How to cook millet porridge in milk? Secrets and subtleties

Sometimes you get tired of complex and multi-component dishes, and therefore sometimes you think about how to cook millet porridge in milk. It would seem that this is an elementary dish. Nevertheless, the preparation of millet porridge in milk has its own subtleties. This should always be considered. Little tricks will help to appreciate how good millet porridge is in milk. A photo of this dish is already causing appetite. And if you feel its aroma and try it, you will become a devoted fan.

how to cook millet porridge in milk

How to cook millet porridge in milk? Product Advantages

This cereal is very nutritious and healthy. There is more protein in millet than in barley and rice. In terms of phosphorus content, it competes with meat and offal. And folic acid is present in millet in the same quantities as in corn and wheat. The fact that all cereals are very rich in B vitamins that feed the nerve cells is not worth mentioning - this is certainly known to absolutely everyone. The contents of all the listed nutrients, as well as zinc, magnesium, iodine and bromine, do not exhaust the advantages of millet porridge.

cooking millet porridge in milk
In addition, it has excellent taste. Millet will help instill in children a love of cereal products. After all, it goes well with a variety of dried fruits and other delicious additives.

How to cook millet porridge in milk?

Take a glass of cereal, three glasses of water, half a liter of milk, fifty grams of butter, sugar and salt. The first secret is proper washing. Millet groats contain a lot of dust particles. They settle on pieces of millet and stick together during cooking. If you get rid of dust, then the finished cereal will be very crumbly and much more tasty.

millet porridge in milk photo
Before preparing millet porridge in milk, it must be washed with boiling water several times. For example, in this way: put in a sieve, pour over a glass of boiling water, then put under running water and hold for a while. Thus, high-quality cleaning of cereals will be ensured. After that, you need to put it in a saucepan, add water, add salt and sugar. Put on a fire and in no case cover it - this will prevent excessive swelling and viscosity. Do not leave millet on the stove unattended, after ten minutes it will boil, you need to catch this moment and immediately add the butter. It needs to be cut into small pieces and spread over the surface. This also contributes to obtaining a loose consistency of porridge. After half the water boils (and this will happen in a couple of minutes, since millet absorbs water very quickly), you need to pour in the heated milk. Cook another two or three minutes and turn it off. Now you can cover and leave in this position for half an hour. During this time, the cereal absorbs milk and comes to readiness. It can be eaten as an independent dish or, for example, with a carrot salad. Millet porridge with sour-milk products - kefir, low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese is very useful and tasty. This cereal, only cooked without milk and seasoned with a small amount of stewed vegetables, can be stuffed with lean cabbage.


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