What operating systems do you know? Choosing an operating system. Best operating system

Try to answer the question: "What operating systems do you know?" Everyone, of course, knows about Windows, which is the most popular. Many have not heard of others. We will also not delve into the wilds. We recall only the good old Macintosh, Linux systems for advanced ones, including Ubuntu, which sometimes comes with laptops. It must be clarified that the Macintosh OS from Apple in its current form is installed only on devices of this brand.

General information: what is the operating system

The essence of the OS is easiest to understand by introducing the library and yourself in it. The large building contains a huge number of books. How to find the right one (and not a book, but information)? Librarians will help. The computer is similarly arranged. A hard disk is the object itself, filled with books that store all the information. RAM is the librarian's desk. The programs currently involved are processed there. But the operating system itself is librarians. They help to work with programs and hard drive, extracting the necessary information from it. Of course, the larger the library / hard drive, the more data can be stored there. The same can be said about RAM.

what operating systems do you know
The more it is, the more running programs are faster. Before you was presented a simplified model of the OS. Formally, it sounds like this: any operating system is a collection of programs that are designed to process data and manage devices. It must correctly distribute all system resources between computing processes and is the interface between computing system devices and application programs. Now you can return to the question of which operating systems you know.

Types of OS

Be that as it may, despite some variety, the main systems are two - Mac OS and Windows. The first of them appeared in 1984. She already had a graphical tool, before that everything was controlled only on the command line. To run any program, you had to specify a specific text command. This method is very inconvenient, but it was at the very beginning of the development of computer software. Therefore, it is clear to everyone who understands what an invaluable breakthrough Apple has made. At the same time, a computer mouse was created specifically for managing shortcuts and icons.

os operating system
But, remembering which operating systems you know, do not forget that the biggest drawback of Mac OS is the ability to use it only on Apple products. But it is much more expensive than competitors. But the attractiveness of this system, its advantage over others is trouble-free operation, for example, when two hundred applications are launched simultaneously.

A little bit about Windows XP

This operating system has a fairly solid age. Three service packs of updates have already been released for it, and now official service has been discontinued. Despite this, she is still one of the most popular. Consider the pros and cons. The main advantages include the following. This system is familiar, familiar to most users, there are almost no problems with it. The interface has been studied until the very last nuance.

windows xp
Many games and programs are released for her, which, of course, run on other OSs, but not so easily and simply. The main disadvantage of Windows XP is that, unlike other systems, it needs large resources and does not have so many different settings. An equally important drawback is the fact that the main software for it is paid, and the user will have to buy it or use illegal software. Although there is an alternative - free programs, which are often not very different in their capabilities.

What good is a 64-bit operating system. A bit of history

Not so long ago, almost all computers worked with a 32-bit OS. This also applies to XP and 7-ki, which appeared not so long ago. They were sold with such a pre-installed system. And users installed it on their own. And this is despite the fact that 64-bit ones were already available. But they were used mainly by those who launched programs that required large resources. For example, people who are often or constantly involved in video editing.

64 bit operating system
If you don’t tell the whole story, it should be noted only that the users of this system, 64-bit, was adopted along with Windows 7, and it has become part of our life. Externally, the systems are no different from one another, and if you are not a programmer, you will not find any difference. Now let's talk about its main advantages over 32-bit.

Advantages of a 64-bit operating system over a 32-bit

The 64-bit operating system has the following advantages over its predecessor:

  1. Significantly increased data processing speed. During the same time, Windows 7 with such an architecture will process twice as much information. Keep in mind that if you use a computer only to access the Internet and print documents, then the 32-bit version is enough for you. For modern, graphically complex games, video editing, it is no longer suitable. Many new games on it will not even start.
    operating system 8
  2. Many programs are released, being initially optimized for a 64-bit system. On it, they will run faster. And thanks to the increased information processing speed, not one or two, but many programs can work simultaneously, without braking.
  3. Now you can use more RAM. And not just install it on a computer, but have the corresponding return, that is, a real increase in productivity.

We presented the main advantages. The most important thing is that a user who has a PC with a 64-bit OS will be much less likely to encounter such a phenomenon as a computer freeze, or even a complete refusal to work, which is "cured" only by a forced reboot.

A few words about Linux

OS Linux was created by Linus Torvalds, then still a student. It is very different from Windows and is mainly used by servers and programmers. You may ask why regular users prefer not her, but the Microsoft OS? Because they do not want to relearn, and why, if there is a beloved, proven by the years β€œWindows”. Although in recent years many different distributions have been released, among which you can find almost identical Windows. Consider one of them - Ubuntu.

os operating system
In its latest versions, even a problem with Internet access has been solved. Install the Wicd program, click on "Connect" and you are online, you do not need to configure anything else. And the Internet for Ubuntu is very important, as updates for it are released every week.

One of the latest OS - Windows 8

If you are asked what operating systems you know, do not forget about the innovative Microsoft 8 Windows 8. What is its innovativeness? The fact that it works on tablets, and not just on computers. Nevertheless, this operating system is recognized as a failed product. Steve Ballmer wanted to compete with Apple, but, as they say, he went too far. Due to a sharp change in the interface familiar to users, problems arise when they switch to this new system. Despite the beautiful appearance of multi-colored tiles, getting used to working with such a desktop is not so simple.

operating system selection
The PC market continues to decline slowly, and tablet sales are gradually increasing. Most likely, the operating system 8 will go aside, as well as Vista at the time, and its place will be taken by a more decent one. Moreover, now you can download and install a trial version of Windows 10.

Which operating system to choose

According to the acknowledgment of many experts and reviews of ordinary users, their choice of operating system ended with the purchase of a device from Apple. But most simply can not afford it because of the high cost of devices with Mac OS. You can choose a Linux system, but the most user-friendly Ubuntu still remains Linux with all its shortcomings. This is especially true in cases where a person has worked with Windows for many years and is used to it. That's for such a simple reason, most do not part with it. Switch to Ubuntu if you use a computer mainly to access the Internet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32081/

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