Football player Maxim Buznikin: biography, personal life

Maxim Buznikin is a great football player and just a wonderful person. It is about him that the article will be discussed.

First steps

Buznikin Maxim Evgenievich was born in Krasnodar. He did very well in most subjects at school. By the way, his mother at the time completed her studies with honors. Her son, however, did not reach such a result. The main reason for a slight decline in studies, starting from about the 8th grade, was multiple trips to competitions and training camps. But no matter what business he did, he never needed to be customized.

Maxim Buznikin

The future forward took his first steps in the football field in 1993 in his homeland, in Krasnodar, training with the youth of Kuban. The fact that his father worked as a football coach really helped. But the boy trained with another mentor and, with much of his help, ended up in the main Krasnodar club. True, at that moment he went down in class and left the major league. In this regard, Maxim met with the highest echelon of domestic football, defending the colors of the Togliatti “Lada”.

Buznikin in Spartak

The most important milestone in the sports career of the young striker was an invitation to the Russian national team, which at that time was out of competition in the Commonwealth Cup tournament. There he was noticed by specialists from Spartak, who was then the flagship of domestic football and a multiple champion of the country. In 1997, Buznikin joined the Moscow team. When, in the late nineties, a promising pupil of Krasnodar football in transit through the Tolyatti Lada got into Spartak, he was quite easily able to adapt to life in the capital's metropolis. The young player was not lost on the field.

football player maxim buznikin personal life

The owner of non-standard dribbling without any problems compensated for his by no means outstanding physical data with excellent equipment. Especially dangerous are its feints in the immediate vicinity of the gates of rivals. Starting from the first matches, the rookie of the team began to confirm the correct choice of the Spartak leadership. He made an excellent debut in the Premier League, noting three goals against the Volgograd Rotor. During the three years spent in the red and white squad, he managed to become the owner of the Russian football champion three times.

Football player Buznikin Maxim: biography. Matches in the national team

The red and white period turned out to be very rich in medals of the highest dignity and European cup fights. And since the head coach Oleg Romantsev was also the head of the national team, the path to the main team of the country was greatly simplified. Maxim also started powerfully in the Russian team, in matches for which he scored five goals in five meetings. In total, he went on the field seven times in a T-shirt of the country's main team.

Buznikin Maxim Evgenievich

The football player played the final part of the 1999 season in "Saturn" from Ramensky, near Moscow. But the very next year he returned to Spartak and again won the gold medals of the champion of Russia.

Red-green career period

True, from 2001 to 2005, football player Maxim Buznikin defended the colors of another Moscow club called Lokomotiv. Over the years, he, along with teammates, was able to win two more championships. This happened in 2002 and 2004. As part of the railway, Maxim also played in the Champions League fights, noting 4 goals scored. Speaking for the “Locomotive”, he was remembered to a greater extent by specialists and fans, especially in the autumn European fights. Buznikina, along with teammate Vadim Evseev, perhaps, can be ranked among the champions. It is they who top the list of those Russian players who happened to become champions of the country as part of two different teams.

From this fact, we can conclude that the forward came to Lokomotiv by the prevailing master of a leather ball. Another trump card of the new striker of the railroad was the ability to successfully replace. He did not always get into the starting lineup of red-green, but this is understandable and permissible, because the bench should work to strengthen the team’s game.

Player Retirement

From 2005 to 2007, Maxim played for Rostov. And already in the debut season in the new team he is recognized as the best player in the club. Never distinguished by external dimensions and physical strength, he was one of the most technical players in the history of our football. Unfortunately, numerous injuries did not allow the talented and original athlete to fully reveal his potential.

football player maxim buznikin

In recent years, the striker has played in clubs that are not members of the elite division of Russian football. Known in the past for his performances for a number of leading clubs in the country, including Rostov, Spartak, Lokomotiv, the 35-year-old football player Maxim Buznikin decided to end his professional career as a player. For many fans, this came as a surprise.

Football player Maxim Buznikin: personal life, hobbies

Maxim was one of the most public figures in Russian football. His openness in communication aroused the respect of specialists and fans. But the expression of this person is not confined to the boundaries of the football field. In addition to scoring goals and winning awards, the track record of the former footballer, who is a passionate admirer of the work of Alexander Rosenbaum, has an already released author's song disc and even a music video.

football player buznikin maxim biography matches

Unfortunately, the football player’s personal life did not turn out as he would like. He is divorced. There is a son, Philip, who lives with his parents.

Today Buznikin is a successful businessman, the owner of his own LEGRAAL showroom, located in the very center of Krasnodar. All of the above is confirmed by the fact that not only is man alive by football. And today's Maxim Buznikin is a vivid confirmation of this.


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