Clay hair styling for men: instructions for use, types and effectiveness

Representatives of the stronger sex also very often monitor themselves and pay a lot of attention to their hair. A new invention in the hairdressing industry - hair styling clay for men. This product not only has excellent fixing properties, but also helps restore, strengthen weak and damaged strands.

hair styling clay for men

Stacking clay. What is it?

So, initially this tool was specially made by professionals. This is a high-quality product, which is based on natural cosmetic clay. But that is not all. Also, hair styling clay for men consists of other useful components.

There are only two types of remedy. The first was invented to create the effect of wet hair, and the second - for a matte shine. These two types of product are different from each other. Clay for the effect of wet hair in consistency is fatter than matting. It is perfect for long strands. At the same time, matting clay is created for men's short hair. The product with this effect is very thick. By consistency, it is more reminiscent of clay than conventional styling.

Is fixing clay useful?

Before answering the question, it is worth noting that cosmetic clay has useful properties. This means that any product that is created on its basis cannot be harmful. Hair styling clay for men can have a different effect. It depends on what basis was used in the production of the product. So, a product with a stimulating hair growth effect should be created on the basis of blue clay. Curls can be strengthened thanks to white clay, and black can help solve the problem of excessive fat and dandruff.

How to use clay for hair styling for men

Men's hair, as a rule, does not require careful styling. Therefore, clay is the best option for every day. In addition to nutrition and hair restoration, this tool by the degree of fixation and naturalness of the result is many times superior to various foams, gels and varnishes.

How to perform clay laying?

So, before you begin to carry out the manipulation, you need to figure out how to use clay for styling hair for men. Professional hairdressers have specially created a special algorithm. It will simplify this procedure as much as possible and make the male image irresistible:

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash your hair and wait for it to dry.
  2. After that, you can already begin to apply clay on the hair. It is necessary to take very little. A large amount of the product can spoil the styling, and the strands will seem dirty and sloppy. In addition, it is difficult to distribute the clay for laying in large quantities.
  3. Modern styling for young men basically require applying the product only on the ends of the hair.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in using clay. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of funds. It perfectly suits the stronger sex, because the hair with it looks natural and beautiful.

clay hair styling for men estel


Despite the fact that clay for hair styling for men creates very natural and natural images, do not forget that it is suitable only for voluminous, hard and long-term styling. To perfectly distribute the product along the hair, hairdressers recommend first rubbing the product between the palms, thereby heating it and making it more supple. After that, you can safely form the styling. Curls should be passed through the palms, creating an image.

Despite the fact that the hair after application of clay remains quite stiff, styling does not lose its elasticity and naturalness. The hair during and after use remains shiny and soft. Many note that after using this tool they are less likely to use masks and various oils for hair restoration. The product is removed easily and simply during normal shampooing. Also, you do not need to comb your hair and injure it.

hair styling clay for men reviews

Major manufacturers and prices

Clay hair styling for men is no longer considered a rare cosmetic product. The price for it varies mainly from 300 to 1500 rubles. The cost is affected by the brand, jar volume and product quality. However, do not think that clay is better if it is more expensive. There are several tools that are especially popular in the market:

  • Clay from Londa Professional. By consistency, it is plastic, with an average level of fixation. It forms curls not bad, while they remain natural both visually and by touch. The average price is 500 rubles.
  • Clay hair styling for men Estel. This is an inexpensive product that is based on white clay. The smell is neutral and very pleasant. On average, a jar costs 300 rubles.
  • Special male clay Schwarzkopf (3DMEN). Professionals developed this product for short stiff hair. The styling is light and natural, and the effect persists even after contact with water. Cost - from 700 to 900 rubles.
  • Clay from the Wella company. The most expensive of this list. It costs about 1,500 rubles. It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes hair. Despite this effect, clay doesn’t weigh down the hair at all, and the hair looks fresh and neat.

hair styling clay for men Price

Reviews and Opinions

Clay hair styling for men has become very popular among the stronger sex. Reviews about her are only the most positive. However, until now they are repelled by some criteria in this tool. First of all, this is the cost of clay. This is perhaps the most significant minus of this product. Indeed, the product is available in small jars, but its price is rather big. Hair stylists reassure their clients, convincing that even the smallest volume should be enough for at least six months.

Despite the drawback, those men who were satisfied with the clay noted its good degree of fixation, ease of styling, the possibility of experimenting with hair and soft hairstyles. Also, the stronger sex considers it a huge plus that clay consists almost entirely of natural ingredients. This has a positive effect on the condition of the hair, especially in summer with strong sun. So, hair styling clay can be an excellent alternative to waxes and gels, which make hair heavier, make strands stiff, and hair - dry and lifeless.


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