Bodyguard work: features, job description and reviews

What is known about the bodyguard profession? Probably, the representatives of this craft are big, tough guys who protect very important people from danger. Is it so? All about the profession of a bodyguard will be described in this article.

What is a bodyguard?

It’s worth immediately discarding the stereotype that personal protection is an indicator of status, prestige and wealth. Often, bodyguards are needed to protect their lives and those of their loved ones. Not always wealthy people have personal protection. Increasingly, not the richest citizens begin to use the services of a bodyguard. And there can be many reasons for this: constant threats, fear of someone's revenge, etc.

And what is a bodyguard job like? A quality and competent employee in the field of personal security should be calm, physically strong and, most importantly, attentive. The bodyguard must constantly keep fit, otherwise there may be a risk of losing his job.

But what does the job description about personal security guards? Work as a bodyguard is unlikely to be obtained without an appropriate education (education either in the required specialty, or special courses), a license to conduct his professional activities and a license for weapons. In addition, the bodyguard must know the content of a large number of regulations and rules, and also be able to apply these rules in practice. The personal guard is subordinate to the head of the security service.

About the personal qualities of a bodyguard

Only if certain qualities and skills are possessed can the work in question be obtained.

bodyguard work
A personal bodyguard is unlikely to be a person nervous, inattentive and irritable. You need to have completely different qualities and character traits in order to work in personal guard. But what are these qualities?

As mentioned above, this is, of course, heightened mindfulness. It is not enough to have only a strong physique. To get a job you need to be very smart, perhaps even a cunning person. Healthy guys on the heels of an important person are shown only in films. In fact, the bodyguard is a secretive, inconspicuous person. He must be able to dissolve in the crowd, notice what others do not notice - even the smallest details. Only through heightened feelings and the ability to anticipate danger can a bodyguard be obtained.

It is also worth highlighting the main factors that impede the acquisition of a post:

  • weak nervous system;
  • any health problems;
  • increased anxiety;
  • fatigue;
  • increased or decreased activity;
  • insufficiently developed thinking, poor memory.

Bodyguard Responsibilities

One can single out the most basic duty of a personal guard: to protect the protected person.

work as a personal bodyguard
However, not all so simple. This obligation falls into many large and small functions that must be carried out in a high-quality manner. Bodyguard work is a very responsible profession. There is also a job description for this craft, in which the following is written about responsibilities:

  • competent execution of the functions assigned to the employee;
  • vigilance throughout the working day;
  • taking measures to eliminate threats to the protected person;
  • focus on one’s work, prohibition of distractions on external factors;
  • application of decisive, competent and well-coordinated functions in case of danger or threat;
  • reports to the bosses about the current situation.

About bodyguard liability

The job description also contains a section regarding the responsibility of a representative of such a profession as a bodyguard-guard.

bodyguard guard work
The work is really complicated and even dangerous, and therefore the corresponding responsibility is assigned to the employee. Here is what the job description prescribes:

  • the bodyguard is responsible for the improper performance of their functions, and even more so for their complete failure to perform;
  • for causing various kinds of material harm;
  • for disciplinary, administrative or even criminal offenses.

Thus, all the points listed above on the responsibility of the bodyguard are fully disclosed and quite fair.

About bodyguard rights

And what does the instruction on the rights of a representative of the profession in question say? What legal opportunities does this work provide?

work bodyguard personal guard
The bodyguard-personal guard has the right:

  • on social guarantees;
  • requirements from management assistance;
  • requirements from the authorities for optimal working conditions;
  • on acquaintance with accepted documents and norms, one way or another relating to the specialist in question;
  • to make wishes, projects and plans to the authorities, which may contribute to the optimal and efficient work of the organization.

Thus, the professional rights of a bodyguard are practically no different from the professional rights of any other employee.

Who is a bodyguard translator?

Oddly enough, but the bodyguard profession has quite a few subspecies: work as a driver-bodyguard, bodyguard-counterintelligence, etc.

work bodyguard driver
A personal translator is just such one of these kinds. What can you tell about the representative of this profession?

The bodyguard translator (another name is the bodyguard-referent) is, one might say, the top of the career ladder, the most prestigious and highest paid profession in the field of personal security. After all, a protected person, in fact, kills two birds with one stone: he hires a person with whom he could negotiate and at the same time feel safe. Of course, not everyone can afford such a guard. In addition, there must be a definite need for such a specialist.

Regarding the bodyguard-translator itself, it is worth saying that he has advanced functions, rights and obligations. And, accordingly, the responsibility falls on him very much.

About the dangers of the profession

There are four types of danger to which personal bodyguards may be exposed.

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They are classified according to reality.

There is a so-called “potential hazard”. It implies the fact that the bodyguard profession is dangerous in itself. The target can be not only the person being protected, but also his guards themselves. It is worth mentioning the so-called "competitive war" and its subspecies. The thing is that the greater the voltage comes "from above", the higher the risk of the danger to the bodyguard itself.

The next view is imaginary danger. Its essence is clear from the name: the bodyguard itself poses some kind of threat in his own mind. This situation can have both a positive and a negative connotation. On the one hand, a sense of imaginary danger can be good intuition. And on the other - the usual alarmism, which in no case should be subjected to a bodyguard.

The provoked responsibility is the kind of danger that the guard himself can cause. Simply put, the poor work of a bodyguard leads to real threats and dangers that will be directly provoked by the personal guard himself.

And, of course, the real danger. Explain this phenomenon does not make sense. However, it is worth mentioning that the bodyguard is always eliminated first, and only then an important person.

Where can I get a bodyguard?

Those wishing to get the position in question should take into account, as options, primarily large, large cities.

work bodyguard personal guard spb
It is unlikely that in small provinces, and even less so in villages and villages, work as a bodyguard guard can be obtained. Moscow, Minsk, Kiev, Astana and many other capitals of various states are often teeming with advertisements for the search for a personal bodyguard.

But it is worth considering the fact that those who seek protection are unlikely to hire anyone horrible. As a rule, contacts are required, trustees who could confirm that the hired guard can be trusted. Thus, in addition to the difficulties in the profession itself, the work “bodyguard-personal guard” itself can be quite difficult to obtain. St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Ufa and other large cities are those regions where there may be vacancies for the profession in question. But, as already indicated, the main thing is good social connections.


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