individual. If you use it taking into account contraindications and follow all the rules, it will help to accelerate recovery and reduce the amount of medication taken.


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