Wax: composition, properties and application

Nature gave man a large number of a variety of useful products, among which there is beeswax. This is a unique substance that can have a complex effect on the body. There are legends about the benefits and harms of wax. The composition of the wax allows its use in medicine and cosmetology. Nature always gives us all the essentials to maintain our health, and wax is one of those ingredients that have no analogues. The natural product is unique, has many useful properties. It is safe for children, pregnant, lactating women. What is so special about this beekeeping product?

How to get wax

Wax is a unique beekeeping product. Like honey, nectar, propolis, it has miraculous properties. It is produced in the body of working bees and stands out on the surface of wax mirrors, where it solidifies in the form of wax flakes, which serve as the material for the honeycombs. At different times of the year, the product has a different color. In the spring it is white, and by autumn it turns yellow, sometimes dark brown.

In its pure form, wax is obtained by the method of regrowth. To do this, use apiary raw materials: scraps of wax, honeycombs, honeycomb residues after distillation of honey, zabrus. To obtain wax, different methods are used: water, extraction, steam and dry. Regardless of the method chosen, the wax contains all the useful ingredients that make it so highly regarded.

The chemical composition of beeswax

What does it consist of

The product has a complex composition, in which more than fifty components and compounds. The wax contains the following substances:

  • esters - over 70%;
  • fatty acids - about 15%;
  • minerals, carotenoids, vitamins - about 2%;
  • saturated hydrocarbons - about 10%;
  • other components (water, propolis, pollen, etc.) - up to 5%.

The percentage of components depends on the season and bee species.

The wax contains essential oils. They allow the product to persist for a long time without changing its structure.

The chemical composition of beeswax includes a small amount of substances that color the product and give it an aroma.

Free fatty acids are represented by melissa, cerotinic and neocerotinic, montanic, oleic. They promote the dissolution of metals and react with alkalis.

As a result of the interaction of fatty acids and alcohols, esters are formed. Of the alcohols, cetyl, myricyl, and others are included in the esters.

During boiling of an alkaline solution with wax, saponification of ethers occurs, their decomposition. As a result, free fatty acids and alcohols with one atom are released.

The chemical composition of beeswax also includes carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. The product contains a small amount of oxygen compared to other substances. Because of this, a small amount of heat is released during combustion and oxidation.

The chemical composition of the wax varies, but slightly. It depends on the breed of bees, location. The product made by stingless bees contains about 40% resins, about 1% ash, and the ash product is about 0.03% in the product from stinging bees.

Beeswax application in traditional medicine

How to distinguish a real product from a fake

Unscrupulous beekeepers often offer fakes under the guise of wax. To distinguish it from a real product is simple:

  • look at the color - for a real product, it ranges from white to dark brown, smells like honey or propolis;
  • the cut has a matte shade;
  • when heated, beeswax does not change its color;
  • if you take a piece of wax in your hands and knead it, then there will be greasy marks;
  • if you put wax in water or alcohol, the wax sinks to the bottom, and the fake floats on the surface;
  • some test a real product by chewing it: a real one does not stick to its teeth.

Due to its unique composition, wax is expensive. If the cost of the goods is lower than that of other beekeepers, then this is a fake or low-quality product.

What are the benefits

The composition of beeswax determines its benefits. This substance has a pronounced bactericidal effect, which is why it is recommended for inflammatory pathologies, burns, wounds, ulcers. Chewing a bee product helps to relieve inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, pharynx.

Wax is considered a good natural sorbent that cleanses the body no worse than activated carbon. With internal use, it helps to activate the digestive system, improves intestinal motility, and also normalizes intestinal microflora, treats dysbiosis.

The safest way to buy wax is in specialized stores selling beekeeping products. Natural beeswax is also sold at the pharmacy. But you should refuse to buy a product in the markets.

Beeswax Composition

Where is used

Because of its composition, beeswax has been widely used in various fields of human activity: cosmetology, the electrical and food industries, and pharmaceuticals.

