Kashasa - what is it ... Kashasa: recipes for cooking

Until recently, our compatriots did not even realize that there was a drink in the world called kashasa. What is it, what is it made of, how to drink it and how much? Nobody knew. Only in recent years, after export with Brazil was established, we began to supply this exotic, which immediately took root in local bars and nightclubs. Now in many cocktails, in shots and longs, an integral ingredient is precisely kashasa. What is it and how to consume this drink, we will now figure it out.

Appearance story

It's no secret that any strong alcoholic drink is always based on Braga, which can be made from any product that can ferment. According to the same methodology, it was made over the centuries and kashas. The drink began to be made in the era of colonization, when the Spaniards landed on the shores of modern Mexico, and the Portuguese chose Brazilian open spaces. The former began to produce their moonshine from blue agave, while the latter took ordinary reed as the basis . The most interesting thing is that modern kashasa owes its appearance to African slaves. In their native lands, this same reed was grown from time immemorial, and when they began to be transported to South America, their agricultural tradition also migrated with them. Initially, they made moonshine based on this plant on their own, and the Portuguese did not even suspect it. In the course of dense “cooperation” of the colonialists and slaves, the first to know about the existence of such a drink and undertook to improve it. So, by the 17th century, the alcoholic drink of casas became not just a symbol of the new country of Brazil, but also a trading unit for which slaves and goods were exchanged.

kashasa what is it

Modern Kashasa

Of course, from the 17th century, the recipe for the preparation of this drink, and some of its auxiliary components, and aging have changed in many ways. What is kashasa today? What kind of drink is it and what category does it belong to? It is made by distillation of a purified sugarcane extract . During this procedure, a kind of “moonshine” is obtained, the strength of which ranges from 38 to 40 degrees. The distillation process itself is divided into three stages: “head”, “heart” and “tail”. The final product is divided into the same subspecies. In this case, the first and last types are not considered worthwhile drinks and are always available at extremely low prices. True gourmets always drink a “heart”, which is characterized by a one-year aging, as well as a special cooking technology that gives the cashews a soft and pleasant taste.

kashasa drink

Useful properties of kashas

This drink, as it turned out, can serve as a medicine, a tonic for the whole body, and even a sedative for the nervous system. It is only important to know the dosage and not to make a mistake with the prescription. In general, Brazilian Cachasa is an excellent wound healing and disinfectant. So, to clean the intestines, restore the liver and spleen will help tincture of walnuts. We will need 10 pcs. green fruits, 800 g of sugar and a liter of cash. Mix everything and send to insist in a dark place for two weeks. You need to use this tool before each meal, one tablespoon.

The second recipe is an orange tincture, which includes kashasa. What does this give the body? Tones it, gives vigor and more strength. Cooking an orange tonic is easy. A pound of oranges and skin are mixed in a blender with a kilogram of sugar. Then add half a liter of cashews and boil the mixture. After it cools, you can use it. It is necessary to drink 50 g twice a day after meals.

Brazilian Cachasa

Harmful Properties of Brazilian Vodka

Mainly it is necessary to remember that kashasa is an alcoholic drink and at the same time very strong. Too frequent and excessive use of it can lead to addiction and further alcoholism. We also take into account that a large number of revolutions in this product can corrode the mucous membranes. If you have a stomach ulcer or other intestinal upsets, then you should give up kashasa. Well, and, of course, Brazilian vodka is contraindicated in pregnant women and minors.

kashasa reviews

We drink pure porridge

Undiluted reed vodka is drunk by the Brazilians themselves. This technique is very simple and consists in the fact that you need to pour the kashas into a 50-gram glass. In the drink’s homeland, such piles are called martelino. Just fill it with liquid, and next, as an appetizer, we put notched lime or lemon. You can’t swallow cachasa right away, because in this way it is impossible to feel its taste. It is necessary to fill the drink in the mouth, hold it there, rolling through the tongue, and then just take a sip. So you can feel the sweet smack of reed and feel the warmth. After that, have a bite of lemon or lime.

alcoholic drink kashasa

Brazilian Vodka Cocktails

If you do not like the taste of pronounced alcohol, then you can drown it out by making a cocktail. In Brazil, it is called Caipirinho and is very simple to prepare. Put a few slices of lime in a glass, knead them slightly, then fill in a teaspoon of cane sugar and pour in the porridge. It is best to drink such a refreshing cocktail through a straw.

What consumers say

In conclusion, we will consider how domestic citizens relate to such an exotic drink as kashasa. The reviews of everyone who has ever tried it, say that a real, not faked porridge is just a find for gourmets. At the same time strong and sweet, pleasant in taste and slightly tart, it perfectly “goes” with any products or without them. Many also note that in addition to Caipirinho, which originated on the shores of Copacabana, you can come up with absolutely any alcohol combination, the main thing is that as a result everything will be tasty.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3202/

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