How to defeat procrastination: a scientific approach to the problem

Procrastination - putting off important, obligatory, unpleasant and difficult tasks for an indefinite period. This universal phenomenon, sooner or later, one way or another, everyone is faced with the problem - how to defeat procrastination. Awareness of the likelihood of inconvenience and even disaster in the professional and personal aspect of life does not save: procrastinators cannot stop distracted by all sorts of alternatives to the actual business: entertainment, household chores, etc. The difference between procrastination and laziness is that activity is inherent in the first, but fruitless, because it does not provide finance and is not related to self-development.

About procrastination

Procrastination is, in simple words, delaying business. J. R. Ferrari, a professor of psychology and a well-known specialist in this phenomenon, is convinced that absolutely all people procrastinate, but only a fifth of the world's population are, so to speak, professional procrastinators. He also considers it a stereotype that temptations like smartphones and social networks are to blame for such delays. networks.

Almost always, procrastination is the cause of life problems and rather painful psychological effects. Rational people try to fight the desire to put off everything until the deadlines, as the habit is considered negative. But there is another point of view: some researchers believe that it is pointless to know how to defeat procrastination. This position is argued by the fact that the postponement and replacement of significant tasks is the key to fulfilling more of the planned. For some people, productivity and effectiveness do increase with the approach of the deadline.

Proponents of the usefulness of procrastination say that putting off the case makes it possible to understand whether it is really important, whether the outcome will be consistent with the efforts made. Delaying protects from disappointment and failure. If the task is new to a person, one can agree with the statement. And if we are talking about the obvious benefits of its implementation, then it is necessary to challenge procrastination. The most effective tactic is to combine daily practice with a scientific approach.

About procrastination

Nowhere easier

Procrastination is, in simple words, the story of a Human Ordinary. Once upon a time there was an ordinary man. In it, everyone can recognize themselves. The Ordinary Man was very busy. Recall as an example one of his October day. In the list of tasks with a capsule, underscores, and even exclamation marks, a dissertation reminds of itself (because Man is a teacher). Or it’s an ordinary birthday and you need to prepare for the evening celebration: do the cleaning, go to the store, choose outfit and entertainment, cook dinner. “Have I phoned all my friends?” - the Man is trying to recall in a panic. Perhaps the person needs to prepare for the exam or talk with a partner about the break.

Time goes, runs, rushes, but the Man does not begin his task, the same task. But this does not mean that he is lazy or resting, he is busy. The ordinary man parses mail, reads a book, eats (the third time, although he was not hungry the first time), juggles oranges (nervously), chatting with his girlfriend on the phone (anxious), decides to finally take the time for calligraphy or chemistry, but quickly switches on a movie about Leps or coffee. And so to the infinity of the deadline. If you are lucky - only until it approaches, which will act like magic. And if you're not lucky ... This is a story that you should not repeat at home.

By the way, Ferrari compared “just do it”, addressed to the procrastinator, with “do not be sad”, said to a person in severe depression. The emotional need for reprieve is common between chronic art lovers of procrastination who need the help of professional psychologists / psychotherapists and everyone else.

Causes of the phenomenon

Neil Fiore, a psychologist, trainer and writer, believes that procrastination is not about laziness or lack of willpower. He offers an interesting look at deferring tasks as the flip side of the perfectionism coin.

Each has goals and objectives that people try to postpone (or better to completely avoid). Procrastination is, in simple words, an obstacle in realizing potential, achieving results in training and work, as well as in personal life. In addition, the problem can affect health.

The main thing that needs to be done to defeat procrastination is to deal with the individual causes of the phenomenon. This makes it possible to understand the motives of actions and adjust behavior. Reasons for procrastination (according to the works of the founder of systemic vector psychology Yuri Burlan):

  • striving for an impeccable result (perfectionism);
  • fear of success at a subconscious level;
  • lack of planning and prioritization skills;
  • lack of habit to engage in purposeful work and craving for "freebie";
  • low self-esteem, uncertainty as a result of work and its worthy assessment;
  • fear of failure;
  • an internal protest against “necessary” (necessity and importance) to the opponents in the form of superiors or spouses;
  • low motivation, lack of not only interest, but also a true desire to do a certain thing;
  • etc.
Perfectionism (striving for the ideal)

Procrastination Test

Before you struggle with delaying tasks, you need to determine whether practical knowledge on how to defeat procrastination is relevant for a particular person. To do this, you need to pass a small test. Consent with approval is equal to one point, disagreement is equal to zero:

  1. Inability to start work if various domestic issues are not resolved.
  2. Often something is done late.
  3. Confidence that bad luck can hinder success.
  4. Thinking through all the details when planning a meeting.
  5. The inability to work without a variety of invigorating drinks: coffee, tea and so on.
  6. The habit of responding to any incoming letter, regardless of its importance.
  7. Easy distractibility.
  8. Postponement and other decision making difficulties.
  9. Tasks are often delayed until tomorrow (or similar words are spoken).
  10. Solving complex issues requires a lot of time and preliminary consideration of future steps.
  11. Deadlines are beyond thought.
  12. Hurry to not miss deadlines is a constant companion.

5+ points indicate problems with procrastination. If fewer than five statements are selected, procrastination is weakly manifested in life.

Procrastination Test

Methods of struggle

Spoiler: a miracle will not help. Pills too. But scientists, psychologists and doctors offer many ways to overcome the problem. You need to choose the best and move to victory. Methods of combating procrastination:

  • Planning and goals.
  • The art of small steps.
  • Support.
  • Achievements and rewards.
  • Work mood.
  • The most significant tasks.
  • Visualization.
  • Elimination of obstacles.
  • Internal dialogue.
  • Rest without guilt.
  • "Not".
  • Gingerbread Method.
  • Anti-Schedule Technique.
  • Endurance.
  • Brighten up the work.

