Mask for thickening hair: professional and folk remedies, reviews

Unfortunately, in our time, many women face different hair problems. Often they are associated with draining and thinning. Everyone wants to have a magnificent and well-groomed hair. It allows you to be more attractive to the male, as well as cause enthusiastic exclamations and compliments from other women. From this representative of the fair sex are filled with special energy, their mood improves, inspiration appears.

At all times, many poets praised the curls of beautiful ladies in their poems, songs and tales. Despite the variability of fashion and the variety of haircuts, healthy and thick hair always remains unrivaled. Today we will talk about solving the issue of thin weakened curls, we will analyze the causes of this problem and consider different ways of thickening hair with professional and home remedies.

hair thickening

Reasons for thin hair

First, consider why the hair is not enough thickness and volume.

Of course, genetics plays an important role. It determines the diameter of the hair shaft and its structure. If treatment with home remedies does not help in this case, then in the modern beauty industry there are different ways to thicken hair using salon procedures.

Our hair is also greatly influenced by the environment and our lifestyle. Improper nutrition, metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins A, E and group B, a woman’s hormonal imbalance, infectious diseases, iron deficiency, nervous system disorders, drug treatment, poor ecology, hard water, smoking and alcohol abuse - all these factors affect on the state of the whole organism, not excluding hair. The main recommendations in these cases are restoring a balanced diet, giving up bad habits, taking vitamins and using masks to thicken hair.

The most common causes of thinning curls are frequent dyeing, abuse of strong styling agents, perm, frequent exposure to electric tools for drying and styling hair, the use of metal combs.

Many women should not forget about headgear in the winter season. Exposure to low temperatures is an important factor adversely affecting the condition of the hair. They need to be protected in the summer season, given the effect of sunlight, salty sea or chlorinated water in the pool. Such factors, even in healthy hair, can cause dryness and brittleness.

These are the main causes of poor hair condition. By eliminating the effects of the above factors, you can significantly improve the quality of your curls. Regular care with professional and home remedies will make your hair healthy.

hair thickening at home

Proper care

There are some basic hair care tips. Using them, you can restore and improve their structure.

One simple procedure is proper shampooing. Regular cleansing of contaminants, moisturizing, nutrition with the help of selected products for your hair type can be carried out both in the beauty salon and at home.

To protect your hair you need:

  • Protect them during installation, that is, dry naturally or in cold air.
  • Eliminate the use of hot tools when creating hairstyles
  • Use a comb made of natural materials.
  • Limit exposure to the sun, and in the cold season do not go outside without a hat.
  • When visiting the pool, use a special hat.

A great opportunity to take care of the restoration of thinned curls is homemade masks for thickening hair with oils from natural products.

professional thickening agents

Professional Tools

In beauty salons, there are many different services for sealing curls. Using these methods, you can make the hairstyle more voluminous by increasing the diameter of the hair. Using artificially created means, an additional layer in the form of a transparent film is created on the hair. It envelops each hairline along its entire length and thereby increases its diameter.

The most popular are lamination and shielding. These methods give a quick effect of thick groomed curls, but, unfortunately, short-term. In this way, you can achieve the desired result for only a few months.

A more gentle way to thicken hair is to constantly care using shampoos, balms, various foams and sprays. Properly selected products will help you cope with the problem of thin hair. Regular use of masks to strengthen and thicken hair will also help make the hair more voluminous.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that pantenol, keratin, B vitamins, coenzyme Q10, sugar extracts, niacinamide are included in the composition of the sealing agents. All these elements in the composition of masks for strengthening hair can not only give them volume, but also improve their structure.

Hair thickening at home

It is worth noting that most shampoos and other hair care products contain harmful substances. Their number ranges from small doses to significantly high. Therefore, do not neglect folk methods of hair care. These products are based only on natural products. To thicken hair, recipes that have been proven over the years can also be used.

homemade mask for thickening hair

There are many effective methods for thickening and thickening hair that can be used at home.

Masks with essential oils

This is one of the most effective ways to thicken hair. Aroma massage and aroma combing can also be used to restore chic hair. And masks based on vegetable oils have a good effect not only on the hair shaft, but also on its root. In addition, unlike expensive salon procedures, such funds will cost a penny.

The most common options for masks for thickening hair based on essential oils:

Recipe based on two oils. You will need:

  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l
  • Jojoba oil - 5 drops.
  • Vitamin A in ampoules - 4 drops.

We mix all the ingredients, distribute along the entire length of the hair. We wrap it in a plastic bag and hold for one and a half hours. After carefully rinse off the mask with shampoo and rinse aid.

Recipe based on three oils. Essential Ingredients:

  • Almond oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • Sesame oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • Sage essential oil - 6 drops.

The mask must be applied to wet hair, starting from their roots. It is recommended to put on a plastic hat and wrap your head in a towel. Rinse off the mask after 1 hour.

Gelatin hair mask

Gelatin to help

The gelatin mask for thickening hair has proved itself to be good among women with thin hair. It suits all types of hair.

For cooking you will need:

  • Gelatin - 50 gr.
  • Conditioner - 2 tbsp. l
  • Cold water - 100 ml.

Pour gelatin into a small container, pour cold water into it with a thin stream and mix thoroughly. Leave on for 30 minutes. When the gelatin swells in water, add balm and apply the product over the entire length of the hair. Stand for 35 minutes. In this case, rinse off the mask with shampoo is not necessary, only running water.

After applying the home mask, the curls will become thicker and acquire a natural shine.

Lamination effect

A mask based on soy protein is suitable for thickening thin, brittle and dull hair. Apply it only 2 times a month.

The composition of this mask for thickening and density of hair includes:

  • Soybean powder - 75 gr.
  • Cold clear water - 3 tbsp. l
  • Powdered Sugar - 25 gr.

Stir all the ingredients in a small saucepan. Evenly distribute wet locks on each strand. Put on a plastic hat and stand for 60 minutes. Rinse off such a mask to thicken the hair with slightly warm water.

Mask with essential oils

Another recipe for a home mask that creates the effect of lamination can also be prepared at minimal cost:

  • juice of half a lemon or lime;
  • corn or potato starch - 1 tsp;
  • coconut milk - Β½ tbsp .;
  • extra virgin olive oil - 1 tablespoon

Mix coconut milk with olive oil in a refractory container and heat in a steam bath. Gradually add starch and lemon to the mass, stirring constantly. The liquid should acquire a creamy structure. The mask must be applied until it has completely cooled down. After distributing the composition to all the curls, put a plastic bag on your head and wrap it with a towel. Soak the mask on the hair for 45-60 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water, preferably using a sulfate-free shampoo. Rinse hair until creamy mass is completely removed.

Such a mask will help to make the hair thicker and heavier without the help of hairdressers.

masks for thickening hair

Reviews on the use of folk recipes

Reviews about masks for thickening hair with folk remedies can be found quite a lot. Mostly positive. But it is worth noting that the result is usually satisfied with those who have the patience to apply alternative recipes regularly. You need to understand that there are no magic tools that can bring tangible results in a short time. This can be said about those reviews that say that masks made according to folk recipes did not help.

As the advantage of masks for thickening hair at home is their cost-effectiveness, because they can be made from the funds that every housewife will find in the house.

Many are satisfied with the naturalness of the components used, that is, you know exactly what your hair mask consists of, unlike professional products, where there are a lot of chemical additives.


What methods are better to use? Someone prefers professional means, and someone only likes folk recipes. In fact, both approaches are correct, both have their advantages and disadvantages. It will be most correct to combine these methods in order to compensate for the disadvantages and strengthen the advantages.


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