How to store cranberries at home: useful tips for housewives

Cranberries have long been considered a storehouse of vitamins. The berry is rich in ascorbic acid, which is why it is recommended as the prevention of colds. It is used both in traditional medicine and in cooking. But not everyone knows how to store cranberries for a long time. We’ll talk about this.

how to store cranberries at home

Berries make delicious mousses, salads, fruit drinks and even main dishes. And how useful are cranberry juices filled with vitamins! They are distinguished by healing power and spicy taste. Doctors recommend eating the berry year-round.

How to store cranberries at home so that it remains as healthy and tasty?

Yes, very simple. Remember: the sour berry is stored longer and best. After collection, it does not need to be cleaned of debris, it is under the swamp moss that the fruits remain fresh for a long time. So, how to store cranberries at home in many ways? We pass to the important part of the article.

To berries lay all winter, without losing their usefulness and taste, use ordinary water. But only unripe fruits are stored this way. Cranberries are laid out in a container, poured with boiled water and stored in this form throughout the winter period.

how to store cranberries for the winter

Many grind it with granulated sugar and freeze it. First, you need to sort out the fruits, remove the leaves. Then we wash and dry them, laying them on a towel. Pass dry berries through a meat grinder or beat in a blender with sugar (1: 1 ratio).

If you take less granulated sugar, the cranberries will begin to ferment and deteriorate. We shift the fruit mass into a clean and dry jar, cover with a lid and rearrange it in the attic or basement, where there is no dampness.


Still how to store cranberries? For the winter it can be frozen. This is a great and most acceptable option. Take undamaged fruits, rinse them well and put them in a special container or plastic bag. Shake the container periodically to prevent the berries from sticking together. Fresh frozen cranberries make jelly, fruit drinks and compotes. It can be diluted with dried fruits.

how to store cranberries

In dried form

How to store cranberries at home in dried form? The washed berries are slightly blanched until the flesh itself leaves the skin. Spread the product on a baking sheet with an even layer and dry in an oven at 60 ° C for 5 hours. A simple and effective method will appeal to the hostesses.

In the form of water

Fill the fruit with water, add a little honey, spices (cloves, cinnamon). We install oppression from above. In a month you can eat cranberries. In the wet state, it is even tastier.

In the form of jam

We recommend making delicious jam from cranberries, which will save you from vitamin deficiency in the winter. A glass of water and the same amount of granulated sugar are taken per kilogram of berries. Cook the syrup, add the fruit to it and leave it on low heat for 15 minutes. By the way, for piquancy, some put walnuts or apple slices. Ready jam is laid out on glass containers and corked.

So we told how to store cranberries at home without the use of harmful impurities - all recipes are quite simple and affordable. Similarly, any fruit is stored. Agree: it is much better to eat fresh products prepared with your own hands, knowing that they will bring tremendous benefits to the body.


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