Ariete steam cleaner: models and reviews

Household appliances greatly simplify the daily life of every person, allowing you to automate or facilitate many routine operations. One of the universal tools for performing various types of work is the Ariete steam cleaner. Let's look at what these household appliances are and what tasks they can handle.

How the steam cleaner works

By default, most steam cleaners have the following components:

  • Container for water or steam, depending on the model.
  • A heating element, which, in fact, turns water into steam. The more powerful it is, the stronger the steam stream will be in the end.
  • A hose with nozzles or a set of nozzles that are worn directly on the body.

After turning on the device, heating of the water begins, as a result of which it gradually takes on a gaseous state. In cheaper models, steam gradually starts to come out of the nozzle and the power builds up smoothly. The models are more expensive equipped with a trigger, and steam can accumulate in the tank, as a result of which the Ariete steam cleaner can deliver maximum power almost immediately.

The principle of action is that the formed vapor escapes under high pressure, acting on the particles of dirt from the inside and washing them out. In fact, the resulting effect can be compared to washing with a jet of water under high pressure, only the amount of liquid is much smaller. Therefore, it can be used in almost all areas of everyday life - from clothing to the walls of the kitchen.

ariete steam cleaner

How to extend the life of a steam cleaner

It's no secret that the water flowing from the tap is often not very clean. A scale will inevitably form on the kettle over time, and the plumbing will β€œdie” pretty quickly. You should protect your Ariete 4203 steam cleaner from this effect, since it has fairly thin tubes. And they can quickly become clogged.

In order to avoid failure of the device, it should be charged with purified water, ideally distilled. Buying it for every time will be an expensive pleasure, but getting it is not so difficult if you have air conditioning. Collect water that simply drains from it into the street - this is pure water without any impurities, and it can be safely used for refueling. If this is not possible, it will not be out of place to use anti-scale products every time you use a steam cleaner.

ariete steam cleaners review

Where to use a steam cleaner

The scope of this household appliance is actually quite wide. Let's consider some, especially popular options, the use of steam cleaners.

Initially, they were used in medicine for the disinfection of walls and surfaces. They can be used for this purpose today. Steam cleaners with special nozzles easily cope with the grease residue on the walls and tables. At the same time without damaging the surface. You can also wash the tiled floor using an Ariete steam cleaner, while simplifying your task and minimizing the use of chemicals.

It’s not news to anyone that stains can remain on large items after washing, due to the fact that the powder wasn’t completely washed. This problem can also be dealt with with a steam cleaner. Small particles of water penetrate well into the tissue and clean out the remaining powder, eliminating white stains. In the case of clothes, a steam cleaner can also be used as an iron. It is enough to hang up a jacket, coat or dress and steamer - and the wrinkles disappear.

steam cleaner ariete 4203

What you should not clean with a steam cleaner

Remember that the steam pressure is high enough, so this device is not suitable for cleaning products from delicate fabrics, such as velor, as well as lace. Wooden varnished, and even more so waxed surfaces will also not be happy with such a treatment, because they do not tolerate high temperatures.

Steam cleaners are quite effective for cleaning glass, but do not forget that glass can crack from temperature changes. Therefore, it is not recommended to carry out such work with windows using an Ariete 4207 steam cleaner in the cold season.

steam cleaner ariete 4170

What are household steam cleaners

When choosing a steam cleaner, you should first of all ask what purpose it will be used for. It should be noted that all of them can be divided into two main types - floor and manual.

Floor standing appliances are primarily designed for wet cleaning indoors. They are quite bulky and resemble a vacuum cleaner, even the nozzle has a similar shape. Their advantage can be called the power of the boiler and its volume, as well as the relatively high time of continuous operation without refueling. A large selection of nozzles will allow you to choose the right one for each required operation. An example is the Ariete 4170 steam cleaner, one of the best in the floor segment.

Manual steam cleaners are lightweight, but it imposes its limitations. They are more convenient to use for cleaning fabrics, household appliances and in other similar situations. Owing to their small size, they have a small boiler and short operating time from one refueling, as well as a reduced steam pressure. However, they are more comfortable to use to clean kitchen appliances such as microwave ovens and stoves, or to smooth clothes. As an example, we can single out the Ariete 4105 steam cleaner, which has got a nice shape and combines the main advantages of hand tools.

steam cleaner ariete 4207

What points should be considered when choosing

If you have decided on the scope of tasks in which your new home assistant will work, then you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Boiler volume - the higher this indicator, the longer the steam cleaner will work, but its weight will also be greater.
  • Heater power - with an increase in this indicator, the strength of the steam jet also increases. In addition, the time between power-up and standby time is reduced.
  • The number of nozzles - everything is clear here. The more there are, the more versatile the Ariete steam cleaner is, and the easier it is to perform different tasks with it.
  • The length of the power cord - this parameter is especially important for hand-held devices, since they sometimes need to get into hard-to-reach places, and there may not be any outlets nearby.
  • Hose length - only floor models are already engaged in battle here. The longer the hose, the less you will have to rearrange the heavy box and carry it along. But there is a flip side to the coin - in small rooms, like a bathroom, a long hose can be frankly superfluous and interfere with comfortable cleaning.
  • Dimensions - this parameter is also important, as it may turn out that the purchased floor device is inconvenient to store. A manual may not allow you to get to all the places where they need to use.
  • Steam pressure - you should pay attention to it if you plan to work with delicate surfaces so as not to damage them with a strong jet. Conversely, a higher power is needed to clean complex dirt.

steam cleaner ariete 4105

Ariete Steam Cleaner Reviews

Users do not often leave their feedback on the operation of certain devices. But in general, a positive opinion develops about the company. Among the shortcomings of some models, a rather long heating and a small number of nozzles are noted, but this only applies to budget options. Otherwise, many are advised to choose exactly Ariete (steam cleaners). User reviews show that they are reliable and durable devices that facilitate many routine operations.


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