The most beautiful lakes in Russia: top 5

Russia is a huge country, which is famous for its natural wealth. Here you can find absolutely everything, so it’s not necessary to go and look for beautiful places in another country. There are especially many reservoirs in the country, many tourists are interested in what is the most beautiful lake in Russia? It is difficult to say for sure, because there are a lot of them, each of which is famous for its uniqueness and unusualness.

Great natural wealth of Russia

Russia can rightfully be called a country of amazing beauty, because there are places in it that impress with their uniqueness everyone who has visited them. There really is something to see here. What are the most beautiful rivers and lakes of Russia, which are known beyond its borders?

The lakes of our homeland are the real natural wealth for which it is famous. Each of them has its own unique beauty and amazing characteristic. There are reservoirs in the country, which many have not even heard of, but from this they do not become less beautiful.

The stunning nature of the country.

Lakes of Russia: top 5

In this article we will provide a list of the most beautiful lakes in Russia with photos so that you can see them with your own eyes, and also learn a lot of interesting things about them.

Majestic Baikal

Everyone without exception heard about Baikal, which is not surprising, because it is the most beautiful lake in Russia. It is located in the southeast of our country. It is famous not only in our area, but throughout the world. The reservoir has an honorary title - the deepest lake in the world. In addition, Baikal is one of the largest lakes.

It is famous for its clear and crystal clear water, which contains a minimal amount of salts. The area near the lake is decorated with hills and beautiful mountains. In addition, there are representatives of flora and fauna that are not found in other places. Now you know the name of the most beautiful lake in Russia.

The majestic Baikal.

The famous Baskunchak

A unique reservoir that can be found in the Astrakhan region. He got the second place in the rating due to his useful properties. The waters of the lake contain a large amount of mineral salts. Natural clay and sulphidoyl mud also have healing properties, the effectiveness and usefulness of which can be compared with treatment in the Dead Sea. The area has very clean air, which contains volatile and bromine, which also have a beneficial effect on human health.

You can find the first mention of the lake in the "Book of the Great Drawing", which falls on 1627. It is referred to as a place where you can get the same pure salt as ice. Nowadays, Baskunchak salt is one of the best in the world. It takes four fifths of the total salt that is produced in the country.

Baskunchak has a very hard surface on which a person can walk, but it is not everywhere like that. It’s definitely impossible to drown in this lake, since there is a lot of salt in the water, the percentage ratio of which is 90%, so the body will be pushed out. Thanks to such amazing and useful properties, as well as beauty, it can be called one of the most beautiful lakes in Russia.

The famous Baskunchak.

Amazing Seydozero

Another lake that cannot be told about is Seydozero. It is located on the Kola Peninsula, which is located in the Murmansk region. The pond is surrounded on all sides by beautiful mountains. If you translate the word β€œseyd” from Sami, you get β€œsacred”. This is one of the most beautiful lakes in Russia, the photo of which is given below.

Amazing Seydozero.

It is clear that this reservoir for the Sami is considered sacred, but another interesting discovery that happened at the end of the last century is also connected with it. Near it were found the remains of a very ancient highly developed civilization. According to ancient scriptures, it was called Hyperborean. Disappeared due to global cataclysm. Also in this area were found traces of ancient buildings, among which:

  1. Fortification buildings.
  2. Ancient observatory.
  3. The remains of the largest runic inscriptions that are on the coastal cliffs.

Thanks to the study of traces of some structures, we can conclude that these are pyramids destroyed in the past.

In addition, sacred stones called seids are found on the territory of the lake. There is another place where you can find them - this is Karelia. They are associated with the cult of the dead, which was adopted by Sami beliefs. There is also a 70-meter petroglyph, which is located on one of the rocks. He depicts a giant who was nicknamed Kuyv in the past.

Raspberry Lake

If we are already talking about the most beautiful lakes in Russia (you can find photos and names in the article), then we can not help but mention another wonderful reservoir, which Altai Territory is famous for. They called him Raspberry Lake. The reservoir contains a lot of salt, and it is also referred to as Borovoye Lakes.

Water and mud in a pond are very beneficial for the human body. In addition, due to such a high concentration of salt in it, it is very easy to swim. However, you should be aware that because of the salt, a hard crust forms on the bottom of the lake, which can be easily cut.

They knew about the Crimson Lake during the reign of Catherine II. Few people know, but it was the salt from this reservoir that was served at the table of the great empress, which greatly surprised her overseas guests.

What is so unusual about this lake? Its crimson color. This is how it turns out due to the fact that planktonic crustaceans that produce pink pimento live in the reservoir, so the result is a lake of such a crimson color.

Throughout the year, the color of the water may change. With the advent of spring, the color becomes brighter and more saturated. In autumn, it becomes brown.

Raspberry Lake.

Lotus lake

If you do not know what the most beautiful lake in Russia is, then we will tell you about another unique reservoir. It is called the Lotus Lake. You can find a pond in the Volga-Akhtuba Bay, namely, near the city of Volgograd.

It is unusually beautiful, so a large number of tourists visit the lake to admire the flowering of lotuses and soak in a romantic mood.

The pond can not be called large, but thanks to the lotuses, its view is breathtaking. Flowers bloom from August to September, so if you want to see the lake in all its glory, it is best to go here during this period.

Lotus Lake.

Karst Lakes Group

Separately, we will talk about another miracle of Russian nature - karst blue lakes, of which there are five. They are located in Kabardino-Balkaria in the Cherek region.

According to the story, the famous French explorer Jacques Yves Cousteau was immersed in one of the lakes. However, he was not able to measure its depth. If we turn to the official version, it says that the distance from the surface to the bottom of the Lower Blue Lake itself is 386 meters. But this figure can hardly be called accurate, since the bottom has not been reached. This pond never freezes, as all year round its temperature is 9 degrees. Thanks to this property, the lake is loved by divers. On its shore there is even a diving center, which also works all year round.

There is an interesting legend about its origin. In the distant past, there was a duel between the hero Bataraz and the dragon, as a result of which the monster died. It fell, and because of this, a failure formed in the mountains. Over time, it filled with water. The dragon is still at the bottom of the pond and cries, so the lake has an unpleasant smell. Here is such a legend. As for the smell, it is really unpleasant, but because of the hydrogen sulfide. For the same reason, no one lives in the lake except the humus crustacean.

Blue Lakes.

But in the West and East Blue Lakes there is no such problem, because they live in fish. There is also the Secret Blue Lake, which is located in a karst crown surrounded by a beech forest. It is secret because if a person does not know about him, then he may calmly not notice him, which is insulting, because it is very beautiful.

And the last Dry Blue Lake, which is also located in the karst hole. It has steep walls that reach a height of 180 meters.

You were given the most beautiful lakes in Russia with a photo, name and description. Now you know what beautiful places are in our country. Be sure to visit them, because they have something to surprise you with.


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