AdvCash payment system: reviews. Instant transfers to Advanced Cash card

The problem of exchanging money between users using the Internet is always relevant. Despite the fact that in this market there are already more than a dozen projects designed to simplify such a financial exchange as much as possible, there are still a lot of difficulties that ordinary users need to overcome. It is not surprising that mutual settlement services appearing again and again are in demand, gaining new customers around the world.

In this article we will talk about another similar project. Its task is to make settlements between system participants as convenient as possible. In addition, the service is also a link with other platforms: with its help, you can withdraw money to bank cards, transfer to other virtual currencies, exchange for cryptocurrencies and perform many other operations. This payment system is called AdvCash.

about the project

AdvCash payment system

In fact, there is not so much information about the service in question on the Internet. No, of course, you can find a lot of instructions and descriptions of what this project is doing and to whom it may be useful. However, in truth, nothing concrete can be said about its creators, as well as about the legal entity that services the service - this data is hidden.

In the “Contacts” section (we’ll also mention further details on how to contact Advanced Cash support), you can see the legal address of the company located in Belize. However, we all perfectly understand that this information is only a formal “eye tap”, and that the real authors of the project are in a different place. This country was chosen as an offshore zone for the convenience of doing business.

All that is said about the project on a special page of their site is some general phrases about what it does and what can be done with it. Thus, the Advanced Cash payment system is kept a bit “in the background”.


Despite this, the service has many advantages. You can start listing them at least with multifunctionality. The platform works both for depositing and withdrawing funds. With its help, you can organize your own online money distribution system in such a way as to manage to pay all bills on time, pay off debts or receive payments and convert them into a currency convenient for you. We’ll tell you more about who may find this site useful.

Advanced cash

Other advantages include anonymity and simplicity. You are not required to go through various complex authorization and verification procedures. No one asks to register their income or indicate their origin. Even the registration form of the company managing the project itself (typical offshore) allows us to say that here your money will remain in the shadows. And this is ideal for various Internet entrepreneurs: freelancers, webmasters, owners of affiliate networks and exchangers. Due to this, the AdvCash payment system is in such demand.


What solutions can the system offer its customers? First of all, this is a special electronic wallet, which is presented in your account on the service website. It looks like a single control panel, which describes all the processes of interest to the user. Here you can find withdrawal and replenishment buttons; a form for transferring money to an account inside the service; tariff description; money conversion into a currency convenient for you and so on. All this can be done in just 1-2 clicks. In addition, the site’s interface is clearly aimed at making working with it easier and more comfortable.

AdvCash reviews

The second tool that AdvCash payment system possesses is virtual and plastic payment cards. They serve as the “key” to your electronic wallet, and with their help you can pay by funds at the household level. For example, if you want to pay for a purchase in an online store or pay somewhere in real life, it will become the best assistant for you. It looks like a simple bank debit card served by the MasterCard payment system.


Based on the tools presented above, which the AdvCash payment system has, you can guess what services they can provide here. In particular, all settlements possible with a bank card (such as replenishment and withdrawal; deposit and withdrawal) act as such; and also all operations that are conducted in virtual payment systems are available.

AdvCash registration

All these and other operations are available from your personal account. For example, to make money transfer from one user to another in the Cash Advance system, just go to your personal wallet and select the appropriate menu. At the same time, there is nothing complicated, thanks to the simplified interface of the system as a whole.


Advanced Cash system sets a special tariff schedule in relation to its services. With it, everyone can figure out how much this or that option will cost him. For example, it shows that account maintenance is free. The transfer of funds within the project (to the wallet of another participant) also does not require a commission, which is good news.

However, all actions for depositing and withdrawing money from the system are paid. The commission on them, judging by what the customer reviews say about AdvCash, is minimal. For example, to deposit funds into your account (in dollars or euros), you need to pay a commission of 1 dollar (or euro). If you need, on the contrary, to withdraw funds from an ATM - please, pay 2 dollars or euros (depending on the currency of the account). But if you pay for purchases made in a supermarket (or other store), the commission is zero.

Cash advance transfer

Opening a card also costs money. If it is a physical card, then its price is 5 dollars; for virtual, you give back 1 dollar. You can receive a request for the final balance on your account for 50 cents, and make an exchange on AdvCash with a commission of 2 percent.

Reissuing any of the cards costs $ 10 / Euro.


In addition to the commission, users are asked to adhere to the limits set in the system. These are limits on the amount to be exchanged, deposited or withdrawn. For example, a day you can replenish your account with no more than 3000 euros. You can also withdraw no more than the same amount. But you can pay in the store in a larger volume - up to 10 thousand dollars.

AdvCash exchange

Potential clients

As we have already noted, a fairly wide circle of people who are able to become potential customers of this service are working on the Internet. For example, it may be a freelancer who does not want to show his income. Having accepted payment from abroad to his card from the customer, such a user using the described service can cash out money or transfer it to another wallet for further storage and accumulation.

Also, a webmaster can interact with this service. He has the same problem, only there is still a need to make payments to those from whom he orders content, layout and other nuances. AdvCash-wallet greatly simplifies this procedure and makes it quick and convenient.

The third example is an affiliate program. If you need to constantly make payments or, on the contrary, accept funds, you can, using the API tools, connect to the service and completely shift the obligation to monitor the money spending and the correctness of their transfer to this automated platform.

Therefore, having examined these three different options, we can confidently say who exactly the potential users of the service we are describing will be happy to interact with it.

But keep in mind that the risk of cooperation with such autonomous platforms is much higher than with trusted services.


AdvCash wallet

So, back to the support and contacts. What to do if you have a question, but cannot find an answer to it? Or, say, you have some kind of problem in your account, but you don’t know who to ask to fix it? The answer is obvious - you need to contact support.

Here are various classic options for how you can get the information you are interested in. For example, for this there is a telephone (8-800-707-29-12), several mailboxes, as well as a ticket system that works with AdvCash. Registration on the site makes it possible to use it individually, from an account. You will see a link to it from your account.


Today you can find a lot of recommendations from users on the AdvCash service. The reviews of all these people are usually positive. They indicate that the payment system really has wide functionality and a nice interface, thanks to which you can find how to perform the action you need without much effort, on an intuitive level. As for the negative comments, they come from those who consider the tariff schedule too inadequate and high. However, they have opponents who claim that the prices for the service are absolutely reasonable.

Indeed, if for a couple of dollars you can withdraw money in the form of cash, this service will seem very useful to many Internet businessmen and people working on the network for themselves. With its help, you can not only make the calculation convenient, but also conveniently manage your money, transfer it to any electronic currency you need or some kind of payment system.

That is why, most likely, the AdvCash service will be developed in the future.


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