In folk medicine, it is valued for its anti-inflammatory properties. On the basis of wax, ointments are made to help fight colds, dermatological diseases. In cosmetology, wax is used in its pure form, and also include it in masks, lotions, shampoos, creams.

Physical properties

Due to the components included in the chemical composition of the wax, it can be of a very different color: white, yellow, grayish, dark yellow. Wax does not sink in water. At a temperature of +15 degrees, the specific gravity of the product is about 0.97. The melting point of the product is 65 degrees, and the pour point is 61 degrees.

Natural beeswax is a solid (at room temperature). At 30-35 degrees, it softens, and at 50 it loses its solid structure. At 100 degrees, the bee product melts, and the emulsion of water is destroyed, forming a white foam on the surface. Boiling wax occurs at temperatures above 300 degrees.

Composition and application of waxes

Wax Pests

The bee product contains a large amount of thermal energy necessary for some types of insects with the ability to break down fats and wax. This unique ability is possessed, for example, by a wax moth. It develops in nesting combs, in apiary land, in Merv. From wax, these pests receive carbohydrate substances, and from pest, doll cocoons and bee brood - nitrogenous feed.

Application, medicinal properties

The unique composition and use of wax has been known since ancient times. Thousands of years ago, people already knew about the benefits of this product. In ancient Egypt, priests and nobles, as is known, embalmed. The bodies were thoroughly washed and wrapped in swaddling clothes, wide linen strips soaked in gum and resins. For this work, at least fifteen different substances were required, including beeswax - they covered ears, eyes, nose, mouth and an incision made by the embalmer. Recipes for the use of beeswax were passed from one generation to another. Now the beekeeping product is used in a variety of industries.


The use of beeswax in cosmetology is wide. The properties of this substance allowed us to create useful products that can remove skin rashes, improve the appearance of the skin, and maintain youth. With it, face masks are made that help to improve the appearance of the skin, as well as various balms and creams that remove acne. Beeswax hand creams are produced on an industrial scale. Body products help maintain youthful skin.

In cosmetology, the beekeeping product has been used for a long time. It is valued for its high content of vitamin A and other trace elements, which have a comprehensive beneficial effect on skin cells.

Various wax masks are prepared at home with wax. To prevent wrinkles, you must take the juice of half a lemon, two tablespoons of honey and the same amount of wax. The composition is applied to the skin of the face before bedtime. The mask is held for twenty minutes, then removed with warm water.

Clean wax helps deal with black dots. To remove them, the product is heated and applied to the skin with a thin layer.

To whiten the skin, wax is mixed with lemon juice and blue clay in equal proportions. A remedy from lemon juice and bee product helps moisturize the skin.

Beeswax application

Home use

The unique composition and properties of beeswax make it possible to use it not only for industrial purposes, but also at home. There are many recipes for its use, here are some of them:

  1. Nursing mothers are recommended to rub wax into the area of ​​the mammary glands. This helps to improve milk production.
  2. In case of pathologies of the oral cavity, inflammatory diseases of the gums, it is recommended to chew small portions of wax. They help relieve pain, and the constituent components have an antibacterial effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Also, the beekeeping product has a positive effect on the state of enamel, bleaching it.
  3. For pain in the back, lower back, they rub the wax into problem areas. For this, special compositions are prepared, which include additional components.

There are other ways to use the product. It is even used for processing shoes, to give shine to vehicles, to protect metal from corrosion. Candles are made from it. With the help of wax, the treatment of some types of pathologies is faster.

Beekeeping product harm

Wax has no contraindications for use, except in cases of individual intolerance. In its composition there is a small amount of pollen, nectarine. If a person is allergic to these substances, then a reaction to wax is likely. To find out if there is an allergy, it is recommended to apply a little wax or a substance with its content on the back of the hand. In the event of an allergic reaction, the skin will become hyperemic.