Planning and goals

In order to get rid of indecision and fear, it is enough to draw up a phased plan of specific actions to achieve a goal. If you need to write an article, you should start with the easiest parts, the completion of which will add confidence. It is recommended to combine this with rewards.

Planning goals

The art of small steps

The enemy is not so terrible if you divide it into parts. If you need to write an album, for starters it is recommended to write a line of each song a day. And the thing goes.

Support Group

The support of a like-minded person - a friend, colleague or partner - is very important in the struggle of a procrastinator. It will serve as an additional incentive to mobilize all resources, will reveal untapped potential and emerge victorious.

Achievements and rewards

Daily record of success in the diary. People who practice this method already in the first week realize that it works. Entries are evidence of intent to overcome procrastination and specific actions. Orientation to subjective perception is recommended: the real scale of achievements is not important, you do not need to compare yourself with others. A person may consider an objectively modest result a success, but he knows about specific circumstances.

It is equally important to celebrate any achievement. You need to value yourself and reward you with a well-deserved rest, as well as pleasant things: an interesting book, a bar of chocolate or your favorite tracks.

Labor reward

Working mood

Professor Ferrari advises making it a habit to list tasks. You can use Word, stickers, or special browser extensions for this. Objectives must be realistic and clear. It is useful to share plans with your comrades and colleagues, so there will be less temptation to postpone them.

The most significant tasks

Tim Ferris, author of the best-selling book The Four Hour Week, recommends writing down the most difficult goals with the question of if this were the only thing a person would accomplish in a day, would there be satisfaction from that day. This is a good helper in prioritization. Many experts advise you to choose the three most important tasks and concentrate on them.

other methods

There are many other ways to defeat procrastination. For instance:

  1. Visualization is the future. You need to try to look at yourself in a year / five / ten years and think about what can be done now to get closer to the desired image and how to plan the coming months / years. For example, using the psychologist exercise Ev-Marie Bluin-Hadon.
  2. Removing obstacles in the form of the Internet and social networks. Tim Ferris every morning begins with the blocking of all kinds of social. networks using special programs for one and a half to two hours. Mail should be checked once a day (exception is a big need). Professor Ferrari advises doing this at least not more than once per hour.
  3. Internal dialogue. Negative wording should be replaced by “I want ...”, “I decide ...” and “I choose ...”. Thus, internal stress is reduced and positive energy is increased. At the same time, it is not necessary to want to engage in an assignment and love it; a decision on readiness to devote your time and energy to it is enough.
  4. Rest without guilt. Procrastinators and workaholics are very similar: they either work, or they feel guilty for not doing the job. Studies have proven that the ability to work productively is synonymous with enjoying relaxation without remorse. Part of the fight against procrastination in psychology is the allocation of a sufficient amount of time to relax.
  5. Say no. A mature and firm no is especially effective for procrastinators.
  6. Gingerbread Method. The bottom line is to reduce work periods and in frequent and enjoyable rewards.
  7. Anti-Schedule Technique. This is the opposite of the usual to-do lists: a calendar with activities related to communication and relaxation, as well as fixing effective continuous work. To begin with, it is recommended to limit the time of activity to half an hour, and then reward yourself with your favorite activities. The technique not only provides a well-deserved rest (without guilt), but also offers a realistic look at the real amount of time for work tasks.
  8. The development of endurance. Another way to forget the word procrastination. It is worth taking an example from marathon runners. Many admit that they are often visited by the desire to drop everything during the race. In order to overcome it, they focus on what they can do here and now. It's about changing the negative setting "I can’t take it anymore" to "I can take another step."
  9. Brighten up the work. A monotonous activity consisting of mechanical actions can be facilitated with the help of a film or your favorite music. The main thing is that the fun and interesting background does not interfere. Another popular way - breaks after a certain time (for example, 25 minutes). You need to set yourself up to follow the schedule: 25 minutes exclusively for work, and then you can calmly spend time on interesting things.
how to beat procrastination book

And a few life hacks

The following helpful tips are also valid:

  • Order. From the desktop to all aspects of life. Chaos depletes the brain, prevents it from functioning normally.
  • Water. Need to drink more.
  • The favorite music. She's uplifting.
  • Limit the use of flour products.
  • Shower, washing with cold water, exercising or jogging - all this must be done, feeling tired.
  • Preparations (they should be prescribed by a specialist).
  • Short intense workout every week.

Books on the topic

How to beat procrastination, books:

  1. “Think Like a Mathematician” (B. Oakley).
  2. “An easy way to stop putting things off for later” (Neil Fiore).
  3. “No procrastination!” (L. Babauta).
  4. "Procrastination and self-sabotage" (E. Levy).
  5. “Eat the frog! 21 Ways to Learn to Accomplish ”(Brian Tracy).
  6. “Do not put off until tomorrow. A Brief Guide to Combating Procrastination ”(T. Pitchell).
  7. The New Year of the Procrastinator (E.D. Scott).

Separate mention is the popular book of P. Ludwig “Defeat procrastination! How to stop putting things off for tomorrow. ”

procrastination psychology

Delaying home, personal or work tasks is familiar to everyone. Sometimes things are so unpleasant that people are willing to do much, if only not to tackle them at all. The consequences of this behavior are not the most encouraging, so it is important for many to know how to defeat procrastination. You need to start by finding out the reasons for the habit of putting off something and thinking out an individual strategy. There is plenty to choose from - many researchers, writers, psychologists and psychiatrists have developed methods for overcoming procrastination: from planning goals, the art of small steps and the importance of a support group to the gingerbread method and the anti-scheduling technique. There is no need to put off until tomorrow what can be done now!


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