Becherovka: reviews about the alcoholic beverage

This article is about the reviews of those who managed to taste or even fall in love with the famous Becherovka liquor. Reviews as an opinion and evaluation of the product are very important, but each has its own preferences. As you know, a good review is an advertisement, and a bad review is a reputation loss. But in either case, you get information about this product. But our reader will also be interested to know the history of the creation of the product, production features, types of liquors and their medicinal properties.

Becherovka reviews

History of drink origin

Becherovka liquor - what is this drink? Reviews will tell you about the magical properties of this drink. In some reviews, consumers indicate that this product is a remedy for heaviness in the stomach. Each person, for example, after the New Year holidays tends to feel discomfort in the stomach. And to solve such problems, the Becherovka herbal drink, which was created by one Czech pharmacist, is stored in the house. According to reviews, the smell is herbal, although the presence of alcohol is also felt, because the drink is strong - 38 degrees.

So, a little history ... In the distant 1805, two comrades met after a long separation. And they were pharmacists by profession. This is how the story of creating Becherovka liquor begins. Joseph Becher and his friend Frobrig, by mixing different herbs and oils based on alcohol, obtained the experiment with the help of an amazing drink, which is now called Becherovka. Initially, the liquor was called "Yogan Becher." In 1841, the father hands the case over to the son of Johann Becher, whose heir was his son Gustav. In 1890, Gustav Becher in honor of his father registers the brand of liquor under his name. In 1945, after the liberation of Czechoslovakia from the German occupiers, the Becher family was evicted from the country as part of a nationalization company. The company was nationalized, and the drink was renamed Becherovka.

"Becherovka" what kind of drink reviews

Features of the production and use of Becherovka

The first feature of the preparation of liquor is the use of drinking water from Karlovy Vary sources. More than twenty types of herbs are mixed, placed in bags made of natural fiber and immersed for one week in ethyl alcohol. Then the extract obtained is transferred to oak barrels and mixed with water and sugar, insisting for two to three months. Herbs are used in precise, measured proportions. The composition of the liquor also includes such ingredients: cinnamon, anise, orange zest, cloves, cardamom, allspice.

Becherovka is recommended to be consumed in small portions of 50 milliliters at a temperature of 5-7 degrees Celsius. If you drink liquor not cold, then, of course, the aroma opens wider, but the drink becomes sharper. Have a bite of liquor with a slice of orange sprinkled with cinnamon. Other types of snacks are not strictly recognized. This type of use is considered classic.

We describe other ways to drink liquor. Drink liquor in one sip and drink a glass of light beer. This method has especially taken root in Slovakia, but due to the difference in fortress it can lead to fast and severe intoxication.

Also, liquor can be consumed with drinks such as juice. Ideal for currant, cherry and apple juices. Proportions are observed based on personal preferences. Mix liquor with tea and coffee. Here you feel a pleasant herbal aftertaste, moreover, you provide yourself with an increase in the level of immunity, stimulate the digestive system and the general tone of the body.

Considering the above, in the reviews about Becherovka it can be read that when drinking this liquor with coffee, tea and especially with juice it brings great pleasure. You will discover this drink again!

The healing properties of the drink

Initially, herbal liquor was considered a stimulant for the digestive system, increased appetite, that is, was an aperitif, promoted the release of gastric juice, and further relaxed the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

Becherovka Lemond reviews

Types of Becherovka liquors

To date, we distinguish five types of "Becherovka". The first is “Original Becherovka”, its composition has not changed since 1807, the fortress is 38%. We highlight such ingredients as vodka, anise, orange zest, cinnamon. Attention is drawn to the reviews of tourists who visited the Czech Republic, who highlighted “Original Becherovka”, it is really quite strong, tastes like our vodka. Reviews about "Becherovka" emphasize the similarity with our traditional drink, which is a kind of bread wine. They are connected by a commonality, consisting in the special softness of not distilled, but filtered water for the production of both products.