Storage Features

Wax retains its condition and useful properties for a long time. For cosmetic purposes, it is recommended to use it no more than three years, but in everyday life the shelf life of the product is not limited. Store it in a dry, dark place. It is best without air and odors, as the product is able to absorb them.

Use in medicine

Ever since the time of the famous Persian scientist and healer Avicenna, it has been known about the use of beeswax in medicine. In those days, it was recommended to children, women and men, regardless of age and for the treatment of various diseases, as well as as a means of increasing immunity. Due to its special physical and chemical properties and composition, wax has found its application in almost every industry.

Ointment Preparation

In folk medicine, a variety of ointments are prepared on the basis of a bee product to help treat wounds. There are many recipes for cooking, and here are some of them:

  1. For the product you will need 100 grams of olive oil, 20 grams of pine resin, 15 grams of wax, a spoonful of butter. Everything mixes and warms up over low heat. The composition is stored in a refrigerator in a glass container. In the presence of wounds, ointment lubricates the affected area.
  2. Fifty grams of wax and one hundred grams of olive oil are simmered. The finished composition is cooled. Store in the refrigerator. Used for healing abrasions, wounds.

There are ointments that help with calluses. To prepare such a product, you need to take 50 grams of propolis, freshly squeezed juice of one medium lemon and 40 grams of wax. The composition is heated until the wax is completely dissolved. The tool is applied to calluses daily.

With polyarthritis, a preparation of heated wax and honey is prepared. The composition is applied to gauze and applied to a sore spot. On top of the gauze is a cellophane, a warm scarf. Compress hold for half an hour. It is enough to do this procedure once a day. The duration of treatment is two weeks, then a break is made.

What are the benefits of chewing a product?

It is known about the use of beeswax in folk medicine for the treatment of sinusitis, hay fever, asthma, for cleaning the respiratory system, with pathologies of the oral cavity. Usually in treatment it is recommended to chew honey or wax from honeycombs. With this method of use, metabolism increases, salivation increases, and the secretory and motor function of the digestive tract increases. The respiratory organs are also cleaned, plaque from the teeth goes away, the gums strengthen, the runny nose passes.

For pathologies, it is recommended to chew pieces of wax every half hour. After chewing, the wax is spit.

The use of wax for children

For the treatment of pertussis, the following medicine is recommended for children: 2 drops of fennel, 50 grams of goose fat and the same amount of wax are mixed. The composition is applied to the chest area and hold for 15 minutes.

Wax helps with youthful acne. To prepare the product, a mass of 20 grams of wax, two tablespoons of crushed celandine and a spoon of glycerin are prepared.

Bee Product and Slimming

Wax has the ability to cause increased production of intestinal juice, which is necessary for the digestion of food. Because of this feature, pieces of wax are recommended to be chewed overnight for 15-20 minutes. This is especially useful after a hearty dinner.

Gastrointestinal Benefits

The product contains a large number of sorbents useful for the intestines. Eating wax helps to stimulate the digestive glands, helps to reduce the intestinal wall. Its use favorably affects the microflora of the digestive tract.

With wax, candles are made to treat rectal cracks. To prepare them, you need to mix three parts of wax with one part of honey and two parts of crushed marigold flowers. After emptying the bowel (necessarily after hygienic procedures), the finished candle is inserted into the rectum.

Wax composition

How to melt

The peculiarity of the physical properties of wax does not allow it to dissolve in water, alcohol. But in fats, oils, it melts well. To prepare funds from wax, it must be melted. At home, this is done in a water bath. After 15-20 minutes, the product begins to melt. When it is liquid, it is easy to mix with other components.

Not only folk, but also traditional medicine speaks about the benefits of wax. The unique composition of the product allows you to use it in a variety of ways, not only for the treatment of diseases, but also as a prophylactic.

To reproduce wax, preserving its composition, is beyond the power even of employees of scientific and technical institutes. This suggests that even advanced technologies cannot surpass the natural sources of health, longevity and beauty.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32018/

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