Colorless henna for hair

Beautiful, shiny and healthy hair is an understandable dream of any woman. One of the popular folk remedies that can help bring your hair closer to the ideal is colorless henna.

What is she like? Colorless henna is obtained from lavsania, the very plant that makes up the henna that is known for coloring hair. However, for the production of colorless henna, the stems of this plant are used, and not its leaves, which have coloring properties.

There are so many ways to apply colorless henna. It is used not only for the prevention and treatment of hair, but also as a component of face masks.

How is colorless henna useful for hair? Reviews of women regularly using it for hair care say the following:

- colorless henna helps to improve blood circulation in the head and thereby strengthens the hair roots, and also prevents hair loss;

- activates the growth of new hair;

- helps fight dandruff (both oily and dry);

- reduces sebum secretion (very important for oily hair) ;

- restores, tightens and strengthens the hair structure, which is very useful for thin and weakened hair;

- gives hair extra volume and shine;

- calms the scalp in case of allergic reactions, relieves itching.

Colorless henna does not color hair, so it can be used by absolutely everyone, even platinum blondes. The only problem is freshly dyed or recently permed hair. In this case, the use of henna may give an unexpected result.

Colorless henna. Application

If you are not bothered by special problems with the hair, the prophylactic use of henna in the form of periodic masks and shampoos will be sufficient - they are applied to the head and kept for about half an hour about two times a week.

If you need to solve serious problems with hair or scalp, to achieve a positive result, you must take a course of 12-15 wraps or masks with colorless henna. For the preparation of masks, in addition to henna, many other hair-friendly products are often used, such as aromatic oils, medicinal herbs (nettle, string, chamomile), burdock oil, and various vitamin preparations.

The simplest recipe for using colorless henna to strengthen hair is as follows: dilute 100 g of henna powder to a uniform consistency with hot water (250 ml is enough) and apply to slightly damp clean hair. The head is insulated with a plastic film and a scarf or towel. The mask must be kept for 50 minutes, then rinse with water, cool or warm.

Hair Loss Prevention Mask

Take 2 tablespoons of cosmetic oil (olive, coconut), 1 tablespoon of castor oil, 2 tablespoons of colorless henna, green clay - 2 tablespoons, 5 drops of any suitable essential oil. Stir all these ingredients in a decoction of herbs or boiling water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, apply on the head and let stand for 1 hour. The mask is washed off with shampoo.

Mask for nourishing, shine and strengthen hair with kefir

Colorless henna, 2 tablespoons, pour warm kefir and leave for 20 minutes. Then the mask is applied to the roots, and the remaining mass is distributed along the length of the hair, hold for 40 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Precautionary measures

In general, colorless henna for use in cosmetology has no contraindications. However, individual intolerance to the product or an allergic reaction during its first use is possible. To prevent unwanted effects, apply diluted henna on your wrist or elbow. If it does not cause redness or a sensation of itching, you can safely use various masks based on colorless henna.


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