No less popular is Becherovka Lemond. Reviews about this type of liquor can be found quite often. Citrus fruits are added to the "lemon", its strength is much lower than that of the "Becherovka Original", and is 20%. More popular among the beautiful half of humanity, who note the original taste of this type of liquor. It is drunk very easily, leaves a pleasant aftertaste. In general, uplifting. Consumers also note that in the process of consumption, Becherovka Lemond gives a fresh, slightly burning citrus flavor with menthol. Also, according to reviews, "Becherovka" lemon can be a great gift for friends.

The third type of liquor is Becherovka Cordial, lime composition is added to the composition of this liquor with a strength of 35%.

The fourth type of liquor is Becherovka KV 14. This is a classic liquor with a strength of 40%. Pretty strong with the addition of red wine. The aroma and taste of it will not leave you indifferent, it is this liquor that will make you feel the whole unforgettable aroma, especially if you try it warm.

And, finally, the Bechera factory novelty, released since March 2014, is Becherovka. Ice and Fire ”, the strength of the liquor is 30%. Consumers really liked the new type of Becherovka liquor. Ice and Fire ”, the taste of which subsequently changes and leaves the aroma of spicy pepper. Very unusual, according to buyers.

Vodka "Becherovka" reviews

Cocktail Recipes

Reviews about Becherovka liquors are varied and interesting, because the consumer always expresses his opinion sincerely. Like many alcoholic drinks, it causes intoxication, preliminarily raises the mood, and Becherovka is one of those drinks that make life happier, but the main thing is not to get carried away. Still, it should be taken exclusively to cleanse the body, the drink acts gently and delicately, in the morning the head does not hurt.

We present to your attention recipes for cocktails, which contain “Becherovka” in their composition. Here are the most popular among them:

  1. The first layer is Becherovka, 50 milliliters, the second layer is Triple Sec liqueur. Before serving, the top layer is set on fire. It looks very impressive.
  2. The most simple cocktail. Becherovka (40 ml) is mixed with 150 ml of Coca-Cola. You can decorate with a slice of lemon.
  3. Currant juice (150 ml) mixed with 40 ml of Becherovka and 50 ml of tonic, add a few ice cubes and garnish with a mint leaf.
  4. Shaking strongly in the shaker, our liquor and grapefruit juice interfere in equal proportions. Decorate with a cocktail cherry.
  5. In a glass with ice, add 40 ml of Becherovka, 10 ml of orange juice and 15 ml of grenadine, do not mix. Before serving, the glass is decorated with strawberries.

Tasting, or Welcome to Masaryk Street

There is a Becherovka museum. According to tourists, the tour is interesting, during it there is a tasting of products. The history of the origin of liquor impresses many. Today it is a sought-after brand, popular, widely known, having a huge number of positive reviews. They talk about Becherovka with pleasure. Many recommend drinking it cold, some consumers in their reviews emphasize its similarity with potion, but with light herbal notes. But overall reviews remain positive. Gift decoration of this product attracts the attention of tourists.

Becherovka taste reviews

How much is it to be surprised?

The price of tincture in the Czech Republic varies in small ranges, for example, the price will be pleasantly surprised at the Prague airport, where you can buy 0.5 liters for 140 kroons of Karlovy Vary Becherovka. Reviews from our readers, of course, affect the cost of this product. So, according to our travelers, in Karlovy Vary prices in supermarkets for Becherovka liquor are in the range of 170-180 crowns for 0.5 liter of liquor. In Russia, the price of Becherovka for 0.5 liters is about 750 rubles, and for 1 liter - a little more than a thousand.

Becherovka reviews

Such different opinions!

About Becherovka, reviews are sometimes ambiguous, many compare liquor with potion. The difference between liquor and classical herbal tinctures is the presence of sugar, so the calorie content of the liquor is 248 kcal per 100 grams. Yes, sometimes we come across different opinions about alcohol in general, but it should be remembered that initially this liquor was created as a medicine, as a tonic, cold and digestive agent. And only then did the beloved tincture become an alcoholic drink. Reviews about the taste of Becherovka in the predominant amount are positive.

But remember, dear, that excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is harmful to your health!

Karlovy Vary Becherovka reviews

Conclusion Total

Summing up the above, I would like to note the fact that throughout its history Becherovka has received many prizes and awards. Today it is a popular and sought after brand with an interesting history.


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