Work as an assistant: responsibilities, salary level

Young people often think that it is very promising to start a career next to a serious specialist. However, working as an assistant is not as simple as it seems. This is a serious test for professionalism, mental abilities, character and state of the nervous system. To help a good manager or dentist, for example, you need a whole set of non-standard skills. Let's discuss who the job of an assistant is.

work as an assistant

Working conditions

Before making a decision, you need to understand what you have to do. You know, many confuse a personal assistant with a secretary. These are different positions. Work as an assistant is more extensive. It affects almost all areas of the life of the boss. He can ask (order), for example, to buy a gift for his wife or child. And to not please is to be dismissed. Only successful people hire personal assistants. And they do not want to mess with sluggish, dull, dumb, non-inventive idlers. With such business assistants you will lose! Therefore, in order to cope with the duties, you need to quickly learn by observing the cartridge. This is a generally accepted rule. Therefore, young people are invited to such a position with great pleasure. Their minds are more flexible, they absorb information faster, and are capable of delivering an original solution. After all, the boss only sets the task, and sometimes from the category of extravagant. And the assistant is obliged to solve it in a short time. Which way he will go, whom he will engage, with whom he will negotiate - the boss is not interested. Moreover, you will have to work for the chef at any time of the day. Those who are richer, hire several assistants, distributing their services on time.

Assistant manager

Personal qualities of an assistant

You understand, the load is serious. You need to have a good physical shape in order to be constantly in the ranks. The assistant manager must be able to navigate a huge amount of information. The boss will not wait until you delve into the Internet, looking for the necessary information. They should be in the head. Of course, not all at once. As a rule, a person is given time to get comfortable, understand what sphere the boss works in, recognize his habits and addictions. But then the demand will be strict. Working as an assistant is not sugar, but an excellent school. You get a lot of information and skills. And what’s important, no one can take it away after leaving. Minimum, starting personal qualities :

  • sociability;
  • good memory and reaction;
  • knowledge of languages;
  • ability to use technical innovations;
  • accuracy;
  • diligence;
  • inventiveness and creativity;
  • devotion.

The rest (and a lot of it) is acquired in the process. It should also be borne in mind that the leader will prefer an assistant who has a basic education related to the field in which he himself works. For example, the work of “dental assistant” is suitable for a young man with a medical diploma. After all, you have to make independent decisions regarding sick people. Special knowledge is needed here .

work dental assistant

Extra skills

Work as an assistant is often associated with travel, negotiations, communication. We have to keep in touch with company staff and partners. People come across different, with their habits and shortcomings. The ability to communicate is necessary . You will have to deal with a wide variety of problems, rudeness, lack of understanding, laziness of others. All this will have to be overcome. Persuade some, scold others, and crush others. All the assistant’s actions are aimed at one goal - to complete the task as best as possible. And for this you need to be a little bit of a psychologist, to understand others, to find approaches to them. The bosses are very fond of creative assistants. They themselves succeeded through a combination of mind, fearlessness and ingenuity. People with such qualities they want to see next to them.

assistant resume

Level of professionalism

If you think that all of the above qualities you have, then let's go through the skills. The assistant has to not only talk, but also write messages. Sometimes the boss entrusts him with more serious work. For example, subtract a prepared letter, article, book. Need literacy, almost perfect. Or ownership of software that performs these functions. We will not mention the need for computer literacy. This goes without saying. You need to use all the standard set of programs and gadgets. In addition, it is likely that the boss will require you to study additional ones, depending on what kind of work you turn up. A dental assistant, for example, will have to deal with the registration of clients. There is a special program for this. It will need to be mastered. Most likely, you yourself know that you will have to write a bunch of emails, send faxes, write on social networks.

How to get an assistant

There should not be any problems. Look for a place on bulletin boards. Write a resume and wait for an invitation to an interview. It is advisable to learn about the future employer as much as possible. Firstly, it is necessary not to become a victim of a scammer. Secondly, it will help to behave properly in a personal meeting. Do not forget to think over the outfit when you begin to get ready for an interview. Do not use bright makeup; choose modest, simple, but elegant clothes. There should not be extra elements in the toilet. If the boss is a lady, then dress softly. Women leaders cannot stand the challenge in their team. They just have to fight with competitors.

director's assistant

Assistant Resume

Such a document will have to be filled out personally. Be sure to follow literacy. Resume with errors is immediately sent to the basket. You will not be hired for a decent position. Personal data is usually not questionable. Write about your name (in full), date of birth, name of university and specialty according to the diploma. Applicants stumble on their characteristics. But in fact there is no need to write essays on a free topic. Indicate that you are energetic, efficient, inventive, organized, demanding of yourself. Also write that they are capable of both obeying and taking reasonable initiative. Never lie in a resume! If you do not possess any quality, do not indicate it. When filling out the questionnaire should take into account the scope of activities in which you have to work. For example, an assistant manager should navigate the business. If there is no knowledge in this area, then do not apply for a position, do not cope. The assistant secretary is required to understand paperwork. Not sure what it is? Do not worry, learn. These subtleties exist.

director's assistant

Recommendations for applicants

You need to understand that your every step in the new organization is monitored. This is a kind of test exam. Writing a resume is not the first task of this test. First look at the ability to communicate. How you will behave when you come to the organization, whether you can establish contact with the security guard, find the right office, or navigate among other applicants - all this is taken into account in a good company. What to do? Stay confident, but modest. Demonstrate loyalty, but don't give in. Insist on your own, but do not resort to rudeness. Look for original solutions, speak directly, but with restraint. And pay attention to posture. She says more about a person than a long questionnaire.

assistant assistant

Types of Assistants

Managers need help in a variety of areas. Not everyone has the opportunity to hire crowds of employees. Therefore, the assistant secretary performs the functions of several specialists. For most other company employees, he is the boss. If you transfer any task, then it should be done immediately. The personal assistant to the head cannot be refused. This, by the way, slightly relaxes the latter. Some use this power for personal purposes. Should not be doing that. The manager will get rid of you as soon as he finds out. The assistant assistant does part of the work of his boss. For example, a businessman instructs him to make a selection of exchange rates or information about competitors. Some assistants deal exclusively with correspondence. Others - by personal affairs of cartridges. It is worth knowing about the fields of activity in advance so as not to run into impossible tasks.

secretary assistant


Assistant work is a great school. This is a start for a talented person and a terrible burden for someone who does not strive for self-realization. They have not been working in this position all their lives. Either a person grows into a leader himself and hires an assistant over time, or surrenders and looks for a simpler job. But trying your hand is still worth it. This post will help you understand what you are worth, what you are ready for at the moment. And the acquired knowledge and skills will become the basis for career and professional growth in the field where you want to work. Good luck


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